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Flight Unlimited 3 on Windows 10

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  1. After a few weeks, finally I can provide steps for a proper installation on Windows 10, and with good visual results also. First download 3 ISO files (3 CDs) from this site https://www.old-games.com/ Why this site? Because with others downloads there is a bug where radio get stuck with horrible noise on Windows 10.
  2. If you don't want to burn CDs or don't have a CD reader, install Virtual CloneDrive from this site https://www.elby.ch/en/products/vcd.html
  3. Insert the first ISO file into your Virtual CD drive. In the Windows run box (you go there through Windows key plus X) execute D:\setup.exe -lgntforce (instead of D put your first Virtual CD drive letter if different). This will install the game.
  4. Install FU3 patch 2.0 from this site https://www.myabandonware.com/game/flight-unlimited-iii-a3t
  5. Install DGVoodoo2 from this site http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/ It's just to copy ddraw.dll, D3DImm.dll and dgVoodooCpl.exe into the game directory. Keep all settings on dgvoodoo2 on default, except anisotropic 16x, AntiAliasing 8x, fast video memory access for performance (give a try) and vSync to avoid little freezes.
  6. AntiAliasing 8x ends up in another issue: white lines appear in most of the plane cockpits. You can remove easily these white lines downloading CockpitDesigner from the link before. https://gpdev.net/Downloads.html Edit the blue rectangle. Increase by one pixel the biggest number on X or Y axis.
  7. DGVoodoo2 is compatible with this plugin https://reshade.me/downloads/ReShade_Setup_4.7.0.exe Starting from Naji great advice, the settings I propose are: Pirate_Bloom | DELC_Sharpen | Pirate_Vibrance | Pirate_Tonemap | prod80_03_FilmicTonemap The result is like magic (gamma setting in the game at 35).
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Just a small add-on to number 5 point in previous post, about DGVoodoo2.

Unticking fast video memory access and vSync leads to almost the same result. Fast video memory access is compatible with the game and gives a small performance boost. You could tick vSync if you suffer small freezes, but this could bring performance decrease.

There is another setting on DGVoodoo2 I didn't mentioned: "bilinear blit stretch". This improves dramatically visual quality, because it works on ddraw, the only DirectX function the game uses.

Changing topic, for snow, rain and storm, I suggest that you copy in flt3.cfg Peter James config found in contiguous thread "Clouds in FU3". For sky I give below my settings which provide too very good colors:

; how high the atmosphere exists
AtmosphereThickness 50000
; how quickly the atmosphere gets thin with altitude
AtmosphereDensityRatio 0.4
; increase these values for finer sky rendering
sky_Lats 128
sky_Longs 128
sky_GradientLats 720
; this value defines the angle above the horizon where the "solid" sky color begins
sky_GradientAngle 0.4
; these affect the "clear air" absorption
sky_RayleighScatterRed 0.01
sky_RayleighScatterGreen 0.023
sky_RayleighScatterBlue 0.05
; these affect the "clear air" scatter
sky_RayleighScatterRedScatter 0.0004
sky_RayleighScatterGreenScatter 0.002
sky_RayleighScatterBlueScatter 0.003

;  How many low level haze profiles we have defined (default=2).
sky_NumLowLevelHazeProfiles 2
;  Define this to specify which profile to use, else one is chosen randomly.
;  Format: "sky_UseLowLevelProfile (1 to sky_NumLowLevelHazeProfiles)"
sky_UseLowLevelProfile 1

; these affect how light is blended in low level haze
sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedHW 1
sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenHW 0.995
sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueHW 0.97
; these affect how light is scattered away in low level haze
sky_LowLevel1ScatterRedScatterHW 0.23
sky_LowLevel1ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.33
sky_LowLevel1ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.42
sky_LowLevel1OpticalDepthHW 800

sky_LowLevel2ScatterRedHW 1.0
sky_LowLevel2ScatterGreenHW 0.995
sky_LowLevel2ScatterBlueHW 0.97
sky_LowLevel2ScatterRedScatterHW 0.5
sky_LowLevel2ScatterGreenScatterHW 0.7
sky_LowLevel2ScatterBlueScatterHW 0.8
sky_LowLevel2OpticalDepthHW 300

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry for the intrusion, but I cannot find a better place to ask: The expertise seems to reside in this specific thread.
Will the instructions about FU3 and Win10 also apply to Win7?

I am struggling to get my own FU3 copy (from the published 3 ISO files with their odd installation sequence) to work on my Win7 laptop.
While all installs fine, while all mentioned extra DLLs have been dropped into the installation folder by me, the program FLIGHT3.EXE (v crashes immediately after opening a black window: The error message is associated with lgvid.ax.
There is a second EXE file in the FU3 folder, (FLED.EXE, a kind of splash screen starter);
it crashes immediately after opening a secondary window entitled "FLED Main Window: No modification package..", before I can access its own menus.
I have not tinkered with the CFG file as I have little knowledge about its functionality; everything is 'out of the box'.

All seen on an older 2014 laptop with Win7x64 (2x Celeron 877 @1.4GHz, 4GB, Intel HD graphics), which is dedicated to some old gaming nostalgia, Shying away from  modern flight simulators that need beefier hardware I would be happy to chop along in the old FU3 world.
I got the majority of my ancient simulator games to work on it, I even found a nifty game port emulator (Rockfire RM203, $18) for my old joysticks and wheels, but FU3 simply refuses to run on this laptop.
Before I literally say 'Eff You' to FU - any hope to get this thing to run at all?

Thanks for any useful advice or hint!

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I had already tried starting the game in various modes (as Admin, with compatibility changes), to no avail.
Yes, I heard that the intro can be switched off, but do not see any related entry in the CFG file (neither 'intro' nor 'lgvid' are mentioned).

I got a little further: by deleting the alleged intro file 'lgvid.ax' I could get the FLIGHT3.EXE (not the splash FLED.EXE) to start into the game's settings screen! 
I can change settings at will, but as soon as any 'flight' starts the program FLIGHT3.EXE crashes with exception error c0000005). This error code is usually related to stack overflow (memory access) in C++, but also to NVidia GForce graphics card  issues.

Most likely it has to do with video related DLLs or even the graphics hardware I am using?
Before I throw in the tower (instead of the towel, we are talking about airports here) I am still hoping to resolve the issue somehow.

Any more ideas how to alter the video driver control of this ancient program?
Thank you!

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Hi, I give here just the following tips:

For no video intro put this entry in flt3.cfg:

;--Gets rid of opening loud movie

For a proper install, do it always from the ISOs:

  • install Virtual CloneDrive from this site https://www.elby.ch/en/products/vcd.html
  • Insert the first ISO file into your Virtual CD drive. In the Windows run box (you go there through Windows key plus X) execute D:\setup.exe -lgntforce (instead of D put your first Virtual CD drive letter if different)

After that, the game could work, but in an unstable way (and bad graphic quality). So please, install DGVoodoo2 from this site http://dege.freeweb.hu/dgVoodoo2/dgVoodoo2/ It's just to copy ddraw.dll, D3DImm.dll and dgVoodooCpl.exe into the game directory.

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Yep, that's what I did, after reading this Win10 related thread.

Maybe I have a misunderstanding of the 'helper' tool DGVoodoo2:
I unzipped the EXE and its support files into the FU folder; it creates a subfolder MS with these two mentioned DLLs. FU will not see those of course. But if I copy them to the main FU folder, the program immediately barfs 'DirectX 6.0 or higher must be installed', does not even start the main screen. Removing these imported files starts FU, but not any flights, as explained earlier: error code C0000005 right after showing the map.
I have not tinkered with the DGVoodoo settings, not sure how they can possibly 'stick' when changing them? Does this tool have to run in parallel all the time to emulate a Voodoo graphics card? For me it makes no difference.

DXdiag shows that my laptop runs at DirectX 11 level. Other games dropped various versions of DirectX (7,8..) to my system during their installation, but apparently only the highest 'sticks'. Assuming backward compatibility I should be fine this way.
Other ancient/older simulator programs do run OK, e.g. many old racing games, even FlightSim 2004.

I really wanted to revive memories of sailing around the S.F. area, where I used to live as a German when FU3 was originally published. Looks like the sky is fogged up for me, sadly..
I am tempted to do a test installation of FU3 on my 'official' Win10x64 laptop, but do not really want to mess with my workhorse.

Any more ideas? Thanks for all hints!

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Yes, I DID read, simply explained how I progressed. Especially as the DLL copy in the suggested FU main folder makes the app crash right away due to a weird Divx 6 message.

As this ancient game is apparently portable (i.e. leaving no traces in the registry or Windows system or anywhere outside its own folders) I tested my entire folder structure on a Win10x64 laptop (Lenovo)
It works as far as I can tell, the landscape looks odd for now, but at least it does not crash, shows panels and moves along.

Leaving exactly TWO potential root causes:
it is either Win7x64 or the laptop hardware (Terra) that inferferes with the program FU3, causing the mentioned error C0000005.right after showing the map.
I do not see any chance to fix this.

Thanks, 'over and out'




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  • 1 month later...

I'm still here.
My links on this page are still valid, and also are my sky settings.
I give below last advises you can use, if you managed to install Flight3:

Use a virtual CD/DVD - I recommend the following free option:
Virtual CloneDrive - https://www.elby.ch/en/products/vcd.html
In a run box execute X:\setup.exe -lgntforce replacing X by your virtual CD drive letter.

I have found a problem that was causing low frame rates. This problem is caused by the game under utilizing the graphics card. This can be fixed in Windows 10:
1. Go to Windows Settings, then “Gaming”.
2. On the “Xbox Game Bar page” go to “Graphics Settings” (Right hand side, below “Related Settings”).
3. From the “Choose an app to set preference” drop down menu, select “Desktop app”.
4. Browse to your folder where Flight Unlimited III is installed (Flight3) and select (double click) “FLIGHT3.EXE”.
5. Once selected, click “Options”, and then select “High Performance”.

DGvoodoo2: leave all settings in DirectX tab as default except:
Force anisotropic 16x
Bilinear blit stretch activated

ReShade 4.7.0 (it has to be this version) After a lot of weeks of testing I finally came up with this setting:

I made a new manual based on the official one, I made also a new Fokker, a new GeeBee R2, easier to fly, and a new sunset weather profile, also 20 planes with the white lines appearing on cockpit (when applying MSAA on DGvoodoo2) removed. If someone is interested, let me know.

Edited by patrikmore
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ReShade 4.7.0 settings of previous post are "discreet". For more vivid outcome, I achieved another set of settings.

I share  these "new" ReShade 4.7.0 settings, and I explain each one.

Unsharp ----> dramatically enhances color saturation. It has to be corrected with the other settings.

Pirate_Tonemap ----> without this setting you have a pinkish color bias I personally don't like.

Pirate_LumaSharpen ----> impacts on detail level, it's necessary and has to be not too apparent.

Pirate_Bloom ----> you need bloom and choose the better one.

Vibrance ---->

Pirate_Vibrance ----> yes , two settings for vivid colors, it's a manner to compensate the other settings.

The result is so good that after that you understand what do the three settings of DGvoodoo2 related with graphic rendering, just looking at them when working. I explain:

Disable mipmapping ----> sharper picture but overall worse image quality

Bilinear blit stretch ----> nice and smooth rendering

Apply Phong shading ----> enhances 3D feeling, surfaces are more "solid"

Finally I stick to "Apply Phong shading" the other two settings deactivated.

At this stage graphic card rendering is so good (it surpass Flight Unlimited I) you don't believe that the game is from 1999.

Add to that clouds settings in flt3.cfg (I have a mix between Driscoll and P.James settings) and the game is utterly immersive. Play with weather settings, intensity and hour, or leave it at random, and be impressed.

Leave your parking, and ATC radio speaks to you. (instead of space bar to activate radio, I use key next to "1" key on the upper left, my joykeys.cfg file is amazing). To me is like an "infinite" game (22 planes). The drawback, I agree, just Seattle and San Francisco regions.


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Installation notes on Windows 10.

<> Problem number one - the FU2 installer refused to start because it "sensed" Windows NT (Windows 10 is a worthy successor to the NT kernel). The problem is solved very simply. The developers initially provided for the -lgntforce command line switch. By running setup with this switch, we bypass the installer's OS check.

<> Problem number two - my FU3 installer "didn't start". To be more precise, the setup.exe process just hung. In any case, it was just such an impression. The problem is solved as follows. In the task manager, go to "Details" tab, and find the running setup.exe there. Right-click the context menu and select the "analyze wait chain" item. In my case, setup.exe was blocked by NVidia utilities. In the same place, we find by the "process ID" (PID) the process that is blocking setup. We select and end this process. Voila, the installation of the game has continued.

<> The last problem is that the game starts and ends immediately. In order to fix this we will use the wonderful dgVoodoo2 wrapper . Copy files DDraw.dll , D3DImm.dll , dgVoodooCpl.exe , dgVoodoo.conf from the wrapper archive to the folders where FU3 is installed. If you want, run dgVoodooCpl and adjust the parameters to your liking. In the DirectX tab, you can force x16 anisotropic filtering.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On dgVoodoo2 I realized this combination is good:
DisableMipmapping                   = true
PhongShadingWhenPossible            = true

On ReShade I realized this combination is good:
DELC_Sharpen instead of Pirate_LumaSharpen and Vibrance ----> off

On joykeys.cfg file these are my settings:
; following assigns both brakes to joystick trigger - a la MSFS
joy_1 console func left_brake_on && func right_brake_on
joy_1_up console func left_brake_off && func right_brake_off
; joy_2 to show green lines for taxi path at unfamiliar airport -- Alt F12
joy_2 Show_Taxi_Path
; uses joy 3 to look left
joy_3 console func Look_Left || func Look_Left_Done && func Look_Ahead
; uses joy 4 to look right
joy_4 console func Look_Right || func Look_Right_Done && func Look_Ahead
; uses ` to start radio communication
` Communicate
; Use W for Autopilot Hold Air Speed
w Autopilot_HoldAirspeed
; Use R for Rate of descent - Autopilot Hold Vertical Speed
r Autopilot_HoldVerticalSpeed
; Use T for ALT - Autopilot Hold Altitude
t Autopilot_HoldAltitude
; Use S to toggle SpeedBrakes  -  same as kp_/
s SpeedBrakes
; Use D for Direction - Autopilot Approach and Heading
d Autopilot_ToggleApr
; uses up and down for throttle
up_rep_5 Throttle_Increase 2
down_rep_5 Throttle_Decrease -2
;  uses space for toggle between IFR cockpit view & VFR cockpit view
space console func Camera_IFR_Cockpit || func Camera_VFR_Cockpit
; uses N for reverse thrust (only when on ground) - same as kp_*
n Reverse_Thrust
; tab (tune) key to auto Tune radio -- same as Alt f
tab Auto_Tune_Radio
; uses \       for navigation lights
\ Toggle_Navigation_Lights
; uses keys Z or X to trim up or down and C to center trim
z_rep_10 Elevator_Trim_Up 3
x_rep_10 Elevator_Trim_Down -3
c Elevator_Trim_Center
; uses key V to put flaps up (restore default position)
v Flaps_Up

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