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Carenado PA46T JetPROP STEC and GPS530 trips

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 So I recently purchased the Carenado PA46 JetPROP, (I know it’s old) and for some reason early in the flight sometimes even when still on the ground the Autopilot and GPS530 seems to “trip” and needs to be reset. Also when this happens the stall warning light comes on and stays on for the rest of the flight. Anyone figured out what this is? By the way I’m running it on FSX SE. any help would be great thanks!

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Thanks for the response...perhaps but it seems different, it seems as though it was designed in as a fault of some kind but I dont have simulated emergencies on or anything like that so idk, I really would rather reinstall as a last resort because my antivirus already seemed to hate this add on had to keep forcing it through over and over until it finally installed, plus it’s not something that totally ruins the experience it’s just a slight annoyance the fault happens very early in the flight and once it does happen and I reset everything it doesn’t happen again, I was just wondering if anyone else had this problem, I’ve scoured the internet (to the best of my abilities) and found one single thread on it and they didn’t solve it, just prayed to the simulator gods for a fix from Carenado and then the thread ended years ago, I suppose I could check the trusted status on my antivirus and see if anything is there, again thanks for the response and help 

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You know it’s almost like I’m screwing something up while readying the plane for taxi and takeoff and it’s causing a fault in the navigation system, also since you obviously seem to have the airplane do you know what’s up with the cabin alt alert coming on in the upper 20,000’s ft I’ve maxed out the cabin alt setting at about what looks like 10,300 and it still gives me the cabin alt warning light?

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