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They are being phased out. (In USA)Where I work ATC one is already gone just this past year. When they break down they don't fix them anymore.I hear they're not even teaching NDB approaches anymore... Fine with me. They are a non precision approach (read highly non precision lol) and RNAV/GPS approaches are much safer and allow pilots to descend lower on the approach than with an NDB.

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 32GB 5600 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



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They are being phased out. (In USA)Where I work ATC one is already gone just this past year. When they break down they don't fix them anymore.I hear they're not even teaching NDB approaches anymore... Fine with me. They are a non precision approach (read highly non precision lol) and RNAV/GPS approaches are much safer and allow pilots to descend lower on the approach than with an NDB.
Yes, in the US they are becoming obsolete. However in our virtual world they are still relevant as navigational aids, and show up in our airport charts as the final approach fix for precision approaches. I doubt anyone is using them for approaches, even if they were taught how.
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The figure in the "VC Diagram.pdf" below the reserve artificial horizon visible ADF indicator. The final plane, this pointer is missing. I think that the ADF was originally planned, but then the developers have abandoned it. Sorry, I prefer the traditional methods of navigation, where the ADF has an important place (GPS guided too easy for me).

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Guys, what is this rubbish about "obsolete" and "everyone hates"? NDBs are just a tool. If you don't know how to use it, then it is one less tool available to you. They also have some significant advantages beyond traditional navigation. For example, the main training area used by my local aerodrome (EIWT) has a very tall radio mast in the middle of it. Tune it in on the NDB and not only will you know when you are flying towards it (not considered clever) you also get to enjoy some light entertainment and current affairs. "I don't need no stinkin' NDB, I got GPS" - until you have a cable short, or a bird strike takes out your antenna, or you bend a pin on the removable front panel, or your licence expires, or the zoom button jams, or ... need I go on?

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As for changing out the VOR2 gauge, it looks like it is part of the 3d model
Bugger. As posted earlier there are still many NDB's here in Australia & although the promo screen shots show a model with VH rego it's highly unlikely there would be a Baron in Australia not sporting an ADF. We have far more NDB's than VOR's.Hope they include one in a patch.

Cheers, Ross

i910900KF | ASUS ROG Maximus XIII Extreme Z590 | ASUS ROG STRIX RTX3070 OC 8Gb | 32Gb G.Skill  Ripjaws DDR4 3200 I  Thermaltake Water 3.0 Riing | Samsung SSD 870 1TB GB HD | WIN 10 64 Bit

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And still I managed to insert into virtual cabin ADF, using the incorporated receiver and index ADF established in С-185. I have established it instead of GNS_2. Probably it not the best variant, however quite working. Changes in panel.cfg the following[Vcockpit03]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512visible=0pixel_size=1024,1024texture=$Panel_baron_3gauge00=rxpgns!GNS430, 173,72,328,166gauge01=C185!adf, 173,252,328,166gauge02=BB58!Auto_taxi_onoff, 3,170,30,24gauge03=BB58!Bus_Volts, 341,1,168,66gauge04=rxpgns!GTX327, 172,428,332,82gauge05=BB58!annunciator_test, 115,171,53,53gauge06=BB58!Trim, 114,226,54,124gauge07=BB58!Flap_lights, 87,266,23,81gauge08=BB58!GEM6, 9,353,159,156//gauge09=BB58!Toggle_Gps, 247,92,189,112gauge10=BB581!fuelflow, 4,4,163,162gauge11=BB583!AirSp, 4,199,28,22That who has in hangar Carenado C-185, this way can be useful (if certainly you like use ADF). By the way same combined ADF is in Carenado Piper PA-28-181 Archer II.

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And still I managed to insert into virtual cabin ADF, using the incorporated receiver and index ADF established in С-185. I have established it instead of GNS_2. Probably it not the best variant, however quite working. Changes in panel.cfg the following[Vcockpit03]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512visible=0pixel_size=1024,1024texture=$Panel_baron_3gauge00=rxpgns!GNS430, 173,72,328,166gauge01=C185!adf, 173,252,328,166gauge02=BB58!Auto_taxi_onoff, 3,170,30,24gauge03=BB58!Bus_Volts, 341,1,168,66gauge04=rxpgns!GTX327, 172,428,332,82gauge05=BB58!annunciator_test, 115,171,53,53gauge06=BB58!Trim, 114,226,54,124gauge07=BB58!Flap_lights, 87,266,23,81gauge08=BB58!GEM6, 9,353,159,156//gauge09=BB58!Toggle_Gps, 247,92,189,112gauge10=BB581!fuelflow, 4,4,163,162gauge11=BB583!AirSp, 4,199,28,22
NB: gauge01=C185!adf should read gauge01=C1855!adf
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It is fair, only if for you is available Carenado C185F Tundra (Ski, Float, Amphibian). At me is only standard С-185, therefore I use such change of record of a file panel.cfg.
OK, I understand
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I really can't understand the mentality behind not putting the NDB system in the Carenado Baron. This is quite a massive over sight. I've read people saying, so what if there is no NDB, you have a GPS and NDB's are being phased out in the real world. News flash people, we ain't flying in the real world, we are flying in a sim that was built back in the day in the day when NDB's WERE in use, and that data does NOT change for most people in their FSX installation.Therefore it should still be used as a navigation aid, and made available.And here's another thing for everyone to consider. Your GPS works only because there are satellites up in space and they are working as they should. What if the powers that be get rid of NBD stations, and maybe eventually VOR's too, in favour of WAAS approaches, and then the satellite system goes down? How you gonna navigate then? Try flying planes that do not have a GPS, see if you can find your way around, and navigate to where you want to go. Don't underestimate the NDB, it is a very useful tool to aid navigation if you know how to use it. Of course, for those that just want to go from A to B using the GPS and autopilot, you don't need any NBD's or VOR's. But for those that want to navigate properly, the old way, NDB's are essential,I love the Baron, but they should've put an NBD radio compass in the VC.

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