I did purchase the CDU and overhead for MSFS 2020/pmdg 777. Installation went fine.
I have two issues currently:
- Overhead is not the same representation as the PMDG one (no emergency light, no IFE button etc.). Seems like the picture used is not consistent, which makes the use clunky as I cannot go through the checklist and clear EICAS messages.
- For both CDU and overhead, I have a rather significant lag (1 to 3 seconds), which I did not have in the demo/unlicenced version. I tried before buying the licences, everything was perfect. I added the licence keys, had it become clickable, but lag has increased. I tried rebooting etc. but still lagging.
This second issue is more problematic (not really usable). Can you tell me if there is a troubleshooting process to try and identify the culprit? I know it should work flawlessly, but I struggle in finding what's wrong on y setup.