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Dual GTN650s in the Baron

Bert Pieke

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  • 1 year later...

Bert, I just tried to modify the Carenado Baron with the panel.cfg sections you’ve shown above. I’m running P3D v4.2. One of your instructions is to turn off 3D knobs. The only way I know how to do that is to use one of the pop-up windows that you’ve deleted in favor of a pop-up GTN650 window. This might be causing my bigger problem in that the grey background of my panel has become transparent.  Before and after pics attached. The photos are of the panel displayed on two monitors I have built into a flight deck panel. If you saw the same display on my main monitor, the black areas actually become outside scenery.  

https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8auakln7i9g2q3/2018-03-05 21.13.05.jpg?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwn8jhti2s3g6ym/2018-03-05 21.16.13.jpg?dl=0

The first photo is stock, the second is with your mod. Any idea what my problem is?



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30 minutes ago, LZScout said:

Bert, I just tried to modify the Carenado Baron with the panel.cfg sections you’ve shown above. I’m running P3D v4.2. One of your instructions is to turn off 3D knobs. The only way I know how to do that is to use one of the pop-up windows that you’ve deleted in favor of a pop-up GTN650 window. This might be causing my bigger problem in that the grey background of my panel has become transparent.  Before and after pics attached. The photos are of the panel displayed on two monitors I have built into a flight deck panel. If you saw the same display on my main monitor, the black areas actually become outside scenery.  

https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8auakln7i9g2q3/2018-03-05 21.13.05.jpg?dl=0

https://www.dropbox.com/s/bwn8jhti2s3g6ym/2018-03-05 21.16.13.jpg?dl=0

The first photo is stock, the second is with your mod. Any idea what my problem is?



Sorry, I have absolutely no idea... :blush:


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11 hours ago, LZScout said:

  Bert, can you tell me how you turn off the 3D knobs without the pop up window? 

I added a little xml gauge:

<Gauge Name="Control_init" Version="1.0">

<!-- No 3d Knobs -->
<Element> <Select> <Value>
 (L:3DKNOBSBOOL,bool) !  if{ 1 (>L:3DKNOBSBOOL,bool) }      
</Value> </Select> </Element>

This code goes into an xml text file, I call it Control_Init.xml

This xml file goes into a new subfolder to the panel folder, I call it Controls

(you can choose any names you like..)

In the panel.cfg file, I added one new line:

gauge12=Controls!Control_init, 0,0,1,1


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  • 1 year later...
On 4/7/2015 at 7:00 PM, Bert Pieke said:

If you own the FLight1 GTN650 gauge,  you can install two of them in the Baron.


Use the "no 3d knobs" option.


Using the RXP "Plate" filler strip at the bottom:


window_size= 0.340, 0.260
gauge00=F1GTN!GTN650,  0,0,937,390,UNIT1.POP

window_size= 0.340, 0.260
gauge01=F1GTN!GTN650,  0,0,937,390,UNIT2.POP



gauge00=F1GTN!GTN650,  173,72,328,166,UNIT1.VC
gauge01=F1GTN!GTN650,  173,252,328,166,UNIT2.VC
gauge02=rxpgns!plate, 174,430,326,80




pardon my ignorance but do we leave the rest of the Vcockpit03. gauges 3 thru 10 still in on the above.  I would think wed lose the rest like the annunciator , gem etc. whatever else is in that vcockpit.   please clarify.   i just got the gtn759 complete which includes the 750 AND 650.   I also think we could substitute the gtn 650 in many Carenado panels with existing 530. 430  gps’s

 2 Monitors, 240G SSD.FSX:Steam with UTX USA Scenery, ORBX Base, Buildings, Airports, NorCAL, Steam addon- Airports, Trees, Milviz310R, Alabeo310R, Flight1 GTN750/650, Carenado- TBM850, Baron, Arrow, V35, F33, C441, 421C, Phenom 100, Premier 1A, RA Duke B60 V2, RA Duke Turbine V2,  Active Sky Next always running real WX. Skyvector 

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5 hours ago, mikebxb said:

pardon my ignorance but do we leave the rest of the Vcockpit03. gauges 3 thru 10 still in on the above.  I would think wed lose the rest like the annunciator , gem etc. whatever else is in that vcockpit.   please clarify.   i just got the gtn759 complete which includes the 750 AND 650.   I also think we could substitute the gtn 650 in many Carenado panels with existing 530. 430  gps’s


... is shorthand for keep the rest unchanged!


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  • 3 months later...
6 hours ago, Joel J Van Pelt said:

Why would the clickspots not respond on one of the units? The upper unit only works on the very right side... the continue button. The lower unit works fine.  The hand shows up on the upper but nothing happens when I click on it


Do you still have the old Toggle GPS line?

gauge09=BB58!Toggle_Gps,  247,92,189,112

If so, put // in front of it

//gauge09=BB58!Toggle_Gps,  247,92,189,112



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