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  1. Sorry for the bad news about the thunderforrest maps. I did a lot of trials (even) with a registered api key inside the dgml file but unfortunately nothing fit so far. I assume the marble program behind doesn't forward it in the way thunderforrest accept it. This is how the request should look alike: https://tile.thunderforest.com/outdoors/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey=<insert-your-apikey-here> See here: https://www.thunderforest.com/docs/map-tiles-api/
  2. Unfortunately I cannot revise my previous comments so here are some shots taken with several map settings, to compare the differences. It's always the same location - Somewhere in China: 1. Picture: Screenshot from (build in) OpenStreetMaps (almost all names in Chinese) 2 Picture: (build in) OpenTopoMap: (almost all names in Chinese) 3. Picture OpenStreetMap now with German Names or - if missing English names or similar. However, much more names available with latin chracters. 4. Picture now with OpenStreetMap in French. Unfortunately there are not so many world wide names entered in French so either there's a fallback into english then or remain even with the local original chracters 5. Picture: Used Thunderforest outdoor map - Worldwide latin characters as kind of a Topo map. But with API-Key watermark - 150.000 tiles/month free for registration (without watermark)
  3. Here's another one. It' a kind of Open Street Maps but with topo elements. It's the Thunderforest outdoor map. It's a kind of a worldwide Topo map and uses Latin characters. It will work, but you get a watermark display of missing API-Key. You can apply for a free API-Key with max. dl. 150.000 tiles/month or you can pay if you want to have more. Never the less it still works with the watermark. Here's the download link (installation simiar like some threads before) osm-tf outdoors
  4. Here is a PLUS goodie. Did some research and I even can now offer Openstreetmaps in French Same install procedure like with the German osm-de (see three commets back) But....the French OSM seems not to have all names available for the complete word. It seems that the workout is/was not so intesive like the done with the German names. In this case if a French name does not exist, you'll have a fallback to english or the original name. And (for me) it appears that the french OSM server seems to be slower - But I'm not sutuated in France that might be the reason. Anyway, here's the compressed file for the French Openstreetmaps Have fun. osm-fr
  5. Hi Alex, no, as you can see it's for the whole world and sometimes is has double naming - The original and the German one. I wonder if you finally developed the setup dgml and just forgot about the content ;-) (because as I said it was already in, just commented out) So you might can add it in the next update. However I even found some hints in the net about french display and even complete english names all over. But so far I didn't found the necessary code for implementation. OSM is really a huge database but you have to know how to formulate the questions (code) to get the right answer (map content) Cheers
  6. Hi, I recelty flew over China and used LNM for map display. I prefer the OSM or OTM maps most. However every (city) name in China was unreadable for me since they appeared only in Chinese. I got in contact with Alex (the programmer of LNM) and he told me, that he has no influnce since it's based on the tiles but next by he forward me to this toipic in the forum. Great, I installed the additional map pack from Bina and now I have it with Google maps readable in latin letters. Never the less, I were looking a little bit deeper in the map files which are existing in the LNM earth folder, especially the OSM folder and the *.dgml setup file. There I found already some links to a german tile server (but commentet out and therefore not accessable). I did a reactivation and some name changes and finally, I have now a wordwide openstreemap naming (additionally) in German or at least in Latin. You can change the existing data as well by yourself or you decide for the convenient way and download, extract and place the folder I attach here. If you do so, unpack the file and place the complete folder in you LNM folder which should be similar like: .....Little Navmap\data\maps\earth When you restart LNM you will have another map in, which is named now "osm-de" all other existing maps remained unchanged. Have fun. File link: osm-de
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