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New Boot Goofin'

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About New Boot Goofin'

  • Birthday July 28

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    NSW, Australia

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    Pilot and CFI (Helicopter).

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  1. You need dx12 for the modded fG mod too. As mentioned, you can use Lossless Scaling with dx11.
  2. Unfortunately not - you have to use dx 12 with the FG mod. You can use dx11 with the Lossless Scaling app from Steam however.
  3. Didn't see this one coming: https://msfsaddons.com/2024/06/05/cowan-simulation-surprises-with-new-h130-ec130-helicopter-release-for-microsoft-flight-simulator/ https://cowansim.com/product/h130ec130-for-msfs/ I have 5 hours in one of these IRL - did a rating with the company I worked for, then they decided not to buy one. Looking forward to flying it in the sim.
  4. If you have Nvidia filters, try applying 'Details' at night. You can tweek the settings to your preference, but I found it certainly makes lights pop at night compared to default.
  5. Ah, good to know. I've been trying to get my head around painting in Blender also. Just don't seem to have enough time - always find myself having to go over what I learnt last time I tried 😊
  6. Thanks for your work as always Ryan. Just curious, I recall you saying that painting Carenado planes in P3D was notoriously difficult due to the layout they used. Is it easier in MSFS?
  7. .... Then I highly recommend you check out a new scenery by the very talented Kiwi developer Topgunsi. Having flown helicopters in N.Z for a number of years, this little scenery really captures the feel of a 'typical' North Island farm, and is in a great location near Kerikeri. For only $6 U.S, it is full of detail and well worth it, especially coupled with the freeware Kerikeri airport https://flightsim.to/file/63008/bay-of-islands-kerikeri-nzkk His other sceneries are fantastic too. https://www.topgunsi.com/product-page/northland-dairy-farm-nz
  8. Thats British pounds compared to Australian dollars. Orbx is still slightly more expensive, but only by about $3 Australian dollars.
  9. I had ghosting / artifacts at the edges of the aircraft windows when on the ground, increasing as speed increased. I turned off motion blur and lens correction and that solved those issues for me. You might want to give it a try if you have them enabled.
  10. The ADI and HSI brightness knob is located on the CP467 panel - labelled BRT. It's the panel that controls the NAV source and has the heading and course knobs also.
  11. Yep, I agree the other custom sounds are great, and the system work is exceptional. I'll be purchasing for sure..... just might turn the engine sound down when spooled up so it doesn't sound like a someone planing wood 😉
  12. So true Ryan! I'm disappointed the engine sounds (in the BS TBM) are the default 930. The high buzz saw sound doesn't do the real thing justice IMO, and is quite immersion breaking for me. Milviz did a good job with the PT6 in their Porter.
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