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Nice aircraft but 2 major bugs found


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First, this is one of the Carenado planes of which I'm not disappointed. I really enjoy it very much. But I noticed 2 major bugs in the FSX version:

1. Flight plans are not loaded in the G1000

2. Fuel from the aux tanks is not usable. You just can fill them, but I found no way to use the fuel. They seem to be not directly connect to the engines (like the real DA62) and the transfer pumps (from aus to main tanks) doesn't work.

Any idea how to fix it?

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Don't think the flight plans not loading is a bug, I just don't think it has the capability to load them, you have to input them manually, which is a bit rubbish, but it's not actually a bug, just a limitation. The fuel transfer issue certainly is a bug though, you are supposed to transfer fuel from the auxiliaries when the main tanks get to 15 gallons, but the pumps don't work, the only thing you can do is 'fudge it' from the P3D/FSX menu.

It flies well and looks great, but the fuel issue certainly needs addressing, and it would be nice if they added the ability for the systems to read an FS plan rather than having to put one in manually. Being that this is a Carenado add on though, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for these things to be addressed by them, although they may possibly be pressured into fixing this by the imminent arrival of the Vertx Flight DA62, since that's probably already putting a dent in the sales figures, and these issues aren't likely to help in that regard.

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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Did a little work around for the fuel system today, to make the fuel in the aux tanks usable. In the aircraft.cfg I replaced this:

//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 2
LeftMain  = -1, -3, 0, 26.0, 1.0   
RightMain = -1,  3, 0, 26.0, 1.0
//LeftAux   = -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
//RightAux  = -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3

external1= -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
external2= -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3

 with this;

//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 2
LeftMain  = -1, -3, 0, 26.0, 1.0   
RightMain = -1,  3, 0, 26.0, 1.0
LeftAux   = -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
RightAux  = -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3

//external1= -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
//external2= -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3


It makes FSX using the fuel in the aux tanks first and then it switches to the main tanks automatically. So you can use the whole fuel capacity on long flights,

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1 hour ago, J35OE said:

Is this with v1.1 installed?  Because the Carenado changelog says:  

-Fixed a Cold and Dark issue about a wrong setting of the fuel tanks

Yes, it's v1.1. I tested it before I made my changes in the aircraft.cfg, but it was not fixed in v1.1 in fsx.

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On 10/8/2018 at 2:57 AM, skyhawkii said:

Has anyone found a way to import flight plans in the G1000?

I replace my (DA 62) panel gauge parts w/  ALABEO C400 CORVALIS TT  (C400_G1000!G1000_MFDC400) and some tweaking works fine!

so customer service was no help. Did not know  v1.2 was out  My bad

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Carenado tells me that it is a peculiarity of FSX/P3D that you cannot pump from tank to tank, only from tank to engine. Someone should tell MilViz because their Turbo Otter does transfer from tank to tank.

Prior to the v1.1 update, you could access the auxiliary fuel by switching the auxiliary pumps on immediately after starting. But the update has stopped that little wheeze. I shall apply Skyhawkii's fix for now.

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On 10/7/2018 at 5:28 PM, skyhawkii said:

Did a little work around for the fuel system today, to make the fuel in the aux tanks usable. In the aircraft.cfg I replaced this:

//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 2
LeftMain  = -1, -3, 0, 26.0, 1.0   
RightMain = -1,  3, 0, 26.0, 1.0
//LeftAux   = -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
//RightAux  = -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3

external1= -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
external2= -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3

 with this;

//Longitudinal (feet), Lateral (feet), Vertical (feet), Usable(gallons), Unusable (gallons)
fuel_type = 2
number_of_tank_selectors = 2
LeftMain  = -1, -3, 0, 26.0, 1.0   
RightMain = -1,  3, 0, 26.0, 1.0
LeftAux   = -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
RightAux  = -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3

//external1= -1, -5, 0, 18.5, 0.3
//external2= -1,  5, 0, 18.5, 0.3


It makes FSX using the fuel in the aux tanks first and then it switches to the main tanks automatically. So you can use the whole fuel capacity on long flights,


Unfortunately with vsn 1.2 installed this does not work for me, I get a fuel empty display on the PFD and the fuel does not come from the AUX tanks first. probably will not get fixed, but I would not mind this fix to work permanently at least I would not have to juggle the fuel settings in the main menu.

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  • 3 months later...

The change from external to auxiliary tanks will make all 89 gals available although the PFD and MFD will only show 25 per side (26 - 1 unusable). This is because Carenado used the FUEL_SELECTOR_LEFT_MAIN and FUEL_SELECTOR_RIGHT_MAIN which set the fuel to be taken in the order left tip, left aux, then main fuel tanks. While they intended to isolate the main tanks from the auxiliary thru the use of external tanks, Carenado did not provide the means to open tank selectors to the external tanks. The transfer pump switches in the center console do not access the tank selectors for the external tanks.

Making the change to the LeftAux and RightAux will empty the auxiliary tanks first and then the mains. The gas gauges will read full until the auxiliary tanks are empty, but all the fuel can be used.

If you are not comfortable modifying the aircraft config files, you can program the yoke or throttle quadrant buttons to start each engine, as this sets the fuel selectors to ALL available tanks.




i9 10900KF 5.3 \ ASUS Maximus Hero XII \ GigaByte RTX 2080Ti GAMING OC 11GB \ 32GB G.SKILL Z DDR4 3200MHZ \ ASUS ROG 34" UHD monitor\
Samsung 950 PRO M.2 NVME 500GB C Drive \ 4 - 1TB Samsung 860 EVO \ Windows 10 PRO v2004 \ P3DV4.5 \ P3DV5 \ MSFS 2020 PD Ed. \
Thrustmaster Pendular Rudder 1600M FCS \ Saitek Pro PZ45 Throttle Quadrant \ Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant

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  • 1 year later...

Why has no one mentioned the bug in v2.0. in FPL, the 1st character typed in (either ICAO or WPT) via keypad (VC or fixed panel) is repeated. This always requires a BKSP to complete the code input and is a real pain in the butt!

Carenado® support ticket response was... Uninstall DA62,  D/L again and install as Admin.

I did that the first time. I did it again.

Hey Carenado®...…It's a bug - fix it!

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