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I really can't understand the mentality behind not putting the NDB system in the Carenado Baron. This is quite a massive over sight. I've read people saying, so what if there is no NDB, you have a GPS and NDB's are being phased out in the real world. News flash people, we ain't flying in the real world, we are flying in a sim that was built back in the day in the day when NDB's WERE in use, and that data does NOT change for most people in their FSX installation.Therefore it should still be used as a navigation aid, and made available.And here's another thing for everyone to consider. Your GPS works only because there are satellites up in space and they are working as they should. What if the powers that be get rid of NBD stations, and maybe eventually VOR's too, in favour of WAAS approaches, and then the satellite system goes down? How you gonna navigate then? Try flying planes that do not have a GPS, see if you can find your way around, and navigate to where you want to go. Don't underestimate the NDB, it is a very useful tool to aid navigation if you know how to use it. Of course, for those that just want to go from A to B using the GPS and autopilot, you don't need any NBD's or VOR's. But for those that want to navigate properly, the old way, NDB's are essential,I love the Baron, but they should've put an NBD radio compass in the VC.
Well said.
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I was going to buy this bird when I saw on the screenshots there was no ADF, they must have put in an pop-up ADF then...I thougt...but now it's confirmed NO ADF :( ....So there will be no buy for me!In Europe there are alot of NDBs & ADF is an requirement if you want your plane to be IFR equipt :(

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  • 1 month later...

ADF is indeed necessary! And if that can't be added, then you might consider adding RNAV STAR capabilities to the GPS so that it actually can be used during approach. rolleyes.gif (Removing the need to add waypoint after waypoint for the approach)

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  • 2 years later...

Here in the Caribbean we use NDBs quite alot and even though it is a non precision approach, at some airports it the only means of navigation you have and it doesn't stop us from flying into airports even in poor weather. I personally think most people don't like NDBs because they don't know how to use them correctly or simply like the easy way out by using a GPS. Either way it would be nice to have an NDB on the Baron.


Marlon Carter - AVSIM Reviewer

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Outside US (and other prosperous nations) some other country regulations state that a GPS shouldn't be used as a main navigation system/aid yet. Here in Brazil, for example, many airports just have one or two operational NDB.Things are fortunately changing, but down here wheels spin too slowly.

Same in Australia unfortunately... NDB's are all over the place.


I do enjoy the challenge though.



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  • 1 year later...

It is fair, only if for you is available Carenado C185F Tundra (Ski, Float, Amphibian). At me is only standard С-185, therefore I use such change of record of a file panel.cfg.

This is nice.

I would very much appreciate ideas to put an RMI gauge in the Carenado Baron 58. I need it to learn properly ARC DME procedures in my VS IFR School



AHS712D Alvaro Escorcia KSGR/OMAA
AirHispania Virtual Airline
MSFS / ASUS TUF Gaming F15-Refresh-144Hz / 11GenIntel (R)Core (TM) i7-11800H
NVIDIA-GeForce-RTX3060GPU / 1TB-Samsung SSD / 32GB-RAM

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The main gauges in the Baron are all 3d and cannot be changed.


You can, however, put whatever you like in the radio stack area..


edit:  or maybe better, you can replace the Instrument Air gauge.


Send me a PM if you need help with that..


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  • 4 months later...

The main gauges in the Baron are all 3d and cannot be changed.


You can, however, put whatever you like in the radio stack area..


edit:  or maybe better, you can replace the Instrument Air gauge.


Send me a PM if you need help with that..

What I did was to replace the engine management gauge on the co-pilot side (which I never used anyway) with the

default Mooney Bravo ADF gauge.Seems to work ok for me and looks half decent.







gauge08=BB58!GEM6, 9,353,159,156




gauge08=Mooney_Bravo!ADF, 9,353,159,156

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Going back to the original  reply "NDBs....those are still around?" and subsequent responses, too many people dont seem to understand how the current GPS  system came into being. i.e. from CIA satelites that the US govt graciously allowed the world to use for no charge and they have a limited lifespan which is coming up fast. When they need to be replaced who is going to do it and how much will the price of a GPS unit or the usage/second cost  be, to recover the cost then. Older style aids will keep their popularity especially in lesser developed countries and any country that has thrown them out will regret it. FSX is a game, not a professional flight simulator and developing an add-on to suit only a % of total users I guess is Carenados perogative. To be fair they are replicating specific aircraft which hopeful "pilots to be" can use for basic or elementary experience. The rest of us can do what the game was meant to be all about.. i.e. working out how to add in whatever we want to add in as its not all just about sitting behind the yoke. The comprehensive SDK is evidence of that fact and Microsoft should be applauded for its vision in that respect regardless they had a deadline to met and put it out with a lot of bugs in it.

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  • 10 months later...
  • 1 year later...

TC and GTN brought my 58 to life in the sim, so I wanted to bump this and ask again if there is a solution. We used to have two ADF's in the 80s here on twins. I have seen Bert has an ADF in lieu of the 2 inch suction gauge, but how does he get an indication without the radio ?

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1 hour ago, ALF1 said:

TC and GTN brought my 58 to life in the sim, so I wanted to bump this and ask again if there is a solution. We used to have two ADF's in the 80s here on twins. I have seen Bert has an ADF in lieu of the 2 inch suction gauge, but how does he get an indication without the radio ?

You either have a popup ADF radio window,  or install an ADF radio in the bottom slot in the radio stack, below the two GTN 650s..



B58 with ADF.jpg


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