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v1.2 STILL has issues...


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Fuel issues. Engines only draw from Main tanks, with Fuel Low warning, even though Aux tanks are full. Aux pumps Inop.

Autopilot will track a flight plan, but the plan segments do not change when you reach a waypoint. The plane will turn to the proper course, but the magenta needle swings to point to the waypoint you just passed.

FLCH Mode will fly past selected altitude. When you dial in a desired altitude, then select FLCH, the plane should capture the current airspeed, hold it, and pitch up to the desired altitude, with a green FLCH mode, and a white ALTS mode. This doesn't happen correctly.

I own many Carenado products, and I am growing weary of paying to Beta Test their stuff. They always look fantastic, but perform very poorly. How hard is it to run a product through ALL normal procedures before releasing it?


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21 minutes ago, 300hp.GT said:

Engines only draw from Main tanks, with Fuel Low warning, even though Aux tanks are full. Aux pumps Inop.

The engines are supposed to only draw from the main tanks. You're supposed to transfer fuel from the auxiliary tanks into the main tanks, where the engine can then draw that fuel from.

Still needs fixing anyway, but that's Carenado for you.

Alan Bradbury

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It's getting even worse. Since I installed version 1.2 FSX crashes on every flight with the DA62. I enter a flight plan, take off and on the leg to the first way point fsx crashes after an couple of minutes. Carenado is on the best way that I'm not gonna buy their products any more. The last planes I purchased (Phenom 100, SR22, DA62) turned into a terrible bug fight with no support from Carenado.

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On 10/14/2018 at 6:22 PM, 300hp.GT said:

Autopilot will track a flight plan, but the plan segments do not change when you reach a waypoint. The plane will turn to the proper course, but the magenta needle swings to point to the waypoint you just passed.

I just got the DA62 yesterday and I am experiencing this also. As a workaround you can bring up the FPL screen, use the FMS knob to scroll to the next waypoint, and press "Active Leg".

We should not have to do this though - this is a major bug that they need to fix ASAP. Their TBM850 doesn't have this problem, it seems to be unique to the DA62.

I will submit a bug report on their website and I suggest you do the same.

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15 hours ago, Aviator64 said:

We should not have to do this though - this is a major bug that they need to fix ASAP. Their TBM850 doesn't have this problem, it seems to be unique to the DA62.

I will submit a bug report on their website and I suggest you do the same.

Agreed. I have most of the planes in the Carenado/Alabeo catalog, and so far, the only times I have seen this is when using a GTN 750 in place of the default GPS. But, even in those cases, it didn't matter because, well, GTN.

I have already submitted a support ticket. My experience with Carenado says they will ignore it, since they've already released 2 updates. They tend to move on, and say 'close enough' at that point. It's just a shame their products look so darn good...

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Same here...waypoint change doesn't work. That really kills the usability of the G1000. That needs to be fixed. But I don't think Carenado will do that. They just ignored my ticket with the fuel system bug, which I made a work around for by myself at the end. If there will be a fix available some day (I hope), then it's made by the AVSIM community.

By the way I got rid of the CTD's by moving from the FSX boxed version to the Steam Edition.

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On 10/14/2018 at 1:22 PM, 300hp.GT said:

FLCH Mode will fly past selected altitude. When you dial in a desired altitude, then select FLCH, the plane should capture the current airspeed, hold it, and pitch up to the desired altitude, with a green FLCH mode, and a white ALTS mode. This doesn't happen correctly.

FLCH is working for me.  Latest Prepar3D 4.x build and DA62 v1.2.  Climb speed was 120 kts @ 90% power setting.  It went past the assigned altitude about 10 feet, then settled right on the number.  Will try the other two issues tonight.

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On 10/14/2018 at 6:22 PM, 300hp.GT said:

FLCH Mode will fly past selected altitude. When you dial in a desired altitude, then select FLCH, the plane should capture the current airspeed, hold it, and pitch up to the desired altitude, with a green FLCH mode, and a white ALTS mode. This doesn't happen correctly.

I have found a workaround - after you engage FLCH mode, if you turn the altitude select knob (just bump it up 100 feet and back again) it will engage ALTS mode.

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On 10/21/2018 at 8:45 AM, 300hp.GT said:

I have already submitted a support ticket. My experience with Carenado says they will ignore it, since they've already released 2 updates. They tend to move on, and say 'close enough' at that point. It's just a shame their products look so darn good...

They marked my support ticked as "Solved" without even posting a reply. Is it possible they released an update? I looked on their website and can't find any mention of one.

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I have an update. Carenado responded to my support ticket, asking for a video of the issues with the DA62. They claim they have not received any reports of the G1000 not tracking waypoints correctly, but also asked if this issue happens everywhere, or just certain places. Kind of an odd question, so I wonder if it isn't a Navigraph issue. I'll need to run some flight tests, and see if I can ever get the G1000 to auto-sequence waypoints, like it should.


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They got back to me a little while ago and told me to uninstall/redownload/reinstall the product, which I did. The issue was not fixed.

I have tried it with both the default Navigraph data that came with the airplane as well as the latest cycle. Makes no difference.

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1 hour ago, 300hp.GT said:

I have an update. Carenado responded to my support ticket, asking for a video of the issues with the DA62. They claim they have not received any reports of the G1000 not tracking waypoints correctly, but also asked if this issue happens everywhere, or just certain places. Kind of an odd question, so I wonder if it isn't a Navigraph issue. I'll need to run some flight tests, and see if I can ever get the G1000 to auto-sequence waypoints, like it should.


They just asked me for a video of this issue too. They seem to be interested in this. We should all send them one, if they ask for it. So there is hope for a fix.

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I did a little more experimenting and found something interesting.

If I create a super simple flight plan - just departure, destination, and a couple of enroute waypoints, then the waypoints do advance correctly.

However, any waypoints loaded as part of a SID, STAR, or approach do not. And, it seems like once there has been a failure to advance then it never recovers, at least that is what I have seen.

I updated my ticket with this new information, hopefully it will help.

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I can confirm this. Yesterday I wanted to make a demonstration video for the Carenado support. I wanted to keep it as simple as possilbe. I just flew from one airport to another with 2 simple waypoints between. No approach procedure programmed. This time everthings worked fine. But if I have an approach procedure loaded in my flight plan, the CDI points only to the first waypoint the whole flight while the autopilot follows the complete flight plan correctly.

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On 10/20/2018 at 4:44 PM, Aviator64 said:

I just got the DA62 yesterday and I am experiencing this also. As a workaround you can bring up the FPL screen, use the FMS knob to scroll to the next waypoint, and press "Active Leg".

We should not have to do this though - this is a major bug that they need to fix ASAP. Their TBM850 doesn't have this problem, it seems to be unique to the DA62.

I will submit a bug report on their website and I suggest you do the same.


I have found that any input flight plan will track and change the waypoints automatically if the VNAV is switched on. Flying with a flight plan with procedures without the VNAV on will cause the G1000 not to track the waypoints. I found this out when I forgot to switch in the VNAV. So I activated the leg that the plan was supposed to be on then switched on the VNAV and the waypoints tracked fine until the end of flight.

I have the TBM850 and it does not use the NAVIGRAPH G1000 so it will track waypoints OK (I believe you cannot input flight levels,VNV button inop?). 

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