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Setting the no 3d knobs option

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Hi there,


thanks for the great idea how to solve this, but for me it didnt work. The result I get when I integrate my F1GNS430 in a Cessna 152 by Carenado, is that the 3D Knobs are still visible. I think in the C152 there was not this kind of config tool to turn them off or shortcut available. 

Adding this XML file and changing the panel.cfg didnt work for me. I did this:


//gauge00=C152!Radios,  2,3,286,109
gauge00=F1GNS!GNS430, 2,3,286,109,UNIT1.VC
gauge01=C152!adf,  4,113,285,117
gauge02=C152!transponder,  1,233,286,63
gauge03=C152!oil_gauges,  1,362,228,62
gauge04=C152!fuel,  1,298,229,60
gauge05=C152!amper2,  293,173,107,107
gauge06=C152!clock,  401,96,101,101
gauge07=C152!suction,  387,8,82,82
gauge08=C152!temp,  298,65,101,101
gauge09=C152!Ignition Switch,  439,216,49,49
gauge10=C152!compass,  299,11,63,40
gauge11=Controls!Control_init, 0, 0, 1, 1

And the Control_init.xml

<Gauge Name="Control_init" Version="1.0"><!-- No 3d Knobs --><Element><Select><Value>(L:Init,bool) 1 != if{1 (>L:3DKNOBSBOOL,bool) 1 (>L:Init,bool)}</Value></Select></Element></Gauge>

Can someone help me out on this?


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