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Cessna 340 Makeover V1.0


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The installation instructions call for setting up a "yoke button" to disconnect the autopilot as well as setting up a yoke command for nose up and nose down trim via FSUIPC "macros" that Bill included in this modification. For that reason, I believe you will need the "payware" version as this seems to go beyond the freeware version's limitation.I used the freeware version for a few years & just purchased the "registered" version of FSUIPC via Simmarket. If you rather not purchase the registered version, you may simply try Bill's mod for this aircraft since it is free. It may work fine--other than not being able to "enjoy the full benefits of the modification" as noted in Bill's installation instructions.  Hope this helps!

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On 2/26/2018 at 8:50 PM, rightseat said:

God Bless You, BILL!!!! This is my favorite old Carenado a/c. We had one in the family for a number of years, but you're right about the default CG!

Thank you for making this; I am so excited!



Sorry to quote myself, but after testing, I can confirm the following: it's freaking awesome.

Thanks again, Bill. 

One question, how can I go about lowering the volume of the engine noises in the cabin, without lowering the sounds in the external view?


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On 3/1/2018 at 9:33 PM, rightseat said:

Sorry to quote myself, but after testing, I can confirm the following: it's freaking awesome.

Thanks again, Bill. 

One question, how can I go about lowering the volume of the engine noises in the cabin, without lowering the sounds in the external view?


You would have to go into the sound.cfg file and lower the volumes of each interior engine sound.  You can also do it by using a sound program like Gold Wave or something similar and lower the volumes of the actual .wav files.  There is an old app at Flight1 called "FS Sound Studio" that would make it relatively easy to change the sound.cfg while preserving the original .wav files, but at a modest price. 

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2 hours ago, whamil77 said:

You would have to go into the sound.cfg file and lower the volumes of each interior engine sound.  You can also do it by using a sound program like Gold Wave or something similar and lower the volumes of the actual .wav files.  There is an old app at Flight1 called "FS Sound Studio" that would make it relatively easy to change the sound.cfg while preserving the original .wav files, but at a modest price. 

Thanks! :-)

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  • 4 months later...

Just installed.  Great set of mods Bill, thanks again.  The NAV button on the AP now doesn't move or work now when I click on it.  Using the twin GTN650's with the default WX.  Any thoughts or suggestions about this?

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10 hours ago, expat said:

Just installed.  Great set of mods Bill, thanks again.  The NAV button on the AP now doesn't move or work now when I click on it.  Using the twin GTN650's with the default WX.  Any thoughts or suggestions about this?

I just checked mine and it's working properly.  Yours is the only report of an autopilot problem I have.  You might try checking the installation carefully.  

Sorry I wasn't more help. 



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  • 4 months later...

Good day every one! I recently attempted to send a PM to Bill, asking if he could forward me a copy of his C340 mod but for u/k reason, the system kicked back a " whamil77 cannot receive messages" alert. Bit late in the game here but does anyone have a spare copy of Bill's C340 mod pack which you could forward to me via email, Dropbox or whatever? Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter.





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  • 6 months later...
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I have the newer C340 II XPlane 11 (ver 1.1) and would like to make it similar to the Cessna 340 RAM VI that I fly.  Would anyone be able to help me figure out how to modify this aircraft to match the RAM VI performance and RAM gauges, etc?

I have already purchased the RealityXP GTN-750 add-on to match the 750 currently installed in the airplane.

Do you happen to know if it would be possible to replace the default autopilot with a S-Tec 55x autopilot?

Finally, in X-Plane 11, how can I individually feather the props when practicing engine failures?

Thanks so much!

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