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RMI Addition to Baron 58


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I really missed hand flying DME arcs and good old style RMI flying in this airplane, so I have incorporated a stock FSX Baron RMI gauge into the panel. For those who are old school like me, maybe you crave into this very simple mod. First I would like to thank our mentor Bert for sharing the ADF radio mod into the stack (though I like his radio better but don't have it)--not to mention the F1 GTN gauges. Before stating the mods I don't know if permission is needed from Carenado, or if there is any interest. The RMI looks a bit funky compared to the beautiful 3D gauges in the panel, but it does the job for me. The double green needle points to your NAV2 radio frequency VOR or LOC, and the tail of the arrow will always tell you in which radial you are, no matter whether you are flying to or from the station. This is useful to give position reports to non radar ATC areas along with a DME reading. The yellow needle points to the NDB frequency in the ADF Radio. The mod involves placing the useful digital Shadin fuel meter where the GEM6 gauge is above the backup attitude and directional gyros are, and the RMI in its place. This is what it looks like.



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Can you upload the .cfg to the files section? Old school myself and very weary of GPS this and GTN that installed in every thing today. I miss the days of NDB holds and approaches where you actually had to know how to fly and navigate on your own.

Gary Stewart

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Please standby I am clarifying with Carenado permission to share the mods. They said OK if it involves only codes but I cannot upload any files, models or gauges. Since I am only using stock FSX gauges available to anyone and changing the lines in the panel.cfg, I am assuming it will be ok but just want to be sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/13/2017 at 7:58 AM, CW46 said:

Can you upload the .cfg to the files section? Old school myself and very weary of GPS this and GTN that installed in every thing today. I miss the days of NDB holds and approaches where you actually had to know how to fly and navigate on your own.

I hear you about the old days. I started off in the stone age(1970s) and retired last year. I saw more than a few younger people blindly wanting to follow the gps when the rmi was giving them the correct info but they couldn't put the picture together. If safety wasn't an issue it was a good learning exercise. This is not a shot at the younger folks as a lot of them learned faster than I did LOL.


Picture this...CYRT (Rankin Inlet) in the Canadian arctic...uncontrolled airspace (controlled started at FL230), only an FSS, it's the middle of the day and their version of an aviation rush hour is happening with the following types of aircraft.... GA aircraft, HS748, Saab340, ATRs, 737 and the occasional F18 as it's a forward operating location. There's now gps approaches but before that it was vor/dme with arcs. Everyone is calmly working out where all the traffic is, working out sequence of who's going next on the approach/ departing etc.There's enough traffic that parking space on the ramp is really tight. This worked fine whether IFR to minimums or VFR.  

It was a true example of professionals  doing old style navigation .....and it worked. I enjoy doing this kind of nav on P3d (I enjoy the fms stuff too). Wish I'd had a chance to experience the radio range.


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  • 5 months later...

 Is there a chance you can share this mod again?

 2 Monitors, 240G SSD.FSX:Steam with UTX USA Scenery, ORBX Base, Buildings, Airports, NorCAL, Steam addon- Airports, Trees, Milviz310R, Alabeo310R, Flight1 GTN750/650, Carenado- TBM850, Baron, Arrow, V35, F33, C441, 421C, Phenom 100, Premier 1A, RA Duke B60 V2, RA Duke Turbine V2,  Active Sky Next always running real WX. Skyvector 

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  • 5 months later...

Good Morning!

I bought from SimHack,order [XXXX] ,the aircrat Le Baron 58 for prepar 3d V4.

I didn't find the ADF receiver in this aircraft.

In the Brazil several charts need this receiver.

I would like to add RMI in this aircraft 

Can  you help me?



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I sure hope you meant SimShack!  Please do not put personal order numbers or email addresses in your posts.

Charlie Aron

AVSIM Board of Directors-Moderator-Registrar

Awaiting the new Microsoft Flight Sim and the purchase of a new system.  Running a Chromebook for now! :cool:



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