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I recently purchased GSX and was excited to use it. I loaded in to test it and it was fine. I shut off my computer and then went to do a flight the next day and my Prepar3D crashed on startup. There are no messages that pop-up and there is nothing in the Event Viewer. I have been into my dll.xml and exe.xml and have disabled everything and then added it back in one by one and came to the conclusion that it is the addonmanager.dll. I then uninstalled GSX and downloaded and installed the latest addon manager from the FSDreamteam website and re-installed GSX but to no evail. Would anyone be able to help me with this?
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A message from BAVirtual's CEO: "Good morning all! I have pleasure in announcing that BAV is now accepting applications from X-Plane users. We have incorporated X-Plane into our current flight logging system, and the VA is now open to users of this platform. Prepar3D Having gained permission from Lockheed Martin, our team of technical staff are working on an upgrade to our system to allow logging of flights using the P3D platform. On completion of this upgrade, we will be taking applications for users of P3D. This will be announced in the near future. We hope by doing this, we will be open our doors to more members who have changed their simulator preference, and continue in our attempts to allow a free place for people to enjoy their simming, with the added structure of a VA. Best regards John Barnes CEO BAVirtual http://www.bavirtual.co.uk"
Hi Guys, So I've recently bought Prepar3D 2.5 and already finding issues. I run 4 screens, 3 on surround on a gtx 970 at a total res of 5760x1200 and a small vga monitor on another card for maps. Anyway I get a lot of stuttering. I'm not finding fps very stable either. I have been streaming through OBS aswell which was part of the middle screen and at 1920x1080 res streaming. Anyway I use NVidia inspector purely to set fps to 30. I've tried just without any tweaks and with and still this horrible stutters in the vc and unstable 20-30fps. Below will be my current config. I also use orbx ftx global and England. System --=--=-- i7-3770k @ 4ghz EVGA GTX 970 8gb Ram Current config: http://pastebin.com/fUhTrLgj I must also mention all 3 monitors start at 1920x1200 Many thanks in advanced as I would really like to get prepar woking nicely Bradley I fly around England a lot. Home airport mainly Gatwick (EGKK).
I asked this in the P3D forum as well but I was wondering if anyone had any info on whether there will be Nvidia 3D Vision support for P3D v.3? Thanks in advance
2015-09-22_23-17-14 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-17-38 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-18-33 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-21-18 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-27-31 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-39-37 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-42-31 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-44-39 by David Graham, on Flickr 2015-09-22_23-51-29 by David Graham, on Flickr
Hi, Has anyone tried installing Traffic 360 into P3D 2.5? On their site it says it's compatible with FSX and P3D v1, but no mention of v2. Does anything need to be added to the .cfg file to get it running or any other changes need to be made? Thanks, Steve
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Hi. Just a fast question. I'm building a new system and don't know which CPU to buy. I have a 2600k OC to 4.7 and I hesitate between 6700K (4 cores) and 5930K (6 cores). My GPU is a EVGA Titan (first generation) and my next motherbord will be ASUS What do you thik, which is better for P3D ???
Landclass - Making Center and South American not Suck
Kuragiman posted a topic in The Prepar3d Forum
So I was doing a flight from KSAT to KPHX and the flight plan took me over El Paso in Texas. And what I noticed with GEX World P3D and UTX 2.0 USA installed is just how absolutely dreadful Mexico looked as I was flying near the border. There was absolutely NOTHING south of the border. All the detailed Vector and Landclass data just ceased to be. Now obviously I know that is going to happen since everything south of the border is just default P3D/FSX scenery and is not being handled by GEX or UTX other than GEX providing textures for the Landclass data. My question is this. As I own GEX World P3D (I own FTX Global also. Not using currently) which does all the texture and night lighting for the world, I know the TEXTURES of Mexico, Baja California and South America as well as all the tropics should be taken care of. What I want to know is are there any landclass products out there that can make central and south America come alive? I saw Cloud9 has their XClass series but without ANY screen shots or any videos to make a judgement I am reluctant to even spend the 10 bucks to find out. SceneryTech seems to be another Landclass solution but they handle Central America in their United States product and I am afraid this will damage all the awesome work UTX 2.0 USA does on their citytech engine and their own coastal and port city landclass as well as rivers, steams and lakes data. Is there anything else out there that can make those regions not look like they were constructed for a 2006 flight simulator? Now Flight1 has UTX Tropical America and Caribbean but I am afraid of it as does not list P3D specifically as being compatible. It does appear in the GEX World P3D interface a plug-in module so maybe it works without problem? Here's the break down: Top Layer - UTX 2.0 USA - Vector Product covering USA. If I want better Vector I need a Vector product for Central and South America. Doesn't appear to be much out there. UTX Tropical seems to cover Mexico, Central America and the Caribbeans now that I am looking. This feels like the best solution as it should plug in with the Gex World Interface. Middle Layer - ????? - Landclass Data. UTX 2.0 USA seems to provided updated Landclass data for the US only, obviously. We need a product for Central and South America here that can make cities appears where they belong, forests where they belong and make mountains look like mountains. This is the goal of this post. UTX Tropical America and Caribbean would take care of this problem? Bottom Layer - GEX World P3D - Terrain Texture. GEX World P3D is handling all texture processing like a good $130 program should. -
Following the fortune seeker's path. Skagway - Chilkoot Pass - Carcross(ish). Thumbnail's view is from the Chilkoot Summit, which was a point-of-no-return for many. Please share & comment, if you enjoyed. 1:28 Start-up 3:39 Run-up 6:10 Take-off 7:36 Taiya River 9:46 Chilkoot Pass 12:20 Fraser 13:03 IFR flying 14:40 Bennett 15:30 8-point roll 16:30 Barrelish roll 19:36 Venus Mine 20:52 Carcross 22:15 Insurance Claim
In Prepar3d v2.5 I have Radar Contact bound to a keystoke, but after a while FSUIPC forgets and the keystroke no longer works. When I alt to the menu and reassign the key it starts to work again. Any known fix? Has anyone ever had the same issue? It is really annoying.
Hello I've installed PMDG B737-800 NGX for Prepar3D, in my computer. When I starting the Prepar3D with the PMDG add-on , I receive this Warning: " PMDG Debug - The PMDG product was unable to create its works files. Please make sure that you are running Flight Simulator X as administrator". I need help, please.
EasyFMC, the successful universal FMC, is now available for Prepar3D v2. This add-on lets you plan your flight in a simple and easy way, using the simulator internal database (no need of a specific navigation database). It is fully compliant with the integrated GPS for route display and supports all the VOR, NDB, airports, intersections for route creation. Tested with Prepar3D v2.4 and 2.5. For more information: http://emarciano.free.fr/EZFMC
Name: Exploring the Fantantastic Prepar3D Simulator World! (1) Category: P3D Scenery Date Added: 05 April 2015 - 10:37 PM Submitter: olealm Short Description: None Provided Flight around Stavanger, Norway. Exploring AI Ships from the Diamond DA42. Simulator: Lockheed Martin Prepar3D v2.5 (12945) Addons: - Airports of Norway (Freeware) - Norway GA Airfields (Freeware) - 130 AIShips and Ship Traffic (Freeware) - Alabeo Diamond DA42 - FTX Global - FTX EU Norway - REX Texture Direct - REX Essentials+OverDrive View Video
Hi All, A week-end spent trying to reduce the popcorn cloud visuals in P3D and I think I've run out of juice. With all the test flights I took today in various aircraft as I was tweaking, this one stuck out from the rest for some reason. Climbing through FL220 heading towards KSEA. Enjoy! Mike
Hello everyone, I have been a lurker of these forums for about 3 years now, but it is only now that I have decided to make my first post, and unfortunately it is with a question. I have been an FSX user for around 4 years, but recently I was convinced by a fellow simmer that Prepar3d is worth the upgrade, especially since version 2.5 turned out to be very polished. For that reason I decided to give it a try with the Academic version. I have installed a few of my most used add-ons (REX 4, FTX Global and Vector, Soft Clouds and KMIA from LatinVFR) to use with this version of the simulator. Even though everything looked very promising with the use of DX11, tesselation, better lighting and overall graphical improvement over FSX, I have come to notice a few things that are a little bit disappointing in my point of view. To illustrate what I mean, I will add a picture to the post: http://i.imgur.com/6IYsZtN.jpg As you can see, everything above that red line is completely blurred. Is it normal P3d 2.5 behavior to have such a low level of detail radius? I have tried to increase this in the simulator display options and also through the Prepar3d.cfg file, but these tweaks have not had any effect. Another problem that I am having is that, even though I may get used to live with the short radius of detail, as soon as I start moving towards these "blurries" the buildings pop up in a very noticeable way. Here are my computer specs" Processor: Intel i7 4790k @ 4.4 GHz Graphics: EVGA GTX 980 Superclocked RAM: 8 GB Prepar3d is installed on a 1TB Western Digital Black That picture was taken using one of the default GA aircraft. My graphics settings are as follows: FXAA: Off (Set through Inspector) MSAA: 8 samples Texture Filtering: Anisotropic x16 Texture Quality: Medium (1024x1024) Resolution: 1920x1080x32 Vsync: Off (Set through Inspector) Target Framerate: 30 Tesselation Enabled Lastly, these are my autogen settings: http://i.gyazo.com/e4ae13600ba00282069a17dcde230def.png Is this normal behavior, or is there something wrong with my system? Thank you all!
Hi All, Took up a couple of beauties into the P3D skies around dusk for some fun flying. I know there are many folks right now on the fence deciding if making the switch to P3D from FSX/FS9 is worth while and I can honestly say, once you've got your sliders set to give the best performance/visuals, sticking with P3D will be an easy decision. The days of cracking open the .cfg file to wring that last ounce of performance are behind me and I've been having more fun playing "pin the tail on the sectional" and finding some places to fly out of/into. Enjoy the screenshots and whatever your sim platform of choice is, post up your shots and share your story!! Mike Aerosoft Airbus A319 in Spirit "Bare Fare" colors (not that you can see it so trust me "Blasting" out of KOTH (Northbend, OR) ...well, as much as a Q400 can blast out. Stock P3D water shot. Not the best but you get a good idea what P3D can offer "out of the box". Climb thrust set; making our way to KEUG (Eugene, OR) Yep, this right here is what you call a left turn. Executed "like a boss" (props to SNL) OK, I'm not ashamed to say it....I missed all the final approach fixes for runway 34R at KEUG so here I am making my way back to the initial fix to get lined up for landing. Gear coming down and shortly, a successful end to a great day of fun flying. My "lead FA" called me for dinner. Happy wife...happy life!! :Whistle:
Hi All, Finally got my P3D install right where I like it (for now :-) ) and was very impressed by the mood ASN and REX were providing me so I started snapping shots. Here are the few that really stood out from the bunch. Enjoy! Mike The great wall of cloud
Hey guys, Some days ago I uninstalled P3D v2.4 and installed 2.5. Then I installed the PMDG 777 and some Addons,and the performace is more worse than in 2.4. I dont have so much fps as in 2.4 and I dont have any smoothness. What can I do? Hardware: i7 4770K GTX760 8GB Ram Win7 64-Bit Cheers
This may have already been asked, but I was curious if prepar3d 64 bit is a thing, and if it is, when it will be released? Fsx is good, but the performance I get isn't. I was thinking if we had a prepar3d 64 bit, if it would use more of my ram and my gpu, hopefully giving better performance. Any info to help curb my curiosity would be awesome. And again, my apologies if this has already been asked.
I just bought both version 772 and 773. I have problems activate both products but I have not seen where to put the activation code in P3D version 2.5. Where exactly I put in the activation key when the aircraft is loaded up because is not like how you put it in FSX. Would some one nice guide me how to do it. You can view my info on my name for the email address. Thanks in advance. Serge Dardenne
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This may seem like a stupid question but then again, I'm always told that there are no such things as stupid questions, only stupid answers. Anyway, this question is directed at those learned software engineers out there - is it possible to write a "plugin" that can encourage a "programme" to release VAS? We have so many fantastic "add ons" that run fluently alongside or inject into the sim and manage themselves into making the sim behave in a way that we dictate EZDok, GSX, ASN and of course FSUIPC amongst others, all of which were never part of the original ACES code. Why do we not have one for this issue yet? Is it impossible? I hope that in the very near future someone creates a solution of this nature since it appears that the more permanent solution of a 64bit version, X Plane aside, is in a galaxy far far away. Looking forward to the replies.
So I am playing around in Prepar3D 2.4 (still haven't jumped to 2.5). I bought a new GTX 980 and installed it. I wiped the shader directory out and blew away the Prepar3D.cfg file and let it build a new one. My settings are pretty high I will admit but I did this on purpose because I wanted to watch the performance on my monitoring software. My test bed was FSDT's KLAS sitting at gate C18 with 40% AI traffic. 2048 x 2048 textures. 4x MSAA. 8x Ani. All sliders maxed on the graphics except for the mesh resolution. It's one to the left. Autogen trees/buildings are normal and scenery complexity is Extreme. Lighting is full on with cloud shadows and object casting. Terrain casting is still way to much punishment so I don't use it. I had ASUS Tweak open and monitoring the GPU and I had Progress Lasso open monitoring my 12 cores. Here is where the tail chasing starts. Maybe a tech guru can explain it all to me. My new GPU will NOT go beyond 40% usage. It doesn't matter if I max out everything or turn everything off. P3D refuses to use more than about 40% of the power the card is capable. Every single other game I run always pegs the card at 100% with incredible results. I am stupid impressed by this card's performance in other games such as ARMA 3 and Skyrim. Those aren't simulations though, at least not as detail. I know this. The CPU is banging away on the 4 cores I assigned to P3D. I have 0-11 cores. I use core 5, 7, 9 and 11 for P3D. All other cores run other processes and add-ons for P3D. Core 5 is around 80% most of the time with 7, 9 and 11 bounce around between 20-40%. Total processor usage is 25-35%. Does P3D *EVER* use 100% of the GPU with anyone's setup? Even in a thunderstorm with cloud detail to MAX, I still don't get past 50% usage on the card. Something is obviously bottlenecking things right? I can't figure out what that could be. The CPU? The GPU? The RAM? The Front Side bus of the motherboard? Evil gnomes? I have an i7 3930k @ 4.4ghz with GTX 980 OC 4gig card. 32 gigs of G.Skill 1866mhz RAM is up on a X79 Sabertooth motherboard. My sim runs on a Raptor 10k RPM drive and is the only thing on it. My frame rate doesn't even really move that much between low and high settings. The Default F22 runs like crazy at around 60-80 FPS in the VC. The entire sim is smooth which is what you want, more so than FPS but it still bothers me to get into a heavy hitting airliner like an Aerosoft A320 or the new PMDG 777 and watch the FPS plumet to 20 FPS at HD airports and watch the video card just sit there at 40% usage. My brain tells me that if the game would just use the other 60% I could have the golden 30 FPS and be smooth with high details on. Why can I never get there? Is the ESP engine really that bad at using hardware, even with LM's heavily modified coding or do I just have a badly configured system? I wake up at night crying because my rig chews up every game on the market accept P3D. I haven't even bothered learning to fly the 777 as it sits around 18 FPS, even at default airports. My brain can't handle it. It's smooth but lagging with head movements. It is very immersion breaking. Other planes perform better but that's because they don't have 20 gauges running with detailed simulations of systems I am sure. Here is fun fact. Sitting at the gate looking at the buildings. The FPS in the A320 is about 23 with traffic on. When I look behind me toward the desert the FPS shoots up past 40 which of course yields smoother head panning. Heaven is behind me, hell before me. I should just fly but I keep hearing this nagging voice telling me "Dude, you have a powerful system… you have to be missing something." Okay.. I am rambling now. So apart from the usual "Shut up and fly" responses, is there anything you tech guys can think of that I might have screwed up or is this just how it has to be until we can have 8ghz processors?
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