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  1. I've tried lots of things. Interesting that even lowering the graphics settings does not increase frame rate commensurably, must be because of the low end CPU and integrated GPU.
  2. Was still getting low FPS in the low 20s on the ground. And then DGVooodoo stopped working altogether so I have to run it without which lowers the FPS even further . guess I should play this on lower graphics settings …
  3. I had it mounted as a CD. 512MB is what I am using. oh well, at least the game is playable, guess I shouldn’t be too picky over a few FPS.
  4. Even with the argument I can’t run setup DGVoodoo has four files for direct 3d, no? I haven’t seen VRAM options under 16MB in DGVoodoo CPL
  5. I got the mouse to work over the entire screen, but I am getting frame rates in the 20s (still better than before DGVoodoo) , unless I set display driver to none in the game, which causes artifacts. I have tried various voodoo settings, nothing save for SVGA card gave me good frame rates, and the SVGA card makes for square clouds. Any ideas?
  6. Dgvoodoo 2.83 isn’t supposed to work, right? I used it and my mouse is confined to a smaller area of the screen
  7. I have a crappy laptop with Win 10. I believe I installed the DX fixes a while back for another game, or removed, dunno. Prior to seeing this thread, I was not able to run setup.exe but the game works well enough just by copying the folder FLT3 to the hard drive and running the executable directly. Switching apps can mess up the view, but if it happens while flying you can call the map with M and then exit the map and the view will be restored. My main issues is that the taxiway lines and ground textures did not appear after landing at SeaTac, though they show up if you start from there. any ideas? Also, how can I get the airport diagrams?
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