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no crossed fuel in Arrow/V35 is this normal?


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no crossed fuel in Arrow/V35 is this normal?

bothe these planes (and maybe the F33 make you select left tank or right tank. Crossed seems like a relatively easy fix for this .

Is this like the real planes? was crossfeed an option or standard in more recent models..I normally fly twins and only used my f33/arrow and v34 for short flights and never noticed..

 2 Monitors, 240G SSD.FSX:Steam with UTX USA Scenery, ORBX Base, Buildings, Airports, NorCAL, Steam addon- Airports, Trees, Milviz310R, Alabeo310R, Flight1 GTN750/650, Carenado- TBM850, Baron, Arrow, V35, F33, C441, 421C, Phenom 100, Premier 1A, RA Duke B60 V2, RA Duke Turbine V2,  Active Sky Next always running real WX. Skyvector 

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 2 Monitors, 240G SSD.FSX:Steam with UTX USA Scenery, ORBX Base, Buildings, Airports, NorCAL, Steam addon- Airports, Trees, Milviz310R, Alabeo310R, Flight1 GTN750/650, Carenado- TBM850, Baron, Arrow, V35, F33, C441, 421C, Phenom 100, Premier 1A, RA Duke B60 V2, RA Duke Turbine V2,  Active Sky Next always running real WX. Skyvector 

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