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Carenado DA62. Should I buy it?


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I am an aviation enthusiast and have recently acquired my Private Pilot Liscense.Therefore, I am looking for a study level general aviation aircraft for my fsx. I recently encountered with Carenado DA62 and while going through its features on the website, I was convinced. However, it is best to ask people if they have the same aircraft and facing some problems with the aerodynamics or avionics.


P.S: I have had really bad experience with the G1000s of the Carenado aircrafts.

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22 minutes ago, Sky56 said:

Is ghe avionics better and more importantly complete in that aircraft?


It's a superb aircraft and the developer has done a great job with the G1000, sadly I think it's only P3D v4 compatible...hopefully I'm wrong.



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IMHO the Carenado G1000s are buggy and incomplete..

Flight1 has produced a custom G1000 for their Mustang, King Air, and C182..


If you really like G1000s, I would start there.

Other option is to go to a GTN 750.. Flight1 or RealityXP.. that will give you real world avionics :smile:

Look at a2a aircraft - they are the best.. (although their web site is down right now..)


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What kind of avionics options would you consider?

If you would like a light twin for IFR training, one of the nicest packages would be the Alabeo Seminole, with a GTN750, and possibly the G600 if that is what you are interested in.


Give us some more info on what you are aiming for, and we may be able to help further..


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