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Flight Unlimited 3 on Windows 10

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I present below the best dgVoodoo2 settings on DirectX tab, for better performance, no stuttering, and no freeze:

dgVoodoo 2.78.2 - Control Panel

Program Files (x86)\Flight3
☐ Disable and passthru to real DirectX

[dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card]        VRAM [512 MB]

Texturing                                                        Resolution    
Filtering     [Force anisotropic 8x]                  [Unforced]

☑ Force filter only if not point sampled

☐ Disable mipmapping
                                                                     Antialiasing (MSAA)

☐ Bilinear blit stretch     ☐ Apply Phong shading when possible

☐ Force vSync              ☐ dgVoodoo Watermark

☑ Fast video memory access

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On my laptop there is an i5 2 cores Intel processor. It's "medium" performance. If it is lower than that or if there isn't a dedicated graphic card on the laptop, it is awkward.

Instead of dgvoodoo2 there is another wrapper that could work better, but with no connection with Reshade 4.7.0. It is DDrawCompat.

20 fps is the strict minimum. Reach 30 fps is not so evident. On game options do not forget to connect with the 3D card (or with dgVoodoo, it's the same). And if necessary reduce resolution (mine is 1024 x 768) (I play it extended 1366 x 768) (I like it that way).


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My last discovery.

(dgVoodoo2 is needed, in my case, because it converts Direct Draw (DirectX 6) to D3D11, and D3D11 is needed for Reshade 4.7.0. My settings for Reshade 4.7.0: Techniques=Pirate_Vibrance,DELC_Sharpen,Pirate_Bloom,prod80_03_FilmicTonemap,Unsharp )

To stability and performance, because I suffered some crash when playing FU3, I discovered dgVoodoo2 version 2.63.2 appears to work better. And with these settings applied:

[dgVoodoo Virtual 3D Accelerated Card]        VRAM [512 MB]

Texturing                                                        Resolution    
Filtering     [Force anisotropic 16x]                  [Unforced]

☑ Disable mipmapping
                                                                     Antialiasing (MSAA)

☐ Bilinear blit stretch     ☐ Apply Phong shading when possible

☐ Force vSync              ☐ dgVoodoo Watermark

☐ Fast video memory access


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • First point: I am very sorry because as I am looking for the best settings, I end up with answers that are not final. But this time I guess I got it. The matter is that from time to time the game could crash through clouds, through thunderstorms, etc...
  • So the point is I found FU3 to be more stable with some of the settings for graphics to be at game level, and aimed at an old graphic card. For that, first layer before DDRAW has to be DDFIX. I explain in this forum how to apply DDFIX. And in ddfix.ini I put triple buffering activated.
  • I changed again dgVoodoo2 (last version) DirectX settings:

    Videocard [GeForce 9800 GT]               VRAM [1024 MB]

    Filtering     [Force anisotropic 16x]                 

    Disable mipmapping              Antialiasing (MSAA) [4x]

    ☐ Bilinear blit stretch     ☐ Apply Phong shading

    ☐ Force vSync              ☐ dgVoodoo Watermark

    ☐ Fast video memory access

  • And last point: On ReShade 4.7.0 these are my settings with this new configuration (it looks like a new game): Vibrance,Pirate_Vibrance,DELC_Sharpen,prod80_02_Bloom,prod80_03_FilmicTonemap,Unsharp

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Too much "vibrance" (last post, Reshade point). Remove "Pirate_Vibrance", just leave "Vibrance". Otherwise, FU3 game seems to be more robust with settings indicated in last post (I confirm). It wasn't game freeze or computer crash, but it was just the game "exiting" itself when too much "action" (Windows 11).

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  • 2 weeks later...

On June 2019, in relation with "no fog or haze effects are rendered" in the game when using dgVooDoo, Dege the creator of DGvoodoo said the following thing: https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=67406

<<Play this game with an 'old' virtual card type, like Geforce4 / FX5700 or ATI Radeon 8500.
This game renders the scene with exponential w-fog, but causes DirectX to apply z-fog instead (I guess it's the usual lack of setting of the projection matrix).
If I know it correctly, old drivers didn't support z-fog (that's why the game worked on old hardware), so the card types mentioned are forcing w-fog.>>

[Geforce 9800 GT from last DGvoodoo2 versions features w-fog (verified).]

<<Also, this game is continuously writing to the backbuffer by the cpu to render its HUD. This is what dgVoodoo doesn't like too much, so I recommend to enable option 'fast video memory access'. I got much better performance with that.>>

[The "fast video memory" setting brings instability when settings are not optimized. In the next post I present my "masterpiece" for flt3.cfg config file. It's a balance between great visual rendering and no game crash when going through clouds (You can skip DDFIX) ]

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;--Gets rid of opening loud movie

;--This will stop Approach and Control from screaming at you on guard.

; new stuff
terrain_delta_time 5
maximum_cap 280000000

;joystick with throttle and rudder pedals
joy_device 1
; 3    Z axis    rudder left and right (uses Left and Right arrows)
rudder_device 1 3
;mixture_device 1 6
; 6    rotation around Z throttle device (uses Up and Down arrows)
;NumPad 8 & 2 are remapped Up and Down arrows for my Lexip joystick
throttle_device 1 6


;--Give your plane a shadow

;--Cancel splashes on floatplane touchdowns

haze_cache_size 512000
show_distant_mountains 0



;Nice, non-blocky haze may be achieved with
;TerrainHazeMethod MT
;but probably with a small framerate hit.

;Nice, non-blocky haze may be achieved with
;HazeMethod Specular
;but few 3D drivers support it properly.  You'll see things
;like black clouds if your driver doesn't handle it.

;If your 3D driver can handle single-pass blending multitexturing,
;remove the following line for framerate boosts during nighttime

plane Beechjet
airport oak
region sanfran
default_weather WEATH5.WSD
;default_weather default.wsd
;default_weather TRWDIST.WSD

; AI
pattern_cap 10
takeoff_cap 8
ground_cap 20

cam_mode 11


;--In fly mode, the mouse will disappear after # seconds of inactivity.
;--Moving it will bring it back.
mouse_vanish 4

;--Having this line in your cfg file will enable you to fly freely throughout the world
;--"Zoar mode" is toggled in-game by pressing control-Z.

forcefeedback_xmin 0.
opt_pilot_voice 7
opt_hw_acceleration 1
opt_3dhw_last_hw 1
opt_video_resolution 2
opt_perspective 2
opt_gamma_correction 39
opt_close_caption 0
opt_aircraft_density 69
opt_distance_clipping 0
opt_terrain_detail 103
opt_BDensity 5
opt_sun_moon_glare 1
opt_sky_detail 2
opt_enhanced_cumulus 1
opt_fair_weather_cumulus 1
opt_cumuloform_population 58
opt_cumuloform_variability 58
opt_wind_accuracy 2
opt_radio_volume 90
ai_density_multiplier 0.7
haze_scale 29
turb_scale 40

blackbox_autorec 101803

;the blackbox_real_time option will make your flight recordings stay in better sync with any .wav
; sound files they reference

;--This will change the size of the "puffs" within a cumuliform cloud (default=2)
model_puffscale 3
;--Maximum size of "grid" element (in whole numbers, default=16).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyMaxQuadSize 32
;--Maximum size of puff, in whole numbers (default=5).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyMaxPuffSize 8

;Here's how the falling rain and snow is defined.
reg_average_temperature 270
reg_seasonal_temperature_variation 50
reg_daily_temperature_variation 263
reg_daily_temperature_variation_summer 35
reg_daily_temperature_variation_winter 25
reg_random_temperature_variation 20
reg_frontal_temperature_variation 30
;--How many (default=400).
snow_MaxParticles 5000
;--How far out they (both snow and rain) can be created (meters, default=10):
precip_MaxRadius 25
;--Size, in inches, a snowflake is (default 0.5).
snow_size 1.4
;--How see-through snow is when moving slow or fast (default 0.1,0.7).
snow_minOpacity 0.5
snow_maxOpacity 0.9
sky_SnowOpticalDepthHW 50

;Here's how you tweak those marvelous windshield raindrops, which are really composed of three separate effects.
;--How many of each effect, when at max intensity.
;--Defaults: maxdrops=20, maxspecks=240, maxsplats=10
windshield_Maxdrops 160
windshield_Maxspecks 300
windshield_MaxSplats 40
;--Fudgy thing that makes them curve (default=0.60).
windshield_CurvatureYFactor 0.80
;--How they respond to relative velocity. Higher numbers make faster movements.
windshield_VelAirspeedfactor 0.8
;--Fudgy thing that makes them affected by gravity (default=6).
windshield_ForceFactor 5
;--How many (default=400).
rain_MaxParticles 5000
;--Terminal velocity, in m/s (default=-6.0).
rain_TermVel -10.0
;--How see-through precipitation is when moving slow or fast (default 0.1,0.7).
rain_minOpacity 0.2
rain_maxOpacity 0.6
sky_RainOpticalDepthHW 50

;  Virga may exist under cumulus clouds. They are packed in rows and columns under
;  a cloud with a density defined by a value representing the number of virga
;  instances on the side of square (default=2).
Virga_Dim 4
;  Virga fades out when it is approached, defined by these min/max values, where a small value yields a closer distance.
Virga_MaxDistFactor 1.5
Virga_MinDistFactor 0.5
;  Virga haze gets recalculated with a certain frequency, and random
;  variation, in seconds. The smaller the values, the more frequent the
;  recalculations.
Virga_HazeCalcTime 5
Virga_HazeCalcTimeVariation 2
; Disables lightning flashes
; DisableCumulusLightning
;  Lightning causes CB (cumulonimbus) clouds to flash, at a variety of locations.
;  The location changes randomly, governed by these min/max times, in seconds:
Lightning_MinTime 0.5
Lightning_MaxTime 20
;  When lightning occurs there is a probability it will not have a bolt associated
;  with it. To reduce that probability (and thus increase the likelihood of a
;  bolt), define this 0-1 value, where 0 means "most likely".
Lightning_BoltProb 0

;  Here's a bunch of random stuff relating to sky coloration, and other
;  miscellany.
;  Size, in radians, sun and moon appear (defaults both 0.08726646259972).
;moon_size 0.0450
;sun_size 0.0436
moon_size 0.0000
sun_size 0.0600
; how high the atmosphere exists
AtmosphereThickness 50000
; how quickly the atmosphere gets thin with altitude
AtmosphereDensityRatio 0.4
; increase these values for finer sky rendering
sky_Lats 128
sky_Longs 128
sky_GradientLats 720
; this value defines the angle above the horizon where the "solid" sky color begins
sky_GradientAngle 0.4
; these affect the "clear air" absorption
sky_RayleighScatterRed 0.01
sky_RayleighScatterGreen 0.023
sky_RayleighScatterBlue 0.05
; these affect the "clear air" scatter
sky_RayleighScatterRedScatter 0.0004
sky_RayleighScatterGreenScatter 0.002
sky_RayleighScatterBlueScatter 0.003

;  How many low level haze profiles we have defined (default=2).
sky_NumLowLevelHazeProfiles 2
sky_UseLowLevelProfile 1

sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedHW 1
sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenHW 0.995
sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueHW 0.97

sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedScatterHW 0.23
sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.33
sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.42

sky_LowLevel1OpticalDepthHW 800

sky_LowLevel2ScatterRedHW 1
sky_LowLevel2ScatterGreenHW 0.999
sky_LowLevel2ScatterBlueHW 0.95

sky_LowLevel2ScatterRedScatterHW 0.2
sky_LowLevel2ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.32
sky_LowLevel2ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.4

sky_LowLevel2OpticalDepthHW 800


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