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  2. Hi , i live in Solrød Denmark and this flight was down to 650 feet above my area here. I think it was our local football team Copenhagen. Even VFR i dont think it is allowed in normal conditions. There is a RNAV GNSS 29 approach over the sea. https://imgur.com/a/zk5e5VV Thanks Michael Moe
  3. So, I´m on Steam, so Beta option? It request a code. How can I obtain that code?
  4. Also, one of the biggest requests we have received since the release of 2020, was the unrealistic clouds. Though this program does way more than just improve the clouds, it allows the user to improve the immersion of the clouds sky and terrain. Similar to what we used to do with textures but without textures now.
  5. Even a simple option to choose "no vectors" that would allow a "cleared for the ILS approach" would allow you to do it yourself instead of those crazy intercept angles. Hope they get it worked out as, otherwise, it is my favorite ATC at the moment.
  6. The huge stones they hauled the length and breadth of the country actually represent a feat of logistics that suggest that far from being warring tribes, pre historic man was cooperative and connected over huge distances. To move an object of this size and weight would be an undertaking of years; teams of oxen, dozens of men all having to be supplied with food, fodder and local knowledge to find a route, to provide shelter. This doesn’t really suggest a series of small tribes at each other’s throats. It suggests a great deal of good will to see something like this through. We really haven’t got the faintest idea of what ancient man found so compelling about Salisbury Plain but they spent centuries turning it into a ritual landscape. We also know, from modern DNA testing of cattle remains found in bone pits in Wiltshire that it attracted visitors from as far afield as what is now Western Poland. Four thousand years ago someone saw fit to drive their cattle a thousand kilometres over the north German plain and across the North Sea for a BBQ on Salisbury Plain. Must have been a helluva party😃!
  7. That happened to me and I ended up going into windows developer mode and downloaded the 24 half year 2 preview version. The sound was a bit chippy though, so I reinstalled my chipset and sound drivers and all is running perfectly now. You can come out of windows developer at any time if you have isses.
  8. To say i never used other sims only MS Sims, i started with MS2000 and this goes until FSX, than 2011 around Flight came up and that wasen`t my Sim so i stoppt Flightsimulation. I tought at this time i never come back to Flightsimulation but at 2020 a Flightsimulation Revulution again from MS hit the market and i could not Resist, yea, thats the Story. I will never use more than one Flight Simulator because I put so much effort into it. And I don't do that with 2 Flight Simulators, either with one properly or not at all, that's my idea of something like that.. cheers 😉
  9. I will admit there is some potential for this if it changes filters between morning/day/dusk/night depending on the time in the sim. Because you cant do that with nvidia filters without manually changing it. Going to need to see videos and a price. But imo 2024 already looks like it holds some improvement to color grading, so id be hesitant to buy it just based off that.
  10. This program does not utilize an SDK, and we do not need to wait for a SDK for 2024 to implement functions.
  11. Actually I think this will happen. Jörg talked about skipping some of the flight phases if you wish to. He even gave an example of flying to Antarctica on a mission and skipping some phases to take less time and make it possible for people with less time available to use the simulator. Also, if they want some kind of persistent world (wear and tear), the engine needs to be able to save states.
  12. Because most times the real fighters are flying with fake weapons too. So... what are those pilots doing in their aircraft. 😉
  13. This afternoon I tried everything to get the latest version to work with my TIR 4 device and it just wouldn't. Uninstalled the older working version. Removed remaining files. Unplugged the device. Removed it from Device Manager too. Restarted pc, installed latest using both normal and as Admin. When I start the software I only get 4 red lights on the device. No other lights come on. Software does not detect any head movements since green light is not active. I manually tried updating drivers to no avail
  14. I'm interested. The biggest issue I see with regards to environment in MSFS is lighting. Currently the entire sim is far to yellow of a color temperature. Grass looks really fake most of the time, and things that are green is far too green/yellow. The skies look too yellow most of the time.
  15. I subscribe to this topic, if you are able to give a more realistic look to the simulator in a simple way I will buy it, I don't really like the cartoon look that the simulator has by default.
  16. I can't see getting this add on with MS 2024 right around the corner. 😏
  17. I thought it make visible different when I switch AS on and off
  18. Ha, ha, I have my reasons, Luis, but its not appropriate to discuss them in this topic. Thank you both for your kind comments. My "nobody else will" comment wasn't a sob story but was because I genuinely didn't think anybody really visited these days. But its there as a backup repository as well as on local disc here too, and arranged in such a way that even after my toes have curled up, everything should be archived at the Wayback Machine (archive.org) for posterity. Best to all. John
  19. Nothing special, I just liked some of these so thought I'd share them
  20. Do you know if GeForce still comes with latest drivers or must one use that new app they have?
  21. Then why bother with the teaser? That's just stupid marketing. Seriously. It makes zero sense. First impressions or no impressions. Pass
  22. I never turn my TrackIR off, haven't in years. After I restart my PC, first thing I do is start Track IR, and never touch it after that.
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