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Flight Unlimited 3 on Windows 10

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Sorry, again the link to the new "FU3 manual" improved, to the Fokker and to the GeeBee R2 (photo of Mooney Bravo was wrong, GeeBee cockpit bugs removed). I added PDFs with Seattle and San Fran airports adjusted to what you have after installing Chris Low "packages" SanFran 2006 and Seattle 2006, also "port angeles" airport (NorthWest of Seattle map) and an airport suited for gliding.


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  • 2 months later...

Some computers have two graphic cards.

Don't let Windows decide.

Under WINDOWS 10 -> problems that could cause low frame rates

Some games are under-utilizing the graphic card.
This can be fixed in Windows 10:

1. Go to Windows Settings, then -> “Gaming”.

2. On “Xbox Game Bar page” go to “Related Settings” -> “Graphics”.

3. On drop down menu, select -> “Desktop app”.

4. Browse to your folder where Flight Unlimited III is installed (Flight3) and select (double click) “FLIGHT3.EXE”.

5. Once selected, click “Options”, and then select “High Performance”.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Clarification on dgVoodoo2

¡! The last version that works with FU3 is dgVoodoo 2.73 (2.74 and further gives black and white outcome)

For stable performance and no crashes to desktop (but great graphic quality) with a medium processor (Intel 4th generation) I came up with these settings:


anisotropic 16x

Antialiasing 8x

[ ] Disable mipmapping

✓ Bilinear blit stretch

✓ Apply Phong shading

[ ] Force vSync

✓ Fast video memory access


Clarification on ReShade

¡! The last version that works with FU3 is ReShade 4.7.0

After many months without needing to tweak configuration I came up with these astonishing settings:







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I'll give you below the best setting for clouds, borrowed from Driscoll's last setting for clouds, a tricky thing in FU3 indeed:


;--In hardware, smaller values make the clouds puff-out when further away, and
;--will adversely affect framerate (defaults min=150, max=200).
model_puff_min 150
model_puff_max 200
;--This will change the size of the "puffs" within a cumuliform cloud (default=2)
model_puffscale 3
;--One factor in determining "puff" size (default=0.05).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyRadiusRatio 0.050000
;--Maximum size of "grid" element (in whole numbers, default=16).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyMaxQuadSize 32
;--Maximum size of puff, in whole numbers (default=5).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyMaxPuffSize 8
;--Other factors in puff size (defaults 2.5,0.1).
PuffGrid_Scale 2.5
PuffGrid_TopScaleVariation 0.1
;--Random puff placement (defaults 0.1, 0.1).
puff_puffonlyx 0.1
puff_puffonlyz 0.1
;--Values that affect puff placement and scale with distance (defaults 0.5, 0.5, 0.8).
PuffGrid_TopOffset 0.5
PuffGrid_TopAdjust 0.5
PuffGrid_CosmicFudge 0.8
;--Size, in whole numbers, of backdrop (default=4).
PuffGrid_BackdropSize 4
;--Decreasing this decreases framerate, but improves accuracy of puff sizes (default=0.1).
PuffGrid_SquashIncrement 0.08
;--Fade-in/out time for grid puffs (default=3).
puff_gridstale 20
;--Wait this long before puff dies (default=2).
puff_griddelay 2
;--Define this to turn off terrain height compensation.

;--Haze calc frequency for puffs (default 4, 2).
puff_gridHazeCalcTime 5
puff_gridHazeCalcTimeVariation 2
;--Largest size of glommed non-puff grid elements (default=32).
grid_MaxTileIncrement 32
;--How quickly non-puff grid elements are glommed together with distance (default=1.6).
grid_MinTexelScreenSize 1.6
;--Fudgy things (defaults SubQuad 0.5, StandAlone 0.9).
;--I guess Threashold means threshold.
grid_SubQuadThreashhold 0.5
grid_StandAloneThreashhold 0.9
;--Various grid element sizes, in meters (defaults 64000,16000,16000,4096,4096,4096).
grid_TileSize_Cirrus 64000
grid_TileSize_CirroCumulus 16000
grid_TileSize_AltoCumulus 16000
grid_TileSize_StratoCumulus 4096
grid_TileSize_NimboStratus 4096
grid_TileSize_Stratus 4096
;--In Software (SW), how many grid elements are sorted. The more, the better
;--looking, but slower the framerate (defaults 25,50).
CloudDeck_MinSWGridObjects 25
CloudDeck_MaxSWGridObjects 50

;--How often backdrop haze is calculated (defaults 3, 1).
Backdrop_HazeTimeDelta 10
Backdrop_HazeTimeVariation 3

;--Large cloud models (aka cumulus clouds) may obscure other clouds, terrain,
;--and models. This behavior may be disabled.
;--Cumulus clouds may also "shade" depending on the sun's position relative to
;--the camera. This may be disabled.
;--In software, cumulus clouds are positioned near cloud decks, unless disabled.

;--When under cumuliform clouds, their bases get hazed specially. When these
;--values are smaller, their update frequency increases, and framerate decreases.
;--Defaults Dist=1024, Time (seconds)=10, Delta=3
CloudModel_QuadRecomputeDist 1024
CloudModel_QuadRecomputeTime 5
CloudModel_HazeDistDeltaUpdateTime 4

;--These define when vertical polygons alpha (fade) out, depending on angle to camera.
;--Smaller values yield tighter transitions (default Min=0.17, Max=0.34).
CloudModel_AlphaValMin 0.17
CloudModel_AlphaValMax 0.34

;--This defines the relative color intensity of the base, relative to the rest of
;--the cloud (default 0.6).
CloudModel_BottomIntensity 0.8

;--Smaller values here increase overall cloud haze calculation frequency, and
;--decrease performance (defaults Time=5, Var=2).
CloudModel_HazeCalcTime 10
CloudModel_HazeCalcTimeVariation 2
;--This defines the largest size chunk with which the base of the cloud may be
;--rendered (default=1024).
CloudModel_MinBottomSize 1024
;--Maximum number of chunks for base of cloud. Must be a power of 2 (default=32).
CloudModel_MaxBottomQuads 32
;--Rate, relative to distance from camera, at which the cloud base is broken into
;--chunks. Large values yield higher rate (default=200).
CloudModel_MinBottomScreenSize 200
;--Rate at which the chunks hazes are computed. Smaller values yield more frequent
;--computation (defaults 20 sec and 100).
CloudModel_HazeTimeDelta 20
CloudModel_HazeDistDelta 100
;--Max number of cumuliform clouds whose visibility is calculated per frame (default=50).
CloudVisibilityMax 70
;--How important a contributor the sky as a whole is to lighting itself (default=0.5).
Cloud_SkyWeight 0.5

;--Says over what time, in seconds, does cumuliform haze interpolate (default=3).
CloudHazeDeltaTime 8

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/28/2021 at 8:20 AM, patrikmore said:

the link to the new "FU3 manual" improved, ...


Hi Patrick. Thanks for all your work on providing information and material for FU3. The last version of the manual package that was uploaded to AVSIM I think is problematic, though - I can't download it. I'm getting a "The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". I tried 2 different browsers - still no success. I suspect that it may be due to the middot characters used in the filename, which may cause unexpected problems with the server. The generally accepted best practice for naming files/folders is to only use a-Z, A-Z, 0-9, dashes, and underscores.


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On 11/8/2021 at 2:03 AM, lastivka said:

Hi Patrick. Thanks for all your work on providing information and material for FU3. The last version of the manual package that was uploaded to AVSIM I think is problematic, though - I can't download it. I'm getting a "The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". I tried 2 different browsers - still no success. I suspect that it may be due to the middot characters used in the filename, which may cause unexpected problems with the server. The generally accepted best practice for naming files/folders is to only use a-Z, A-Z, 0-9, dashes, and underscores.


It is fixed !


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  • 3 weeks later...

I suppose that if you have read this thread from the beginning, you achieved to install FU3 on Windows 10, a version of the game with no sound bugs on radio. Links were provided by me for more planes, more airports, better surroundings, better AI, etc.. After many months of testing, at an airport located between map and "outer" world, I reached a better setting for dgvoodoo2 (by the way dgvoodoo2 versions following  2.73 still gives me black and white surrounding) setting that enables maximum stability, no crash to desktop when you switch from an airport to another.

VRAM -> 4096 MB ! (obviously I play the game at 1024x768 and dgvoodoo2 driver, with plenty of visual effects)
anisotropic -> App driven but set 16x at PC level (graphic card setting)
Resolution -> actual monitor resolution (for example 1366x768)  ( [ ] Capture mouse at dgvoodoo2 setting )
[ ] Disable mipmapping
Antialiasing -> 8x (all my 22 planes are edited to avoid "straight" lines)
[ ] Bilinear blit stretch
[ ] Apply Phong shading
✓ Force vSync
[ ] Fast video memory access


My previous ReShade setting provided above, is good but discreet, I provide this other one, more spectacular:


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  • 10 months later...

Hi Patrik,

Thanks very much for your guide, however, I have had some difficulty installing. Everything was installed from the links that you provided, however, when I run D:\setup.exe -lgntforce, there is nothing to show anything is being installed, I have also included a link to a video showing this happening if you can spot anything that I may have done wrong.


Hope this helps in any way possible

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Hi xiphactinus

The trick you are mentioning is described and explained at the end of this link:


Replace D with the letter where your CD or virtual CD is located. Install doesn't run silently. You will have to switch between CDs when installing FU3.


Edited by patrikmore
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Last but not least:

Graphic visual rendering of FU3 is pretty dull. That's why I suggest "reshade". I stick to this version of "reshade" https://reshade.me/downloads/ReShade_Setup_4.7.0.exe and I came up with this setting Vibrance,Pirate_Vibrance,DELC_Sharpen,Pirate_Bloom,prod80_02_Bloom,prod80_03_FilmicTonemap,Unsharp

Last DGvoodoo2 now works fine, and DGvoodoo2 is necessary with reshade.

The last version of windows 11 presents a new issue. The link "dxgi.dll file" between reshade and dgvoodoo2 doesn't work. dxgi.dll has to be renamed d3d11.dll and magic works again.

If you have two graphic cards in your PC, you have to set fligh3.exe as "high performance" (Settings->System->Display->Graphics).

Edited by patrikmore
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My settings for ReShade are as follow, sorry for the inconvenience, I hope this is final:


Plenty of bloom, sharpness, good colors, not too dark, not too bright, natural and photographic rendering.


Remember that all the versions of FU3 you can download aren't good. You could have a big bug on radio (noisy sound).

The game is still worthy. Two reasons: the great feeling of wind when you glide. The weather dramatization.

If the game doesn't start it could be because of intro video not compatible with windows. Put nomovie in flt3.cfg

;From John Lewis (Glidernut) - use larger value to improve distance models.
model_detail_scale 1000

language eng


;--Gets rid of opening loud movie

;--This will stop Approach and Control from screaming at you on guard.

; new stuff
terrain_delta_time 0.5
maximum_cap 280000000

;joystick with throttle and rudder pedals
joy_device 1
rudder_device 1 3
;mixture_device 1 6
throttle_device 1 6


;--Give your plane a shadow

;--Cancel splashes on floatplane touchdowns


;--Set this to the size, in bytes, you want to use for your haze cache.  
;--will use more of your system resources in exchange for better performance,
;--in moderate to severe weather conditions (default=512000).
haze_cache_size 1024000
HazeMethod multipass

;--TERRAIN HAZE: Controls the haze on the terrain.  Its default value is specular,
;--as specular is more compatible with terrain than with models and clouds.
;--Options are "specular", "multipass" (or "MT"), "fog"
TerrainHazeMethod multipass
;--SKYHAZE: Specify whether to use fog, specular lighting, or multi-pass effects for
;--rendering haze on clouds.  Its value may be "fog", "specular" or "multipass".
;--SPEED:  Specular is the fastest method, followed by fog then multipass.
;--VISUAL: Specular is best, followed by multipass then fog.
;--3D Drivers: multipass is safest, followed by fog then specular.
;--The default value is multipass.
SkyHazeMethod multipass
;--MODEL HAZE: Same as above, but controls the haze on 3D models (default=multipass).
ModelHazeMethod multipass

plane Fokker
airport bdg
region sanfran
default_weather WEATH5.WSD
;default_weather TRWDIST.WSD

; AI
pattern_cap 10
takeoff_cap 8
ground_cap 20
ai_density_multiplier 0.7

cam_mode 11

;--In fly mode, the mouse will disappear after # seconds of inactivity.
;--Moving it will bring it back.
;mouse_vanish 4

;--Having this line in your cfg file will enable you to fly freely throughout the world
;--using your joystick.  "Zoar mode" is toggled in-game by pressing control-Z.

forcefeedback_xmin 0.
opt_pilot_voice 7
opt_hw_acceleration 1
opt_3dhw_last_hw 1
opt_video_resolution 2
opt_perspective 2
opt_gamma_correction 33
opt_close_caption 0
opt_aircraft_density 69
opt_distance_clipping 0
opt_terrain_detail 103
opt_BDensity 5
opt_sun_moon_glare 1
opt_sky_detail 2
opt_enhanced_cumulus 1
opt_fair_weather_cumulus 1
opt_cumuloform_population 69
opt_cumuloform_variability 69
opt_wind_accuracy 2
opt_radio_volume 103
show_distant_mountains 0

;--For proper size taxi-signs
sign_scale .3
;--Change airport beacon brightness
beacon_brightness 2.7
;--Adds "other" airports to the scenery area.

haze_scale 29
turb_scale 40

blackbox_autorec 101803

;the blackbox_real_time option will make your flight recordings stay in better sync with any .wav
; sound files they reference

;Cloud "models", which are cumuliform clouds, have many settings.


;--In hardware, smaller values make the clouds puff-out when further away, and
;--will adversely affect framerate (defaults min=150, max=200).
model_puff_min 150
model_puff_max 200
;--This will change the size of the "puffs" within a cumuliform cloud (default=2)
model_puffscale 3
;--One factor in determining "puff" size (default=0.05).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyRadiusRatio 0.050000
;--Maximum size of "grid" element (in whole numbers, default=16).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyMaxQuadSize 32
;--Maximum size of puff, in whole numbers (default=5).
CloudDeck_PuffOnlyMaxPuffSize 8
;--Other factors in puff size (defaults 2.5,0.1).
PuffGrid_Scale 2.5
PuffGrid_TopScaleVariation 0.1
;--Random puff placement (defaults 0.1, 0.1).
puff_puffonlyx 0.1
puff_puffonlyz 0.1
;--Values that affect puff placement and scale with distance (defaults 0.5, 0.5, 0.8).
PuffGrid_TopOffset 0.5
PuffGrid_TopAdjust 0.5
PuffGrid_CosmicFudge 0.8
;--Size, in whole numbers, of backdrop (default=4).
PuffGrid_BackdropSize 4
;--Decreasing this decreases framerate, but improves accuracy of puff sizes (default=0.1).
PuffGrid_SquashIncrement 0.08
;--Fade-in/out time for grid puffs (default=3).
puff_gridstale 20
;--Wait this long before puff dies (default=2).
puff_griddelay 2
;--Define this to turn off terrain height compensation.

;--Haze calc frequency for puffs (default 4, 2).
puff_gridHazeCalcTime 5
puff_gridHazeCalcTimeVariation 2
;--Largest size of glommed non-puff grid elements (default=32).
grid_MaxTileIncrement 32
;--How quickly non-puff grid elements are glommed together with distance (default=1.6).
grid_MinTexelScreenSize 1.6
;--Fudgy things (defaults SubQuad 0.5, StandAlone 0.9).
;--I guess Threashold means threshold.
grid_SubQuadThreashhold 0.5
grid_StandAloneThreashhold 0.9
;--Various grid element sizes, in meters (defaults 64000,16000,16000,4096,4096,4096).
grid_TileSize_Cirrus 64000
grid_TileSize_CirroCumulus 16000
grid_TileSize_AltoCumulus 16000
grid_TileSize_StratoCumulus 4096
grid_TileSize_NimboStratus 4096
grid_TileSize_Stratus 4096
;--In Software (SW), how many grid elements are sorted. The more, the better
;--looking, but slower the framerate (defaults 25,50).
CloudDeck_MinSWGridObjects 25
CloudDeck_MaxSWGridObjects 50

;--How often backdrop haze is calculated (defaults 3, 1).
Backdrop_HazeTimeDelta 10
Backdrop_HazeTimeVariation 3

;--Large cloud models (aka cumulus clouds) may obscure other clouds, terrain,
;--and models. This behavior may be disabled.
;--Cumulus clouds may also "shade" depending on the sun's position relative to
;--the camera. This may be disabled.
;--In software, cumulus clouds are positioned near cloud decks, unless disabled.

;--When under cumuliform clouds, their bases get hazed specially. When these
;--values are smaller, their update frequency increases, and framerate decreases.
;--Defaults Dist=1024, Time (seconds)=10, Delta=3
CloudModel_QuadRecomputeDist 1024
CloudModel_QuadRecomputeTime 5
CloudModel_HazeDistDeltaUpdateTime 4

;--These define when vertical polygons alpha (fade) out, depending on angle to camera.
;--Smaller values yield tighter transitions (default Min=0.17, Max=0.34).
CloudModel_AlphaValMin 0.17
CloudModel_AlphaValMax 0.34

;--This defines the relative color intensity of the base, relative to the rest of
;--the cloud (default 0.6).
CloudModel_BottomIntensity 0.8

;--Smaller values here increase overall cloud haze calculation frequency, and
;--decrease performance (defaults Time=5, Var=2).
CloudModel_HazeCalcTime 10
CloudModel_HazeCalcTimeVariation 2
;--This defines the largest size chunk with which the base of the cloud may be
;--rendered (default=1024).
CloudModel_MinBottomSize 1024
;--Maximum number of chunks for base of cloud. Must be a power of 2 (default=32).
CloudModel_MaxBottomQuads 32
;--Rate, relative to distance from camera, at which the cloud base is broken into
;--chunks. Large values yield higher rate (default=200).
CloudModel_MinBottomScreenSize 200
;--Rate at which the chunks hazes are computed. Smaller values yield more frequent
;--computation (defaults 20 sec and 100).
CloudModel_HazeTimeDelta 20
CloudModel_HazeDistDelta 100
;--Max number of cumuliform clouds whose visibility is calculated per frame (default=50).
CloudVisibilityMax 70
;--How important a contributor the sky as a whole is to lighting itself (default=0.5).
Cloud_SkyWeight 0.5

;--Says over what time, in seconds, does cumuliform haze interpolate (default=3).
CloudHazeDeltaTime 8
;--How cumuliform haze is colored (depth=10000, R=0.466, G=0.529, B=0.627).
CloudHaze_MaxDepth 10000
CloudHaze_MaxDepthColor 0.4666666666667 0.5294117647059  0.6274509803922
;--How flying through cirrus or altocumulus creates haze (depth=150, Mod=1).
CloudHaze_MaxThinGridHazeDepth 150
CloudHaze_MaxThinGridHazeModifier 1
;--How see-through altocumulus decks are (default=0.8).
ThinGridAlpha 0.8

;--Large cloud decks are rendered using "puffs", arranged in a grid, and have a
;--"backdrop" when viewed from above or below.

;Here's how the falling rain and snow is defined.

reg_average_temperature 270
reg_seasonal_temperature_variation 50
reg_daily_temperature_variation 263
reg_daily_temperature_variation_summer 35
reg_daily_temperature_variation_winter 25
reg_random_temperature_variation 20
reg_frontal_temperature_variation 30

;--How many (default=400).
snow_MaxParticles 5000
;--How far out they (both snow and rain) can be created (meters, default=10):
precip_MaxRadius 25
;--Terminal velocity, in m/s (default=-1.0).
snow_TermVel -1.0
;--Size, in inches, a snowflake is (default 0.5).
snow_size 1.4
;--How far and how slow a snowflake must be to be rendered as a single flake (default 10,4).
snow_minstreakdist 10
snow_minstreakspeed 4
;--How see-through snow is when moving slow or fast (default 0.1,0.7).
snow_minOpacity 0.5
snow_maxOpacity 0.9

sky_SnowOpticalDepthHW 50

;Here's how you tweak those marvelous windshield raindrops, which are really
;composed of three separate effects.

;--How many of each effect, when at max intensity.
;--Defaults: maxdrops=20, maxspecks=240, maxsplats=10
windshield_Maxdrops 160
windshield_Maxspecks 300
windshield_MaxSplats 40
;--Fudgy thing that makes them curve (default=0.60).
windshield_CurvatureYFactor 0.80
;--How they respond to relative velocity. Higher numbers make faster movements.
windshield_VelAirspeedfactor 0.8
;--Fudgy thing that makes them affected by gravity (default=6).
windshield_ForceFactor 5
;--Fudgy thing that makes them move randomly (default=0.1).
windshield_JitterFactor 0.1

;--How many (default=400).
rain_MaxParticles 5000
;--Terminal velocity, in m/s (default=-6.0).
rain_TermVel -10.0
;--How see-through precipitation is when moving slow or fast (default 0.1,0.7).
rain_minOpacity 0.2
rain_maxOpacity 0.6
sky_RainOpticalDepthHW 50

;--Defines how haze behaves around light vector. 'Optical' is -1 to 1.
;--'Mie' is 0 to 1. (defaults Rain -1, Snow -1, Cloud -0.2, Min 0.8, Front 1,
;--Max 0.9).
;sky_RainMinOptical -1
;sky_SnowMinOptical -1
;sky_CloudMinOptical -0.2
;sky_HazeMieMin 0.8
;sky_HazeMieFront 1
;sky_HazeMieBack 0.9

;--Min/max optical values, 0 to 1 (defaults 0.8, 1).
;sky_HazeOpticalMin 0.8
;sky_HazeOpticalMax 1

;--Fudge, default=0.5).
;sky_AmbientSquash 0.5

;  Wisps are a HW only effect that occur when inside, above, below cloud decks;
;  entering or exiting a cumuliform cloud, or flying around an altocumulus or
;  cirrus deck.

;  Disable all wisps
;  Disable near cloud decks
;  These define their density. Larger numbers result in slower framerate.
;  Defaults Max=30, Size=150, Dist=120.
wisp_Max 60
wisp_Size 150
wisp_Dist 240
;  Wisp translucency (0 to 1) is affected by its relative speed, measured in m/s.
;  Defaults are MaxSpeed=6, MinSpeed=0.3, MaxSpeedAlpha=0.6, MinSpeedAlpha=0.05
wisp_MaxSpeed 6
wisp_MinSpeed 0.3
wisp_MaxSpeedAlpha 0.4
wisp_MinSpeedAlpha 0.05
;  Wisps are created this far from camera, in meters (default=10).
wisp_MinDist 50
;  A value of 0 to 1. The lower the value, the sooner the wisp density reaches maximum.
wisp_MinHazeLevel 0.3


;  Virga may exist under cumulus clouds. They are packed in rows and columns under
;  a cloud with a density defined by a value representing the number of virga
;  instances on the side of square (default=2).
Virga_Dim 4
;  Virga fades out when it is approached, defined by these min/max values, where
;  a small value yields a closer distance.
Virga_MaxDistFactor 1.5
Virga_MinDistFactor 0.5
;  Virga haze gets recalculated with a certain frequency, and random
;  variation, in seconds. The smaller the values, the more frequent the
;  recalculations.
Virga_HazeCalcTime 5
Virga_HazeCalcTimeVariation 2
;  Virga may be colored depending on the type of precipitation within. The values are
;  0 to 1, each representing red, green, and blue. Defaults are:
;        Virga_RainColor 0.6 0.7 0.8            Virga_SnowColor 0.73 0.73 0.73
Virga_RainColor 0.6 0.7 0.8
Virga_SnowColor 0.73 0.73 0.73

; Disables lightning flashes
; DisableCumulusLightning
;  Lightning causes CB (cumulonimbus) clouds to flash, at a variety of locations.
;  The location changes randomly, governed by these min/max times, in seconds:
Lightning_MinTime 0.5
Lightning_MaxTime 20
;  Lightning has an energy range. At minimum energy it takes on one color, while
;  at max energy, it may have another. These values are defined by their red,
;  green, and blue components. Defaults:
;       Lightning_MinColor 1 0.878431372549 1     Lightning_MaxColor 0.8117647058824 1 1
Lightning_MinColor 1 0.878431372549 1
Lightning_MaxColor 0.8117647058824 1 1
;  When lightning occurs there is a probability it will not have a bolt associated
;  with it. To reduce that probability (and thus increase the likelihood of a
;  bolt), define this 0-1 value, where 0 means "most likely".
Lightning_BoltProb 0
;  The flash associated with lightning travels a distance, then tapers off. Define
;  the square of this value (dist x dist). The smaller the value, the less further
;  the flash will travel (default=1000000).
Lightning_AttenuationModifier 1000000

;  Here's a bunch of random stuff relating to sky coloration, and other
;  miscellany.

;  Size, in radians, sun and moon appear (defaults both 0.08726646259972).
;moon_size 0.0450
;sun_size 0.0436
moon_size 0.0000
sun_size 0.0600

; how high the atmosphere exists
AtmosphereThickness 50000
; how quickly the atmosphere gets thin with altitude
AtmosphereDensityRatio 0.4
; increase these values for finer sky rendering
sky_Lats 128
sky_Longs 128
sky_GradientLats 720
; this value defines the angle above the horizon where the "solid" sky color begins
sky_GradientAngle 0.4
; these affect the "clear air" absorption
sky_RayleighScatterRed 0.01
sky_RayleighScatterGreen 0.023
sky_RayleighScatterBlue 0.05
; these affect the "clear air" scatter
sky_RayleighScatterRedScatter 0.0004
sky_RayleighScatterGreenScatter 0.002
sky_RayleighScatterBlueScatter 0.003

;  How many low level haze profiles we have defined (default=2).
sky_NumLowLevelHazeProfiles 2
;  Define this to specify which profile to use, else one is chosen randomly.
;  Format: "sky_UseLowLevelProfile (1 to sky_NumLowLevelHazeProfiles)"
sky_UseLowLevelProfile 1

; these affect how light is blended in low level haze
sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedHW 1
sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenHW 0.995
sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueHW 0.97
; these affect how light is scattered away in low level haze
sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedScatterHW 0.23
sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.33
sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.42
; set optical depth of haze (usually 500 to 2500)
sky_LowLevel1OpticalDepthHW 800

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Late response I know, but it does appear that D is the appropriate letter for where my virtual CD is located

On 10/8/2022 at 11:22 PM, patrikmore said:

Install doesn't run silently. You will have to switch between CDs when installing FU3.

I'm pretty new to this to be honest, how exactly would I switch between CDs?

Thanks for keeping active within this sim, it was the first one I ever played.

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@answer for xiphactinus

So you have real game FU3 CDs, so you have "virtual" CDs. 3 CDs for FU3 if I remember correctly. 3 files with ".iso" extension for instance. If your PC works normally, when you double click that file, a CD is virtually inserted. Verify what letter is allocated for that CD. You'll have to extract one CD and insert another CD during install (many times), or just insert another CD on the same letter by double click on the appropriate file, if you have the appropriate virtual CD software.

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  • 11 months later...

Nearly a year later, I have the game installed and running, framerates are good, but there's something strange with the way the game renders areas of water, and indeed some areas of land. At first, it's clear to see where the land ends and the water begins, but it gets progressively worse to the point that the only way to see if an area is water or land is to crash.

While I absolutely appreciate your efforts to improve the look of the game (I used your trick in game settings to increase framerates on max settings), I'm not so fussed myself, and I'd be more than satisfied if I can play with 'stock' effects, as long as this pixellated mess is cleared up.


This is the issue over land




These two show how the map quality rapidly deteriorates when flying over a body of water.

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