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v1.2 STILL has issues...


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On 10/27/2018 at 1:23 AM, Nigellgh said:


I have found that any input flight plan will track and change the waypoints automatically if the VNAV is switched on. Flying with a flight plan with procedures without the VNAV on will cause the G1000 not to track the waypoints. I found this out when I forgot to switch in the VNAV. So I activated the leg that the plan was supposed to be on then switched on the VNAV and the waypoints tracked fine until the end of flight.

I have the TBM850 and it does not use the NAVIGRAPH G1000 so it will track waypoints OK (I believe you cannot input flight levels,VNV button inop?). 

I tried that and it works the same for me as you described. That still isn't acceptable, however! If the VNAV mode gave you any control over VS or IAS it wouldn't be so bad, but it does not. At least, I haven't found any way to do that. In order to get a proper climb rate I have to change to FLC mode which then breaks the waypoint sequencing again. Never mind the fact that you should be able to hand-fly any part (or all) of your flight plan with the autopilot disengaged, as you would in the case of an engine failure. It's hard to practice hand-flying a single-engine instrument approach when your waypoints don't sequence!

There are MANY issues with the DA62's G1000. I hope they are working on a fix; as it stands now the airplane looks pretty but is not usable for serious IFR navigation.

I would be happy to work with them to identify things that need fixing. Submitting support tickets feels like talking to the proverbial brick wall, however.

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On 10/28/2018 at 1:21 PM, Aviator64 said:

I tried that and it works the same for me as you described. That still isn't acceptable, however! If the VNAV mode gave you any control over VS or IAS it wouldn't be so bad, but it does not. At least, I haven't found any way to do that. In order to get a proper climb rate I have to change to FLC mode which then breaks the waypoint sequencing again. Never mind the fact that you should be able to hand-fly any part (or all) of your flight plan with the autopilot disengaged, as you would in the case of an engine failure. It's hard to practice hand-flying a single-engine instrument approach when your waypoints don't sequence!

There are MANY issues with the DA62's G1000. I hope they are working on a fix; as it stands now the airplane looks pretty but is not usable for serious IFR navigation.

I would be happy to work with them to identify things that need fixing. Submitting support tickets feels like talking to the proverbial brick wall, however.


This I how I work it, On initial climb out I use either the departure procedure Flight Levels with VNAV. If there is no departure procedure or I want a faster climb out after departure procedure I use the VS hold to climb at the rate I want. Once I have reached my cruising level I switch back to VNAV. The descent will automatically be handled by VNAV if using an arrival procedure, or if no procedure I use a waypoint nearest my TOD and leave the VNAV to do the rest. Even with an arrival procedure if you insert a nearest waypoint to your TOD it will stop the VNAV descending too soon.

Hope this helps.

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Has anyone had the aircraft symbol not track the course line, but slightly off to the side?  Also, the map in some views has horrible resolution, knobs sometimes misbehave until you shift your view angle, like there are graphic and click spot anomalies. Anyway, compared to the Aerobask, which admittedly uses the Laminar Research G1000 as a foundation that works perfectly, I’m afraid to admit that this rendition of the D62 is little more than a pretty face.  At least the big D button seems to work. 

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7 hours ago, Chipwich said:

Has anyone had the aircraft symbol not track the course line, but slightly off to the side?  Also, the map in some views has horrible resolution, knobs sometimes misbehave until you shift your view angle, like there are graphic and click spot anomalies. Anyway, compared to the Aerobask, which admittedly uses the Laminar Research G1000 as a foundation that works perfectly, I’m afraid to admit that this rendition of the D62 is little more than a pretty face.  At least the big D button seems to work. 

Yes, I have noticed that as well. When flying a GPS course the heading is always around 15 degrees to the left of the course track. At first I thought it was a crosswind correction, but flying it with all weather turned off (zero wind) did not make a difference.

If you are zoomed out too far you can lose your VC clickspots. This is a common issue with VCs in FSX and not airplane specific. Try zooming in a little bit.

I have to agree with you about the DA62 being just a pretty face, sadly. It is a visually stunning model, and the hand-flying characteristics are great. It is unfortunate that their glitchy G1000 makes the airplane unusable for any kind of serious IFR navigation.

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  • 1 month later...

So I just got the runaround from Carenado, too. I thought I would mention the issue with the fuel tanks and the response was that my issue was "deemed solved." The only actual reply I got was 'Greetings.' Some support. I did not realize that Carenado was so sloppy in their design and support. But, having read through these posts, I now know to stay away from their planes. Too bad, I like the way the DA62  flies.


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I'm with you Scott. My first impression was really good. The plane flies good, looks good and sounds good. They added the ECU test as well. I thought wow, they really made a great product this time. Then I did the first IFR flights that turned into frustration in between minutes. I spent 70% of my flying time fighting their G1000. Entering flight plans and approach procedures is a nightmare. Waypoint change is only working with VNAV enabled and so on. That's why I'm looking for a way to disable all the Navigraph stuff to make the G1000 work with FSX default navigation like all other Carenados without Navigraph extension. But I have no idea if it's possible. Their support doesn't really care.

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Just received an update from Carenado about the fuel tanks, which may or may not be news to anyone:

"This is an issue with the simulator, the sim do not allow to transfer fuel from one tank to another, only to feed the engine from one or another fuel tanks.
The way it's now modeled in that when you turn on the fuel aux pumps start consuming fuel from those tanks, instead of transfering that fuel to the main tank."


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I experienced some more bugs. On mostly half of my flights I'm loosing VNAV. The plane continues to climb at a fixed rate of 100 fpm. No way to hold the selectet altitue from the flight plan. Should be not so bald just to use the ALT mode instead of VNAV. But we know the MFD only tracks the flight plan in VNAV mode!
Yesterday I lost VNAV again and 30 minutes later I completley lost the NAV mode. There was no way to recover it.

It's annoying. The plane by itself is really nice, but the G1000 makes it unusable. It's not my fist Carenado G1000, but in this plane it's the worst they ever made.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know about you guys, but just installed my new DA62 V1.2...and the ailerons are deflected full right turn which my stick doesn't alter one iota. The rudder, and elevators deflect as expected, ailerons are stuck in a fixed position, although the internal joystick animation works correctly. Anybody else experienced this? It shows that way in the selection menu as well.

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