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Community Answers

  1. A corrupt logbook file will cause FSX to not start.
  2. I'm new to xPlane 12 (XP12) and mostly fly the Aerowinx PSX B744. I am having trouble figuring out the Zoom in XP12. I understand how to get the screens to move in and out, but I don't know what I've got when I get there. If I set P3d at a zoom of 1.5, I can see the the zoom setting in P3d. As an example how do I get XP12 to the equivalent of the P3d zoom of 1.5? Any guidance would be appreciated.
  3. When flying on Vatsim this week there was a DC-3 parked beside me, but it was showing as a default aircraft. With P3d I would know how to fix this problem. With Xplane I don't know where to get the model to show a DC-3 on Vatsim.
  4. Where do I find AI aircraft for X-plane 12? I am specifically looking for a DC-3 and other classic aircraft that I can use with Vatsim. Being new to X-plane I am not sure how to proceed.
  5. I copied my add-on entries for Orbx in 5.4 to my add-on cfg file for 6 and Orbx works without any issues for me.
  6. I'm not having any issues. I run Aerowinx B744 as aircraft and use MSFS2020 as a scenery.
  7. Very nice. I didn't realize that you were a man of many talents. 😎
  8. I have the complete Navigraph package and everything is working as it was in v5.
  9. Just installed V6 and the new AS. They are working without any issues. Vatsim and FSUIPC are also working. When I use v6 as a scenery generator for Aerowinx PSX there are also no issues. My B707 is also working without any issues.
  10. A flight simulator is something that a person plays "you bet your job" on, everything else is a video game.
  11. I quit buying 3rd party scenery because I got tired of having to go in an update it.
  12. I've flown about 30 hours on Vatsim with version 5.4 and have had no issues with the update.
  13. I just checked and don't have any issues with the 5.4 update at KMSP and with ASP3D. Go into the FB setting and make sure the seasons are set correctly and clear the shaders folder.
  14. I owned the Captain Sim B767 and B707 and paid $10/each. I pretty much got what I paid for. The CS B767 kept crashing and just didn't perform well overall for me. I went back to the LevelD B767 which I though was one of the best models ever made for FSX. In another life I flew the B707. The CS B707 just didn't meet my expectations. I went back to the HJG B707s which I felt was a better representation of the B707 for FSX.
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