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GTN Mod v2.O is out


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A new version of the Carenado DA62 GTN 750 v2.0 has now been published and is ready for download at the Flight1 File System Library website.

DA62 GTN Mod v2.0.J_2PG

New features added to the original version of the GTN_MFDDA62VC:


  • The EIS gauges display have been revised to be use realistic parameters and limits, and programmed to be dynamic, i.e. coolant, fuel and gearbox temps will rise, and in cases overheat, fluid levels will be rise and fall. Gauges are “quieter”, less blinks, and programmed to be on when the engines are set to ON.
  • Two Aural alerts for Altitude Capture have been added to the autopilot function, one for 1,000 feet to capture, and another when the selected altitude is captured. You will need Doug Dawson’s xml sound gauges installed on your sim’s Gauges folder. It is available for free at his website.
  • The GTN750 HOME button is accessible using the MENU Button in right hand bezel (next to the DTO button).
  • A deicing gauge has been added to the System Page in the EIS as in the real aircraft, and initial quantity will be set at startup. Consumption rates are programmed exactly as in the real DA62 for each of the NORM, HIGH, and MAX modes. The deice fluid tank when full (37 liters) will last 180 minutes @ NORM, 90 minutes @ HI, and 30 min @ MAX. The Max button will operate for 120 seconds at a time (corrected from 20 sec. as originally set by Carenado).
  • The cabin flood light has been assigned to the flood light knob (fifth position ON, fourth OFF) the cockpit panel. When turned ON this way, the switches on the cabin ceiling are overridden. No more searching for the overhead switch in a cold and dark cockpit.
  • Forward strobes (landing) lights have been added, activated via the ELT ON position. The landing light switch is overridden by the strobe function, as the sim’s landing light variable is directly coded to the switch in the VC model, and the switch will move to the on position when landing lights are ON.
  • A push-back switch has been programmed to the pilots pedal adjustment switch. Left click toggles the push-back on or off, right click disables the Push back. The parking brake is released before starting the push-back.
  • Oxygen levels initial quantity and usage rate have been programmed.
  • The fuel statistics in the EIS have been corrected to properly display endurance and available range at current fuel flow rates.
  • The PFD’s XPDR mode (STBY,ON, ALT) will be switched to ON below 500’ AGL and to ALT mode over 500 feet.
  • Cosmetic changes to improve readability of the EIS pages.
  • An intermittent problem with the altitude hold in the autopilot was addressed and thoroughly tested.
  • Textures for the G1000 MFD are included for the reprogramming of the GTN 750 buttons (DTO, HOME, GPS source) as well as popup shortcuts to the GTN 650, the 2D MFD and a Wx Radar (BYOR).

Many other refinements and improvements in the Autopilot VNAV capabilities are now under beta testing, will be following soon. A glimpse of today's tests:

DA62 VPTH Captured 2

For RXP GTN users, I understand that renaming the GTN gauges in the panel.cfg is all that's required.

If you are interested in helping out with the testing, or have any questions,  please PM me.



i9 10900KF 5.3 \ ASUS Maximus Hero XII \ GigaByte RTX 2080Ti GAMING OC 11GB \ 32GB G.SKILL Z DDR4 3200MHZ \ ASUS ROG 34" UHD monitor\
Samsung 950 PRO M.2 NVME 500GB C Drive \ 4 - 1TB Samsung 860 EVO \ Windows 10 PRO v2004 \ P3DV4.5 \ P3DV5 \ MSFS 2020 PD Ed. \
Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder 1600M FCS \ Saitek Pro PZ45 Throttle Quadrant \ Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant

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  • 2 weeks later...

@jfrex thanks for the work put into this mod.  Looks awesome in your screenshots.  Any guesses as to why I'm getting this view running the lower bar panel cfg?  Also some engine management issues like not being able to start the right one.  RTX2080ti with latest NVidia drivers, latest P3DV4.5 build.  Thank you.



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It turns out that the panel.cfg files might have been corrupted in the preparation of the compressed zip file. I PM you the revised files last night.

To all users who might experience the same problem, do send me a PM with your email address (do not post it in this forum), and I will send you the new files. Just overwite the existing three files in the panel folder. There is no need to reinstall the mod or the aircraft.

A revised GTN MOD 2.0 file has been uploaded to the Flight1 File Library website, but it takes 1 to 2 weeks to get re-posted. If you want this mod now, upload the version currently posted and PM me with an address to receive the newer files.

Sorry for the frustration this might have caused to some of you.



i9 10900KF 5.3 \ ASUS Maximus Hero XII \ GigaByte RTX 2080Ti GAMING OC 11GB \ 32GB G.SKILL Z DDR4 3200MHZ \ ASUS ROG 34" UHD monitor\
Samsung 950 PRO M.2 NVME 500GB C Drive \ 4 - 1TB Samsung 860 EVO \ Windows 10 PRO v2004 \ P3DV4.5 \ P3DV5 \ MSFS 2020 PD Ed. \
Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder 1600M FCS \ Saitek Pro PZ45 Throttle Quadrant \ Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant

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  • 3 weeks later...

@jfrex, very much enjoying this mod.  Question, I noticed that when you change the transponder on the GTN, that the PFD doesn't reflect those changes, well at least not while entering the active.  Does the GTN become the primary transponder over the what is displayed on the PFD?

FYI, anyone having trouble with getting the latest F1 GTN panels to launch in the latest P3Dv4 release, the trick is to set the gauge to launch in legacy mode, as detailed in the manual.  Just search for the word legacy in the manual for instructions.  Easy to do.

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  • 2 months later...
On 12/28/2019 at 11:27 PM, skyhawkii said:

Many thanks for your great mod. I have just one little problem. The CDI needle is not linked to the GTN, when in GPS mode. It still follows the stock G1000 GPS. Any ideas?

Forget it....it was my fault. Everything works fine! I also removed CarenadoNavigraph.dll and CMeteo.dll from FSX which I don't need with the GTN. This results in much better performanche on my system.

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