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  1. Hello patrikmore, yes - I fully stand for that I've written above. From time to time I still enjoy that reno race app in FU3. You remember: Fly low, Go fast and Turn left! .... Try it with my Dago Red (P51) and the goal to reach was around 530 or 560mph...(which was my personal top-record). If I search I may found the screenshot of it. Pls try it yourselve to understand me - helps also your pulse rising up...
  2. Hello all, a small update just fitting to the topic: if somebody has a "ready to fly" installation and the hardware is "gone", or simply he want' s to go for an original install also a simulated VM (virtual PC) is working perfekt under a lot of operating systems. I work here with the free available Oracle "virtual box" VM which works so far fine for me. Just tested my FU3 (which crashes now to desktop with Win7 and an actual NVIDIA card) under the VM with Win-XP and SP3. It directly starts without a new install or modification. So sure no HDD failure, it's the NVIDIA, the driver or one of it's parmeters who causes the CTD. Means short: start the VM with an original, clean install of Win XP, configure all the needed VM hardware and VM graphics support, attach the drive volume on which FU3 is installed as "shared volume" to allow access, and click on Flight3 - voila and here my FU3 runs. Once you where firm with the Oracle VM and it's several configs this can be another way simply prevent an running install to set everything back to beginning. Only the performance can loose a bit - but under newer hardware not much. And enjoy flying FU3 is with this trick also unter Linux possible! Because the VM is also running under Linux without problems. Hope this helps also a bit. here are links to what I'm talking about: https://www.oracle.com/de/virtualization/technologies/vm/downloads/virtualbox-downloads.html https://www.virtualbox.org/ Helpful greetings Ansgar
  3. Dear patrickmore, thanks a lot for holding this classical sim still alive and supporting us with all the usefull hints to get it running under actual operating systems. The flight feeling was and is in FU3 still very good and better than in a lot of other sims. Also if the optic and resolution of the models may not reach nowaday's standards and possibilities - it was several years ahead when it launches. And to get that model quality out of that limited number of polygones (think it was around 2000) - try it in other sims.... I only can offer to support any older development tools if they where missed in the library or only there in older versions. I still have them normaly on my HDD or backups. So if somebody miss it pls. give me an private mail so I "wake up" and can react (adress is still guilty i.e. in my last B747 V2.00 uploads). Nice greeetings Ansgar
  4. Hi all, nice greetings from me to all here around. Sorry for my inactivity - (luckily I got my old account to work after all that time...) If any help needed or old files missed/crashed I'll jump in and re-upload any you need and I still have. Or if there questions/problems feel free to send an private mail - like Dave. Thanks for the notice Dave. My Notices: to md5 sum-compares: The original B747_V2.00 package I modified only in the readme.txt to update my mailadress. to the sound: It is allways very tricky and limited in FU3 to create such pitchable sounds in mainly one file. and it took me a lot time to get this work in FU3 to my satisfaction - which is high ^_^ just a small tip: after engine start press the levers of each engine first up/down a bit just to spoil each engine single up/down only this synchronisizes+improves for me the sound and doppler effects to "full size and volume" No chance to get this done automaticaly - may be it has to do with FU3 code or my sound drivers. As you know the cockpit and warning sounds are original recorded ones of a real sim and no "fantasy sounds". And now enjoy the final version of my B747 V2.00 and it's pure realism! A lot of fun and nice greetings from Ansgar Avermeyer
  5. Hi Jim,all of your files listed above I have reloaded to the avsim Library successfully.I also added the following: "Boeing 747 missing cockpitviews" (747cockpitviews.zip) from Steffen Schiedek.From Steffen I have also the gliderrealismchallenge and several other nice challenges from him (I liked them).If you are interested I can upload them also if I have them as backup. May be I can find also some of the other lost files...Before you struggle pls. make an list of "must have" of the damaged ones, a short mail to me
  6. Hello Jim, hello Tim and all interested,I just I received the "HELP "- call from Chris, and I
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