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  1. I can find no answer on this. The most I read from Carenado (dated back in April) is that "some of our aircraft work, but not all, and we'll get back to you later on which ones." Has anyone successfully gotten this aircraft to work in FSX:SE? I was just about to purchase it when I realized there was no information about it.
  2. Hi to all, I can't download anymore PDFKneeboard for FSX here: https://github.com/nmeier/fscode/wiki/PDFKneeboard Again, when I downloaded some time ago I remember it works only in windowed mode on Steam Edition. Is there any chanche to have it working in full screen mode on FSX:SE? Thanks in advance
  3. Hi folks! After a long sabbatical I'm back into simming full time. I primarily use P3D but some new MD-11 liveries started making their way into the AVSIM Library so I decided to install FSX:SE with all the bling to fly arguably one of my favourite airliners again :smile: Breathing new life into this ol' gal with Corina Meyer's superb repaints using the Tigermouse Design kit. Find them in the AVSIM Library right here! Cheers, Daniel
  4. The title reflects a very serious question, to which I hope to get some good feedback from the community. After recently reinstalling FSX:SE (due to hardware issues that I won't get into as that is verbotten here), I installed all of the usual suspects in my arsenal of content. For the moment, I have all of ORBX England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales as well as ORBX OpenLC Europe. Along with that, I installed a fresh copy of PMDG B737-800/900 (hot off the digital download) as well as FSDT GSX. Now, taken into consideration that my system can run all of these (at least as the specs go), they don't seem to play well together. First indication that there will be trouble is that every time I run FSX:SE, I get a message that Couatl.exe wants to run, to which I say yes, as that is tied to GSX. After another confirmation that I want to do this, I click yes again and voila, FSX is running. I go to the aircraft menu, choose a livery from PMDG for the 737, pick my airport, check the time and weather and off I go. I am not loading any custom weather, neither do I have any weather generators installed (yet). I get into the cockpit, allow PMDG to initialize the systems and then I am good to go. As I am a noob to running the 737, I opt for the tutorial, but am immediately stonewalled with the FMS, no biggie, I am learning. So, I ESC out of FSX and go back to the menu and then exit the sim. It is at this time, I get two fatal errors, one from Couatl and the other from PMDG, so I am forced to terminate the programs and all I am left with is the Steam menu glaring back at me with a happy smile. So, with just THAT to ponder over, anyone out there have any friendly advice, hints, tips, tricks, tea leaves, astronomical signs or otherwise portents to another plane of existence as to why I have this issue? For the record, I back down my scenery settings in FSX to make the sim a little "faster", opting to turn down autogen, air traffic (was a little on the high side), aircraft shadow casting and even limiting my frames to a lower amount than I usually get in FSX (from unlimited to 40). Granted, I am not a noob to FSX and with my new rig, flying aircraft from various sources (default, Carenado, JustFlight), my sim would run fine. I am not going to pass judgement and point fingers to what may seem obvious because tight now, i have no clue what the problem could be. I had a couple of thoughts though: 1. What can we get away with, running in the background while the sim is running (ex. antivirus, browsers)? 2. Could this all stem from FSX:SE not handling the complexities of the 3rd party add-ons? 3. Hardware...but we cannot talk about hardware here. 4. FSX settings beyond the obvious. Anyone interested in hearing more, please let me know and I will answer whatever is needed. I am not necessarily at the end of my rope and the drama hasn't hit an all-time high yet, so that's why I am here, to prevent that from happening. Thanks Folks, -Jim
  5. Pete has pulled an early Christmas Plum out of the air and gotten FSUIPC working for FSX Steam Edition! version 4.938 http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66139-updated-modules/
  6. Well title says it .! Especially with the WXR feature ASN is on my buying list.But Opus looks really nice as well!
  7. Some randoms I took today in FSX:SE. Flew KORD-KTPA and then over to KFLL. Sorry for the low res, I have a crappy old monitor This one is my last leg which is going right now, KFLL-KMDW
  8. I bought the FSGenesis 10m United States terrain mesh and had problems installing it in FSX:SE. I figured out the problem, the FSGenesis installer tried to install to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX However, you need to add a backslash to the end of the path so it looks like this: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\ If you don't do that, it will create a directory in the "common" folder called FSXscenery and install the mesh in there and FSX won't be able to find it. I am using Windows 8.1, I'm not sure if this happens in other versions of Windows. There is a second install error as well, I'm guessing this issue is not FSX:SE exclusive. When installing the NE portion of the scenery, it creates a directory inside the FSX directory called scenery0302 and installs a single .bgl file in there (all the other .bgl files in this particular install do go in the scenery directory like they're supposed to). You need to take the .bgl file in that directory and put it in FSX\scenery\0302\scenery. My Request: Can someone that has the FSGenesis 10m mesh installed post a screen shot of short final to KSMO runway 21? After all I went through to get FSGenesis installed I'm still not sure it's working correctly. In real life KSMO (my home airport) is on a slight plateau and with FSGenesis installed there is no difference that I can see vs. the FSX default scenery. FSGenesis is advertising that they have "corrected" airport plateaus in their mesh, so this may be normal for FSGenesis mesh, but if so it's as shame because as I mentioned KSMO does sit on a slight plateau in real life. I asked FSGenesis support if they could send me a screen shot and the person that responded told me he couldn't because he didn't even have FSGenesis installed on his computer! Bizarre.
  9. Hello Together! I've got a huge Problem for a few weeks. Every Aircraft-Addon I install doesn't seem to work. I can't even find them in the Addon bar and it's not asking for permission when I startup FSX:SE. I think it's a SDK or SimConnect issue because the Aircraft isn't initializing at all, as you can see in this picture: I already reinstalled it and cleaned the registry, even using the normal FSX:MS, it doesn't work anymore. I also installed the SDK for FSX:SE on FSX\SDK\Core Utilities Kit\SimConnect SDK\LegacyInterfaces. I really don't know any solution anymore. Could you help me? Best Regards! Robert
  10. Hello All, Yesterday I started FSX:SE and selected my 737-700 winglets model. When it loaded, a screen popped up and said that I didn't activate my PMDG yet. I did not torrent this, I clearly bought it but It's saying that I have to "activate" it. Thanks for your help --KH Here is what the image said: " Your PMDG 737NGX Base Package is not activated yet. Please select and activate a PMDG 737-800NGX or 737-900NGX variant first. Note that there are separate product keys for the 800/900 Base Package and the 600/700 extenstion package. Please make sure to use the correct key. The simulation will now exit." I have never had a problem with PMDG and FSX:SE until now...
  11. I don't know if this is the correct section to post. I'm modifing/editing a LUA plugin in FSX:SE, so when I change and save the .lua file I need to test it in FSX:SE (I use FSUIPC to start .lua plugin via keypress). Every time I want to test modifications I have to exit FSX and reload it, so is there a way to avoid it and test my edited plugin? Thanks a lot
  12. Hello Folks, About two weeks ago, I uninstalled the FSX DVD Edition to make room for the Steam Edition. I made sure to erase all traces of the old version in order to avoid potential conflicts before installing FSX:SE. I installed all of the Add-Ons that I knew should work with the Steam Edition, including ORBX Global, Vector and OpenLC, GSX, Level-D 767 and others. A few days later I attempted a medium-range flight from LOWW to OMDB with the Level-D 767. First time it happened that while I went to have dinner, ATC terminated my IFR flight plan, since I didn't respond to a handoff to another controller. Not a problem in general, since it's possible to simply reopen a flight flan en route and request another IFR clearance. However, when I selected the flight plan and clicked OK, the flight simulator crashed. On my second attempt, I made sure I would not miss a handoff, so I didn't have to request another IFR clearance. However, I wanted to change views from virtual cockpit to first class right seat (after having changed views many time already), and opening the view menu by right-clicking triggered another crash to desktop. The error log didn't state anything informative - it was an unknown error with an unknown module. Today, on my third attempt, I missed another handoff two and a half hours after takeoff while being absent for dinner, and I again requested an IFR clearance after coming back. Guess what: The same thing as first time happened again: Upon loading and confirming the flight plan, I got another crash. This time it was the dreaded uiautomationcore.dll module fault. Even though the causes of the first two crashes were "unknown", I highly suspect that they are menu related, since I opened it in one way or another. That is quite disappointing, because I thought that the Steam Edition had this issue fixed by default. With the DVD version, I never had a menu crash again since I downloaded and pasted the appropriate file to the FSX root folder. With FSX:SE, however, I made no changes at all, and the installation is quite fresh without any modifications. Did anyone experience menu-related uiautomationcore.dll crashed? What should I do? Should I delete the culprit dll-file from the FSX root foldel altogether? I would be grateful if anyone could chime in and report their experience.
  13. I'm on Windows10 and running FSX:SE on a twin monitor setup, managed by a single NVIDIA GT520 card and a Trigger External Graphics adapter. My NVIDIA settings have been tweaked with NVIDIA Inspector - but its months since I touched these settings. Everything has been working well since moving to from FSX Gold to FSX:SE, including an upgrade from Win7 to Win10, until these last two weeks. Nearly 400 hours in the last two years, with 150 in FSX:SE - mostly flawless. I run ASN on my second monitor with FSX:SE in windowed mode on my primary monitor. I've got unregistered FSUIPC (up-to-date, I need it for iFly 737NG) displaying remaining memory in the window bar and it never gets below 1.5Gb. I used to be able to switch focus between monitors throughout any flight with no problems. Now, when I change focus to my second monitor I immediately get a crash with "Microsoft Flight Simulator has stopped working" showing on two consecutive dialogue boxes. When I cancel the second one my PC reverts to normal operation and I can re-launch FSX:SE - its not a "blue-screen" crash, just a programme crash. I've worked through the AVSIM CTD guide and cant see anything which clearly refers to a crash on switching focus to a second monitor. I'd really appreciate any words of wisdom from the community please - am I missing an obvious setting somewhere? Thanks Rupert
  14. Hey guys! I have bought an FSX:SE quite ago, but I haven't yet decided to make a full transfer. So I am still using FSX boxed edition while my FSX:SE waits in my Steam library. And my question is... is it worth transferring yet? Or do you recommend me to wait a little longer? I know that there is some performence increase and overally it is better. However... what is holding me back is Addon compatibility. I know that many addons has their compatibility now... but not all of them. FTX Global or AES for example. When talking about performance... it can be better but I am not suffering from a really low FPS, because I have built PC just for FSX. Therefore I am able to live with my current FPS. I am an IFR pilot. So addons I use are REX 4, ASN, GSX, AES, FTX Global + Vector. PMDG737NGX, Aerosoft Airbus X, PMDG777... and so on. Soo.... what do you think, guys?
  15. Hi guys, in your opinion which is the best angle and zoom settings view for TrackIR 5? I use it with EZCA and am satisfied, but it seems that angle view is not like in real life counterpart, especially during taxy. It's too close. I dont' know if it's possible to reproduce the same view you have in a real cockpit. Human has a wide angle view vs TrackIR, and the only way you can achieve this result is to zoom out your point of view position. So, have you find special or optimal settings angle and zoom view for your trackIR? Thanks so much for your replies, very appreciated.
  16. Hi guys! Does the AES actually work at the newest build of FSX:SE? I intend to transfer to FSX:SE during my upgrade to Windows 10. I am asking because I really love animated jetways and precise pushback. These two things GSX simply cannot offer yet. And therefore I don't want to lose this addon. No matter how old technology is using.
  17. I'm just getting back into flight simming after laying off for a couple of years. I built a new PC in January and I'm trying to load FSX up with improvements that my old PC couldn't run. I just installed the Orbx FTX Global Base and FTX Global Vector. These are good improvements over the default scenery but they do nothing to correct the dumb-looking roads. Here is a screen shot of Venice Blvd. in Los Angeles: As you can see, the divided road appears to run right over the tops of people's houses. I understand this is an inherent limitation of FSX. I was wondering if anyone has come out with a fix for this? Perhaps adding some kind of texture underneath roads so there is at least some definition between the road and the texture tiles that lie underneath them. I did some searching and the most I could find was replacement road textures, which I do not believe would solve my problem. Would a better land class (like the FSGenesis land class project) help? It seems there is an add-on to cover just about every deficiency in FSX, but I can't find anything to fix the roads.
  18. So I just finished making a Royal Air Philippines A320 livery for FSX, but there's one problem. While I'm done at almost everything, all I need to do is to paint the winglets in the wing texture. But the psd file has just 2 layers, the whole wing and the wireframe. You see, the details of the wings and the background of it supposed to be seperated, just like the master fuselage paint kit, but it isn't. Instead, the detail of the winglets and the background is just in a single layer. So I need anyone to find a A320 Paint Kit with the details of the winglets and the white paint in the winglets seperated. I'm sorry if my english and grammar is bad. Thanks!!
  19. Hello guys! I am going to build a PC with a friend of mine and need some help with the parts I need to order. What I was thinking about was getting myself a decent 900 pound PC (since that is my budget). What I want to know is basically what sort of performance I may expect with the setup bellow with regards to FPS rates and graphics in both FSX:SE and P3D while using ORBX/general payware products. Furthermore, I was thinking about overclocking the i5 to ca 4 GHz, but have not done it before. What sort of components would I need and are there some good overclocking tutorials for that said processor. Do I even need to overclock it? Cost: 969,67 pounds/1290,10 USD/1290,10 EUR Intel Core i5-6600K - 4 threads/ 3,5GHz (3,9 Ghz Turbo) / 6MB / Socket 1151 Cooler Master Hyper 212 Evo ASUS GeForce GTX 970 STRIX 4GB DC II OC (STRIX-GTX970-DC2OC-4GD5) Corsair Vengeance LPX 8GB DDR4 2666MHz CL16 (CMK8GX4M2A2666C16) WD Green 2TB / Samsung SSD 850 EVO SSD 250GB ASUS Z170 Pro Gaming - ATX / Z170 Corsair PowerSupply (PSU) RM650x 650W Fractal Design Define R5 - Black Pearl All tips are welcome! Kindest of regards, Drago
  20. Decided to take my favourite exec turbo twin from La Palma to Lanzarote. Cleared for taxi Off we go Climb condition set on the autopilot Tenerife Gran Canaria Passing over Las Palmas and the port (Global Ships in effect!) Passing Fuerteventura Descending towards Lanzarote Visual approach for 03 Touchdown Shutdown! Thanks for viewing!
  21. NO..... It's just a Russian-looking instrument panel from a Comet 4 I was having problems with a freeware IL-76 - none of the 3 panels I tried using worked properly due to the fact that the uploaders hadn't included appropriate gauges - for FSX. They appeared to assume that anyone using the panel already had certain gauges (which they may have had in FS9 or 2004). Anyway I had a quick play with paint.net and successfully applied a green-blue shade to the Comet's grey panels. Hey at least the four main gauges are enclosed in a white T, much like the Ilyushin's !
  22. Just a few shots of my latest acquisition. Love the cloud haze in front of the Moon, but I need to investigate fixing those wingtip trails! Diesel power! :wink: Plenty of glazing to let the sunlight in. Thanks for viewing.
  23. This trip was loosely (very loosely!) based on a report of an EMERCOM IL-76 mission. The plane delivered 40 tons of supplies to Simferopol (I believe the max.payload is 100000 lb - 50 tons). The return trip flew 52 refugees to Voronezh. http://www.airmedandrescue.com/story/russia-flies-ukrainian-refugees876 This is the return trip. The tough transport plane is ready. Waiting for passengers. Taxying out. Getting her cleaned up. Goodbye Simferopol (need to get FTX Vectors or something to sort out airfield elevations! :( ) Approaching the Sea of Azov. Descending towards Voronezh. Visual for RWY12. A little high... however, we'll soon sort that out.... Told you we'd sort it! Not too many screams; not that many windows in the back! :Shame On You: Perfect 3-point landing! ON THE NOSE GEAR!! Everybody out. Preliminary inspection of the nose gear indicates it is fine. It's Russian. It can go off road. Not a problem! Thanks for viewing.
  24. It's been out for some time I realise, but just got around to d/l'ing it and having a fly around. H&S Designs EC-135X updated to 1.4 (50 paintjobs, 18 interiors!) There's only one UK air ambulance, but a few Police choppers. FREEWARE at it's best.
  25. One fine day, the police paid a visit to Bowland Forest Gliding Club. They were on a training flight, but had the opportunity to use it as a bit of PR and warn us of criminal activity in the area. Apparently a couple of nefarious aviating brothers had turned their sights on stolen gliders; Norville and Dilbur Rong were believed to be at large in the north west of England. On approach, checking out the local prevailing winds. The scenery for the clubhouse, glider trailers, caravans and hangar area is quite accurate, as is the hedgerows bordering the airfield. (Neil Birch's freeware scenery https://flyawaysimulation.com/downloads/files/8386/fsx-bowland-forest-gliding-club-scenery/) A pity I don't have any photoreal scenery to represent the the terrain as it should be, at least the actual terrain mesh is recognisable (thank you freemesh x!) Into the hover & land. The hill in the background (Parlick) is not covered in trees, it is just moorland IRL !! The crew kindly let us inspect their impressive machine. Thank you , Officers & goodbye! The hill to the left in the background is Beacon Fell (it is covered in trees, more so than FSX would have you believe!). The hedgerow running across the screenie behind the fenestron borders Fiddlers Lane. A short flight out to the coast near Fleetwood, then down to Blackpool (sadly, no scenery of any note on the sim). On the helipad at Blackpool airport. Thanks for viewing!
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