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I understand that this aircraft doesn't have an "ALT HOLD" function in the traditional sense.  Use the rocker switch to control VS and then hit the ALT button to hold the altitude.  The question I have, is can the auto pilot fly a glideslope?  I see where it SHOWS the glideslope, but can it FLY one?


If so, how do I tell it to do so?  Here's how it happens for me...


I'm established at a proper angle to intercept the ILS with the alt hold enabled and HDG on the AP.  All is well.  I get close and see the needle goes active, so I hot the APR button.  The HDG light goes off and the plane banks to intercept the localizer.  FIRST PROBLEM, when I hot the APR button the ALT hold function automatically disables.  So I climb back to the appropriate altitude for the approach and hit the ALT button again.  So now I have the ALT and APR lights on the AP annunciator panel (along with FD and AP of course).  The autopilot flies along this course towards the runway, I see the glideslope indicators start to move down, I watch them go past the mid-line... and SECOND PROBLEM, just keep going!  The plane flies RIGHT through the GS intercept and the GS light never turns on.


If there is not supposed to be a GS function, then why is there an indicator for it?  Also why when I hit the APR button does the ALT HOLD function turn off?   If it is possible could someone give a breakdown of how to fly a glideslope with the AP.




PS I noticed the F33A bonanza does the same thing.

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I am below it, I promise lol. I watch the GS bugs move down the screen and then just keep on going down, the plane totally ignores it?


Why does the altitude hold function turn off way before the glideslope is active?


Should I just maintain altitude manually after I hit the APR button until I hit the glideslope?

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  • 4 years later...

The Skyvector APPROACH charts give you the minimum altitude to be at intersections. I have found you have to be at or ABOVE those minimums to intercept. Also be sure your altimeter is set. These Carenado prop birds CAN be finicky and sometimes I have to disengage and re-engage the APR button.  Using the approach plates works best.

 2 Monitors, 240G SSD.FSX:Steam with UTX USA Scenery, ORBX Base, Buildings, Airports, NorCAL, Steam addon- Airports, Trees, Milviz310R, Alabeo310R, Flight1 GTN750/650, Carenado- TBM850, Baron, Arrow, V35, F33, C441, 421C, Phenom 100, Premier 1A, RA Duke B60 V2, RA Duke Turbine V2,  Active Sky Next always running real WX. Skyvector 

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