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The service pack is on the Carenado website if you purchased the plane from them. Log in to your account then you can access it. If you purchased through a third party reseller, just re download the installer as they sell the aircraft with all of the patches included. The patch came out in early 2011 so if you purchased the plane later than that, you have the patched aircraft.


That being said, I flew the aircraft today and am on the forums because the radar didn't work for me.


Hope that's been of some help.




ps, I have emailed the Carenado team on a few occasions through their website and found them to be very helpful.

Nathan Ford (The Wonder Dog)

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I'm sorry...........but I just don't get it. I have a bunch of Carenado aircraft and they're all beautiful but flawed in various ways operationally.

I'm always impressed with their new aircraft (...the new Hawker included) but I've learned to wait to buy until at least

the significant issues have been corrected (the Hawker may be a long wait.....). Why can't these issues be resolved BEFORE

the plane is released or at least shortly thereafter.

In the case of the C340, I read the post from Carenado saying they were trying to replicate the "nose heavy" characteristics

of the aircraft so they moved the CG forward. If that's what they really did then the following number of posts complaining

that the aircraft is actually "tail heavy" are understandable.....

I also can't believe that the airplane has been out now for almost FIVE years and the inability to preselect an altitude

hasn't been corrected. In instrument flying this is a lot more than an inconvenience.....where were all the "expert" C340

pilots when this oversight occurred and where are they now ??? A patch to correct this should have been issued long ago

to make the airplane a reasonable representation of its real-world counterpart. Carenado should be ashamed......

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