Hello all,
a small update just fitting to the topic:
if somebody has a "ready to fly" installation and the hardware is "gone", or simply he want' s to go for an original install also a simulated VM (virtual PC) is working perfekt under a lot of operating systems.
I work here with the free available Oracle "virtual box" VM which works so far fine for me.
Just tested my FU3 (which crashes now to desktop with Win7 and an actual NVIDIA card) under the VM with Win-XP and SP3. It directly starts without a new install or modification. So sure no HDD failure, it's the NVIDIA, the driver or one of it's parmeters who causes the CTD.
Means short: start the VM with an original, clean install of Win XP, configure all the needed VM hardware and VM graphics support, attach the drive volume on which FU3 is installed as "shared volume" to allow access, and click on Flight3 - voila and here my FU3 runs. Once you where firm with the Oracle VM and it's several configs this can be another way simply prevent an running install to set everything back to beginning. Only the performance can loose a bit - but under newer hardware not much.
And enjoy flying FU3 is with this trick also unter Linux possible! Because the VM is also running under Linux without problems. Hope this helps also a bit.
here are links to what I'm talking about:
https://www.oracle.com/de/virtualization/technologies/vm/downloads/virtualbox-downloads.html https://www.virtualbox.org/
Helpful greetings