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Baron 58 and 58TC Mod v1.0


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On 3/6/2018 at 11:49 AM, znatusch said:

Both were available on simMarket until, at the latest, last year sometime, but I see that they are not listed now. I just sent a message to Oovee and waiting for their response.

Haven't heard back from Oovee. I suppose that they no longer support their FSX sound packages and are busy with their Spintires game. Darn.

On another note, the directional gyro drifts over time despite it being a slaved unit (and the DI control doesn't appear to do much). Changing the direction_indicator to "4,0" (4 = electric slaved DI, 0 = the indicator to which it is slaved, i.e. mag compass), seems to work but I haven't observed it extensively yet.

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On 2/28/2018 at 5:31 PM, whamil77 said:

This is a makeover/modification to the Carenado Baron 58 and includes a separate 58TC model. The following modifications are included:

In addition to the default GNS 430 the mod is compatible with the F1GTN 650 and F1GNS 430, including night lighting adjustments.  Reworked KFC-225 Autopilot.  Added Garmin GTX330 transponder.


New SHADIN fuel flow gauge for multi-engines.


New MP gauges and airspeed indicator with appropriate markings for the Baron 58TC with . 


Minor FDE changes and performance tweaks and a classic blue repaint. 


Updated sound files to be appropriate for constant speed props.

I am doing the last few tweaks to the mod.  It will probably be ready sometime this weekend.  Those of you already on the list will receive it as usual via email.  For anyone not on the list, PM me an email address if you would like to give this a try.


I just read this AVSIM post regarding the Baron B58 mods.

I have been trying to figure out how to add the various switch click sounds which Carenado never include in the B58 although they did in the C337.

Would your mod file help me with this as well as whatever else you have been able to create?


Regards, Dane

- Windows 10 Home - CPU Intel Core i7-10700KF @3.8GHz
- EVGA GeForce RTX 3070 GPU - 1TB SSD DRIVE - RAM 32GB - MSFS-2020

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Hi Guys,

Did anyone manage to make any progress in getting their hands on the Baron 58 mods ?

Am asking bbecause I have just bought the Baron, Great aircraft but the GNS 430 is a massive disappointment.

I dont mind a 'cut down' version but the Caranado 430 really is short of some very basic functions.

Any help would be great.



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