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Carenado Baron B58 - no tire squealing sound

Dane Watson

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I have noticed that my recently acquired B58 for P3D v4.4 does not have any tire sound upon touchdown - I find that to be very strange not to have any sound at all.

Is this normal for this model?

If not normal is there anything that I can do to fix this?

Regards, Dane

- Windows 10 Home - CPU Intel Core i7-10700KF @3.8GHz
- EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU - 1TB SSD DRIVE - RAM 32GB - MSFS-2020

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cannot recall if Carenado included any "touch down" sound files for this aircraft. If you have not already done so, you may want to check the sound folder for the Baron and see if Carenado included any touch down sound files or check the sound cfg. for touch down entries. If not, you might try installing the sound files and sound cfg. info for touch down sounds from a twin engine a\c that you may have similar to the Baron.

Hope this helps!

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48 minutes ago, raymie said:

I cannot recall if Carenado included any "touch down" sound files for this aircraft. If you have not already done so, you may want to check the sound folder for the Baron and see if Carenado included any touch down sound files or check the sound cfg. for touch down entries. If not, you might try installing the sound files and sound cfg. info for touch down sounds from a twin engine a\c that you may have similar to the Baron.

Hope this helps!

Tried adding in touchdown files but it did not work.

Carenado does not deny this problem, their answer to me was that they will include this when they do an update - (that may be never?)

Regards, Dane

- Windows 10 Home - CPU Intel Core i7-10700KF @3.8GHz
- EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU - 1TB SSD DRIVE - RAM 32GB - MSFS-2020

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I have no idea why there would not be touchdown sounds for this airplane...

All airplanes have them, and they are included in the Sound.cfg file for the B58.

What is different about this particular plane??

Substituting sounds and sound folders does not seem to make any difference..

Anybody have any further ideas??


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I looked at it for a couple of hours last night.........to no avail.  I see the same thing in the Cessna 340 and some of the other older Carenado titles.  I think it's model related somehow because I use Accu-Feel and its tire squeal doesn't work in these aircraft either.  Something is not signalling touch-down to trigger these sounds.  I don't know where that signal is provided (presumably somewhere in the model), but it doesn't work. Interesting in that the airplane knows it's on the ground because the tires spin-up. 

If we could figure out what the trigger is, it can probably be fixed.  Without knowing the trigger, there is no way to do testing. 

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4 hours ago, whamil77 said:

Upon further review....all of my tire sounds are gone in P3Dv4.4 for all aircraft I have tested.  Hmmmmm....

Hmm, that is a different issue..

I still get a thump in the RV7, F33, Duke..

Just the B58 is quiet.


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Yes, but it's supposed to be more than a thump, especially with Accu-Feel.  Before I could turn that thing up to max and a Cessna 150 would sound like a 747 touching down.  Most of the touchdown sounds (bmtouch, cmtouch, etc.) have a squeal component.  But all I'm getting now it the thump. 

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Carenado really should do something about this but I know that isn't going to happen.

Maybe someone may have the smarts on how to fix this. It's really too bad because sound fx is part of the realism.

Regards, Dane

- Windows 10 Home - CPU Intel Core i7-10700KF @3.8GHz
- EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU - 1TB SSD DRIVE - RAM 32GB - MSFS-2020

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  • 2 weeks later...

Available in the Avsim library

Search: Touchdown External Sounds  (spelling error in the library Touchdoun)

Filename: extdnsnd 

Author: Adnane BOURJA

It's a Flight Sim 2002 file but also works in P3D4.4. I used it in FSX for years. I just tested it with the BE-58 in P3D4.4 and now have touchdown squeal sound. Don

Don Nelson

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On 4/8/2019 at 8:04 PM, D Nelson said:

Available in the Avsim library

Search: Touchdown External Sounds  (spelling error in the library Touchdoun)

Filename: extdnsnd 

Author: Adnane BOURJA

It's a Flight Sim 2002 file but also works in P3D4.4. I used it in FSX for years. I just tested it with the BE-58 in P3D4.4 and now have touchdown squeal sound. Don

Interesting. Is the touchdown squeal sound heard on exterior only or also when in cockpit?

Could you give a bit more info on where the files are placed and any other install info.

Regards, Dane

- Windows 10 Home - CPU Intel Core i7-10700KF @3.8GHz
- EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU - 1TB SSD DRIVE - RAM 32GB - MSFS-2020

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Read the "readme" file included. Sound files go to the main sound folder and manually modify the effects files with notepad.

You asked if you can hear the sound inside, "yes" if you include this additional section under Library Effect.

VirtualCockpit=1  //<==this one or all of them, your choice.

If you have a better sounding screech sound than the amb_aexp2a,b,c use it and rename it.

The aircraft cfg is the trigger

touchdown=fx_tchdwn_s, 1

This change will affect all of your aircraft with fx_tchdwn, _s,_m, etc. in the aircraft cfg. Its there by default on most aircraft. You will also hear your AI with landing squeal.

Brings back memories from the old days. This works for lights, smoke, etc. In FS9 and FSX I added Properties to most of the effects to make the environment more realistic.


Don Nelson

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6 hours ago, D Nelson said:

Read the "readme" file included. Sound files go to the main sound folder and manually modify the effects files with notepad.

You asked if you can hear the sound inside, "yes" if you include this additional section under Library Effect.

VirtualCockpit=1  //<==this one or all of them, your choice.

If you have a better sounding screech sound than the amb_aexp2a,b,c use it and rename it.

The aircraft cfg is the trigger

touchdown=fx_tchdwn_s, 1

This change will affect all of your aircraft with fx_tchdwn, _s,_m, etc. in the aircraft cfg. Its there by default on most aircraft. You will also hear your AI with landing squeal.

Brings back memories from the old days. This works for lights, smoke, etc. In FS9 and FSX I added Properties to most of the effects to make the environment more realistic.


Thanks Don, I will do some experimenting...

Regards, Dane

- Windows 10 Home - CPU Intel Core i7-10700KF @3.8GHz
- EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU - 1TB SSD DRIVE - RAM 32GB - MSFS-2020

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