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  1. I'm sorry but I have no idea what can cause this. No idea what to add if you're through the FAQ and all SimConnect issues there.🤷‍♂️ Alex
  2. Nothing solved because it has to be solved by Asobo. They even cannot read their own plans. I have a few examples planned and saved in MSFS and they even cannot read these, their own.🤷‍♂️ You can paste the plan in a post here and I can give it a try. Maybe I can see something but I tried quite a few plans recently and could not reproduce the issues so far. You saved the plan as IFR if MSFS is adding departures. For VFR the column "Airway or procedure" in the LNM flight plan table has to empty for all waypoints. Using the flight plan calculation with airways will fill it and loading VFR will fail. No idea what's going on there. No issues in all the other simulators. Only in MSFS it is a permanent ongoing problem.🙁 Alex
  3. MSFS is a bit picky about the IFR/VFR mode. Do not use SID, STAR or approaches or anything with airways when building a VFR plan. You have to save the plan as IFR when using the calculation as in your screenshot. You can use any direct-to waypoints, VOR or NDB though but not airways in VFR. IFR plans should load fine mostly. Alex
  4. Download all four map themes here: https://www.littlenavmap.org/downloads/Map Themes/US FAA Charts.zip I'll add these as stock themes in the next LNM release 3.0.10. Alex
  5. @krad_1337: Huge thanks for the hint! This is very helpful. 👍 Playing around with the map and getting closer: Alex
  6. I'm not @Bina but I have a few questions before adding this to LNM: Can these maps be used without an account? I'm asking because some numbers in the URLs look like API keys (means they are tied to an account and might have limited access). I suppose this is US coverage only since FAA? I can have a look at it and create the DGML files but currently I'd like to finish another task. Alex
  7. This is a common problem with MSFS. 🤷‍♂️ First check if your LNM navdata and airports are in sync with the simulator. Install the Navigraph navdata update also in LNM if you have it installed in MSFS. Ignore this if you don't have the Navigraph update installed. Reload the MSFS scenery library in LNM to be sure it is in sync. "Select automatically" in menu "scenery library" -> Navigraph has to be checked. DRM encrypted airports cause issues since the parking spots in LNM might not match the ones in the sim. You'll get a warning about these after loading. Airports which do not improve stock airports but add new ones cause issues. If all else fails you can still select parking from the dropdown list in MSFS. Changing anything on the map will reset the flight plan. Alex
  8. Yep. I added this recently. Before LNM either crashed or simply ignore the malformed add-ons. See my post above in this thread: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/647513-duplicate-ident-showing-on-many-add-on-scenery-in-lnm/?tab=comments#comment-5140465x Ale
  9. The online elevation data has limited coverage. Install the GLOBE offline elevation data: https://www.littlenavmap.org/manuals/littlenavmap/release/latest/en/GLOBE.html This has worldwide coverage but is not as accurate: Alex
  10. The globe data has a problem with peaks which are underestimated or lost in sampling. I see 1000 ft less for 5000 to 9000 ft mountains. No way I can fix this for now. I need other data for this. Use a good amount of buffer when flying. You can adjust the buffer (red line in profile) here in options: Alex
  11. I'll put this into the next major release 3.2. Personally I'd like to have a better and more detailed source too. Alex
  12. Ok. I see. I'll check if I can modify the elevation detection but it is only as accurate as the source data. You can always use the online data for regions where it has coverage. Always use a large buffer when flying low. I'd say at least 2000 ft. The post is a task to be done in the future and just lists sources for future implementation. Sorry, LNM can only digest the GLOBE format for now. No use to try other formats. I have to change the code to use another source. Alex
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