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I'm not trying to stand up for anyone who is trying to pirate software. This is a serious question: do I have to supply an order number to post a suggestion to Carenado? I did purchase the C340 (along with every other Carenado plane for FSX), but I must have erased the confirmation email. I can get it from Carenado if need be. Anyway, to Carenado, I've noticed that the C340 tends to float for a while in ground effect. Is this normal for this plane, and it just means I'm landing to fast, or is this something that needs to be addressed in a patch. I love this plane in any event, and thanks for all your hard work.

Michael Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California

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Guest bstolle
I forgot to add my name in case Carenado needs to check my purchase info in connection with my previous post. Its Michael Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.
Hey, Michael, just forget it. I have no idea why Ty53650 posted this crap. Avsim has absolutely nothing to do with Carenado.And no one here needs (or even wants) a proove of purchase. Just enjoy posting :)
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According to my knowledge, Supervoltek boasted here that he got the C340 from a friend on a flashdrive.That is nothing but piracy in my eyes, so yeah I dont see anything wrong asking the question after supervoltek was told my administrator to go get a legal copy so it is obnvious that I for one would like to know if he purchased it yet legally as I think the majority of users like to support idea of having paid for our software before asking for support. I have no itention to help or support someone with illegal copy and unfortuanately it is a fact that flightsimmers try and help each other so support not only comming from carenado but also from other flightsimmers so I dont think it is wrong asking if supervoltek has stepped up to the plate and is geniune before carenado/other flightsimmers even answer his comments.that was why Ty53650 posted the "crap" he did incase you missed supervoltek boasting here using a "pirated" copy..!. If I am wrong I sincerely appologise, but I am pretty sure I am not wrong about the situation leading up to the 'crappy" post.So IMHO there is nothing wrong with the crappy post but is in fact a very legit question that was raised.

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I forgot to add my name in case Carenado needs to check my purchase info in connection with my previous post. Its Michael Gutierrez. North Hollywood, California.
Mongo no it really is not necessary to post your details but if you boast around here using illegal copy yeah then people get nervous. Fortuanately all people is regarded as having a legal copy but when that person make it publick knowledge that he is not using legal copy, then people kinda ask "crappy" questions..
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Yes my apologies if ive offended anyone, but bliksimpie is correct, if someone is foolish enough to brag about obtaining a "free" copy from a friend, then I feel we as paying customers have the right to call them on it. Im not usually one to enforce rules or take the place of an admin. But I for one will not stand by while someone openly admits to piracy. It's doing nothing but hurt our hobby and our developers. There's no place for such "boasting" here at Avsim, and I just wanted to remind supervoltek that even though time has passed since his comment, it doesn't mean we've forgot the situation, and i feel that asking him if he's complied with mr. Roachs request to peovide reg. details was completely acceptable and just. But I'm sorry I'll let the admins do the enforcing from now on.

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I would like some more or less official statement on what we might see in a service pack. I purchased this package 2 days ago and have had a little time now to test it out. While there are many many WONDERFUL things about the model, there are a few deal breakers for me:1) I can't land this thing. Any flare at all and it floats off into the sky.2) Wx radar does not work at all for me ... does not even display the gauge (just a black hole in the panel).3) I can't replace any of the 6pack gauges with existing or future upgraded gauges, also means we can not popup the existing gauges and can not mouse left&right click fine-tune knobs. I misread the features list in thinking that the 3D button on/off wouldn't include design for replacing the default gauges.Then there are several other minor issues that I could deal with, but would expect to see fixed (other people have reported additional issues, these are just the ones I have personally encountered):- Altitude indication is wrong. Display is off by 1000 because thousands digit does not flip to higher number until after it passes 0 on the hundreds counter (or you could just provide a way to replace the gauge :)).- Airspeed indicator TAS knob does not work (or you could just provide a way to replace the gauge :)).- VC engine volume too low (as compared to all of my other aircraft, including 3 Carenados).- Cowel flap levers are messed up (is "in" open "and "out" closed, or is the push/pull action just reversed?).- Emergency oxygen is pulled (minor).- What is Radar Altitude DH supposed to do? I have not noticed it doing anything (audible? visual?).I am concerned because I bought this very soon after availability (assuming that it would have upgrade/customization capability that I have grown accustomed to, and that it would have had a fair amount of pre-release feedback). I'm not trying to fault the developer here... I'm happy with fly now, fix later -- gets it into our hands sooner. I misread the 3D knob feature description because I was very surprised when I saw that it was only the radio stack and not the traditional gauges.So, I am stuck in the middle. Is the gauge replacement thing that big of a deal breaker? I love to tweek and my favorite modles are the ones I can continually customize as I expand my addons. Although it was a surprise, it is the only item on my list that probably can't be considered a "bug". If Carenado fixes everything else (which I expect they will) without providing some option to replace 6pack gauges would I re-purchase the package anyway? Should I have waited?So, do I request a refund now, remove the model from my system, and wait to see what is going to be on the fix list? Or, do I wait it out and then perhaps be stuck if the fix list does not meet my expectations? What would you do? I like this package enough to want to keep it.Jason

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So, do I request a refund now, remove the model from my system, and wait to see what is going to be on the fix list? Or, do I wait it out and then perhaps be stuck if the fix list does not meet my expectations? What would you do? I like this package enough to want to keep it.Jason
This is entirely your call, but Carenado has typically provided fixes for most (but not all) of the reported problems.The 3d gauge thing is different - more vendors are going this way: RealAir Duke, Milviz C310 etc. The gauges are part of themodel and they cannot be replaced or modified by the user.I'm also hoping that the altimeter makes the list, because that is a glaring safety issue in my books.It should be simple to flip halfway at X950 feet and all the way at X000 feet if they do not want to model therollover as in the real gauge.


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Hey, Michael, just forget it. I have no idea why Ty53650 posted this crap. Avsim has absolutely nothing to do with Carenado.And no one here needs (or even wants) a proove of purchase. Just enjoy posting :)
that does not mean we would like to be surrounded by Legit people. You almost make it sound that it is ok to have a copy as no one here give a damm about inquiring to any proof of purchase. Just go ahead we dont care..! I truelly feel sorry for your company you represent as I see you are a commercial member. I would have thought you would have a bit more tack because when it happen to your company you be the first to jump up and down..!!
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Guest bstolle

I just scrolled to the beginning of this thread and I can't see where Supervoltek stated that he has a pirated or whatever copy. The only thing that happened is that Mongo44 gets the impression that he needs to openly state his personal data...again this is not a requirement.If Supervoltek has posted this somewhere, a link in the above post would have been appropriate to avoid confusion!

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Agreed, i see now why this colt potentially cause confusion. The orig. post was in a different topic, I'll try to provide a link when i get the chance, using a mobile device atm and find it awkward at best to post let alone search and link to another thread lol. My apologies if my post caused unnecessary confusion. Was just a little upset about the situation. Good day all!

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I agree with all the issues you point out. The Altimeter is the bigest issue for me that I would like to see fixed! Id also like to see them correct the panel color as some have pointed out. I did a google search and can not find a beige 340 instrument panel anywhere. That does not mean it might exist somewhere, but Id like to see it in the color most commonly used. (not a big issue, but maybe someone talented can fix it other than Carenado)As for the 3D gauges, Way back when Carenado released the Archer and Arrow, poeple were complaining that Carenado is still in the dark ages because they dont have 3D gauges and all other Companies have them as standard. So now they finally create a plane with 3D gauges and now the other side is upset that they can no longer replace them with RXP gauges. I guess this shows you can never please everyone. I personally dont have a preference as long as they are clear, accurate and update well. If I could, I would replace the Altimeter (at least until it gets fixed), but for now, Im enjoying this plane a lot and eagerly awaiting the patch.Rob

I would like some more or less official statement on what we might see in a service pack. I purchased this package 2 days ago and have had a little time now to test it out. While there are many many WONDERFUL things about the model, there are a few deal breakers for me:1) I can't land this thing. Any flare at all and it floats off into the sky.2) Wx radar does not work at all for me ... does not even display the gauge (just a black hole in the panel).3) I can't replace any of the 6pack gauges with existing or future upgraded gauges, also means we can not popup the existing gauges and can not mouse left&right click fine-tune knobs. I misread the features list in thinking that the 3D button on/off wouldn't include design for replacing the default gauges.Then there are several other minor issues that I could deal with, but would expect to see fixed (other people have reported additional issues, these are just the ones I have personally encountered):- Altitude indication is wrong. Display is off by 1000 because thousands digit does not flip to higher number until after it passes 0 on the hundreds counter (or you could just provide a way to replace the gauge :)).- Airspeed indicator TAS knob does not work (or you could just provide a way to replace the gauge :)).- VC engine volume too low (as compared to all of my other aircraft, including 3 Carenados).- Cowel flap levers are messed up (is "in" open "and "out" closed, or is the push/pull action just reversed?).- Emergency oxygen is pulled (minor).- What is Radar Altitude DH supposed to do? I have not noticed it doing anything (audible? visual?).I am concerned because I bought this very soon after availability (assuming that it would have upgrade/customization capability that I have grown accustomed to, and that it would have had a fair amount of pre-release feedback). I'm not trying to fault the developer here... I'm happy with fly now, fix later -- gets it into our hands sooner. I misread the 3D knob feature description because I was very surprised when I saw that it was only the radio stack and not the traditional gauges.So, I am stuck in the middle. Is the gauge replacement thing that big of a deal breaker? I love to tweek and my favorite modles are the ones I can continually customize as I expand my addons. Although it was a surprise, it is the only item on my list that probably can't be considered a "bug". If Carenado fixes everything else (which I expect they will) without providing some option to replace 6pack gauges would I re-purchase the package anyway? Should I have waited?So, do I request a refund now, remove the model from my system, and wait to see what is going to be on the fix list? Or, do I wait it out and then perhaps be stuck if the fix list does not meet my expectations? What would you do? I like this package enough to want to keep it.Jason
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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 years later...

So where is this service pack? It has been 4 months since we have seen this original post and the weather radar still does not work.

Oh, it's "only" 3 years later now....


Needless to say I have to laugh about comments like these:


Proof that Carenado is one of the best developers out there! Taking customer feedback, and directly addressing it! Keep up the fine work!

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