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Baron 58 and 58TC Mod v1.0


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This is a makeover/modification to the Carenado Baron 58 and includes a separate 58TC model. The following modifications are included:

In addition to the default GNS 430 the mod is compatible with the F1GTN 650 and F1GNS 430, including night lighting adjustments.  Reworked KFC-225 Autopilot.  Added Garmin GTX330 transponder.


New SHADIN fuel flow gauge for multi-engines.


New MP gauges and airspeed indicator with appropriate markings for the Baron 58TC with . 


Minor FDE changes and performance tweaks and a classic blue repaint. 


Updated sound files to be appropriate for constant speed props.

I am doing the last few tweaks to the mod.  It will probably be ready sometime this weekend.  Those of you already on the list will receive it as usual via email.  For anyone not on the list, PM me an email address if you would like to give this a try.


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Hi Bill, 

A thousand thanks and eagerly looking forward to this one. A couple of questions: 

1.) I assume the FDE and "Updated sound files to be appropriate for constant speed props." relates to the notable pitch sound with RPM change as opposed to MP change. This is quite noticeable in your mods for the C340, PA31 and others; is that accurate? 

2.) Is the 58TC mod based on the Carenado B58TC of HawkDsl? 

I ask because I have POH for B58 & B58TC if further reference/info is needed. 

Thanks again for all your efforts and contributions, 

Les Parson


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The pitch change with RPM change is exactly right.  The RPM of the engines is not determined by the throttle once in the RPM governing range (approximately 1500 RPM).  The propeller governors adjust the pitch of the propeller blades to maintain the RPM selected by the pilot, therefore the pitch doesn't change with throttle.  The fact that you ask tells me just how conditioned these incorrect simulations have made so many simmers.  I hear there were many folks that sent trouble tickets about X-plane11 and the pitch changes with RPM when they made the change to the proper engine physics.  

The 58TC mod isn't related to HawkDsl's mod.  There were actually 3 distinct versions of the 58TC.  HawkDsl's mod emulated the Continental TSIO-520-WB engines that produced 325 HP.  My mod emulates the Continental TSIO-520-L and LB engines which produce 310 HP.  That's because I have a 58TC POH for that particular engine.

I would however, love to have a copy of a 58TC POH based on the 325HP engines.  It would be an easy upgrade to make the second version of the TC.  The third version of the 58TC had gigantic 380 HP Beechcraft Duke engines and little info is available as I think very few were manufactured. 

If you have an electronic version of the 325HP version of the POH please send it along.  I could easily build both versions with little effort. 



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8 hours ago, whamil77 said:

The pitch change with RPM change is exactly right.  The RPM of the engines is not determined by the throttle once in the RPM governing range (approximately 1500 RPM).  The propeller governors adjust the pitch of the propeller blades to maintain the RPM selected by the pilot, therefore the pitch doesn't change with throttle.  The fact that you ask tells me just how conditioned these incorrect simulations have made so many simmers.  I hear there were many folks that sent trouble tickets about X-plane11 and the pitch changes with RPM when they made the change to the proper engine physics.  

The 58TC mod isn't related to HawkDsl's mod.  There were actually 3 distinct versions of the 58TC.  HawkDsl's mod emulated the Continental TSIO-520-WB engines that produced 325 HP.  My mod emulates the Continental TSIO-520-L and LB engines which produce 310 HP.  That's because I have a 58TC POH for that particular engine.

I would however, love to have a copy of a 58TC POH based on the 325HP engines.  It would be an easy upgrade to make the second version of the TC.  The third version of the 58TC had gigantic 380 HP Beechcraft Duke engines and little info is available as I think very few were manufactured. 

If you have an electronic version of the 325HP version of the POH please send it along.  I could easily build both versions with little effort. 



Bill, Good news: I have the 520-WB, 325 HP (from Essco). I think I may have provided HawkDsl some tech data about 5 years ago. In any case, it looks like I will be able to provide an electronic copy. I will send PM. Couple more questions: 

1.) Are you saying XP11 models engine behavior correctly as it relates to CS props/RPM, etc? What about turboprop ITT/EGT increases with altitude? 

2.) One other item, a little of topic and maybe outside your wheelhouse - Do you know if is possible to somehow obtain switch "click" sounds for the Carenado B58 in P3DV4.1 like the FSX version? 

Thanks again / LP

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I don't have Xplane, but reportedly their sound modeling is correct.  My older hardware is actually on a serial connection and FSX/P3D are the only sims that can deal with that.  When I upgrade to USB stuff someday, I'll give Xplane a try.

I'll look into the click sounds.  P3Dv4 requires the 64 bit version of dsd_xml_sounds, but that should take care of any missing stuff.



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Bill, thanks heaps for this mod. Reckon it'll give for many a new lease of life on the old B58.

I'd like to get it to work on my system but ran into the same error despite checking the installation against the procedure several times: "Visual model could not be displayed".

I did a bit of searching and found out that this error comes up if the .mdl can't be read; further searching says that this could be due to a .mdl compiled for P3D rather than FSX (which I'm running).

I think that might be the issue here as the .mdl files of known working aircraft on my system have MDLMXMDLH a few characters into the .mdl header; whereas the interior .mdl provided with the mod package (1PB58_interior_minusknobs_2.mdl) has PV20MDLH.

My apologies if it's been stated anywhere that this mod package is only for P3D. If not, any suggestions for how to get it to work for FSX?



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11 hours ago, znatusch said:

Bill, thanks heaps for this mod. Reckon it'll give for many a new lease of life on the old B58.

I'd like to get it to work on my system but ran into the same error despite checking the installation against the procedure several times: "Visual model could not be displayed".

I did a bit of searching and found out that this error comes up if the .mdl can't be read; further searching says that this could be due to a .mdl compiled for P3D rather than FSX (which I'm running).

I think that might be the issue here as the .mdl files of known working aircraft on my system have MDLMXMDLH a few characters into the .mdl header; whereas the interior .mdl provided with the mod package (1PB58_interior_minusknobs_2.mdl) has PV20MDLH.

My apologies if it's been stated anywhere that this mod package is only for P3D. If not, any suggestions for how to get it to work for FSX?



Just plug in the original FSX interior model and change the model.cfg file accordingly.  You will have the 3D knobs from the default GNS units, but that's pretty minor. 

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Got the mods working with the original interior .mdl. The 3D radio knobs can be 'disappeared' via the animation control window.

Really enjoy the new flight dynamics, getting the stall horn to chirp just before t/d.

On the 325 horse model, the MP gauges were both pointing to the starboard engine (i.e. number 2). I corrected this by editing ManifoldTC40_1.xml.

Am using the Oovee soundset and cockpitsounds_v2 (as the original never seemed to have any switch sounds). Idly wondering now if I could jam the rolasn radar into the vc somewhere.

btw, haven't flown the 310 HP Baron yet but looks like both MP gauges in that aircraft will point to number 1 engine.



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4 hours ago, znatusch said:


Got the mods working with the original interior .mdl. The 3D radio knobs can be 'disappeared' via the animation control window.

Really enjoy the new flight dynamics, getting the stall horn to chirp just before t/d.

On the 325 horse model, the MP gauges were both pointing to the starboard engine (i.e. number 2). I corrected this by editing ManifoldTC40_1.xml.

Am using the Oovee soundset and cockpitsounds_v2 (as the original never seemed to have any switch sounds). Idly wondering now if I could jam the rolasn radar into the vc somewhere.

btw, haven't flown the 310 HP Baron yet but looks like both MP gauges in that aircraft will point to number 1 engine.



Are you using FSX or P3D? I'm using P3DV4 and would very much like the cockpit switch sounds without compromising the realism throttle vs. RPM pitch sounds incorporated into Bill's (whamil77) sound mod. Does the Oovee soundset incorporate this? Can you elaborate on 'cockpitsounds_v2? 

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7 hours ago, Les Parson said:

Are you using FSX or P3D? I'm using P3DV4 and would very much like the cockpit switch sounds without compromising the realism throttle vs. RPM pitch sounds incorporated into Bill's (whamil77) sound mod. Does the Oovee soundset incorporate this? Can you elaborate on 'cockpitsounds_v2? 

Hi Les, I'm using FSX-SE, so can't say whether either the Oovee soundset or the cockpitsounds_v2 would be relatively easy to add to the Carenado Baron in P3Dv4.

Probably it can be done with the use of Doug's P3Dv4 gauge, but I don't have P3Dv4 so I can't try this.

The Oovee soundset is payware and for engine and cockpit environment only, and does not have any switch sounds. Cockpitsounds_v2 is freeware, and uses the Doug Dawson sound gauge for FSX. Bill mentions a few posts up that he was looking into the DD sound gauge for P3Dv4.

The Oovee soundset does respond to changes in MP and RPM in a fairly plausible way - provided the engines are operated close to real-life settings. It's not perfect and not comparable to the fidelity A2A achieves (for example) with their complex aircraft, but for me still increases the immersion level with this aircraft.


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14 minutes ago, znatusch said:

Hi Les, I'm using FSX-SE, so can't say whether either the Oovee soundset or the cockpitsounds_v2 would be relatively easy to add to the Carenado Baron in P3Dv4.

Probably it can be done with the use of Doug's P3Dv4 gauge, but I don't have P3Dv4 so I can't try this.

The Oovee soundset is payware and for engine and cockpit environment only, and does not have any switch sounds. Cockpitsounds_v2 is freeware, and uses the Doug Dawson sound gauge for FSX. Bill mentions a few posts up that he was looking into the DD sound gauge for P3Dv4.

The Oovee soundset does respond to changes in MP and RPM in a fairly plausible way - provided the engines are operated close to real-life settings. It's not perfect and not comparable to the fidelity A2A achieves (for example) with their complex aircraft, but for me still increases the immersion level with this aircraft.


Thanks very much. Can you advise where the Oovee soundset can be found? I wasn't able to locate using Google/Bing. 

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11 minutes ago, Les Parson said:

Thanks very much. Can you advise where the Oovee soundset can be found? I wasn't able to locate using Google/Bing. 

Both were available on simMarket until, at the latest, last year sometime, but I see that they are not listed now. I just sent a message to Oovee and waiting for their response.

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