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Setting the no 3d knobs option

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If you are installing your own radios, you need to turn off the existing3d radio knobs. Thankfully, Carenado has provided this option (shift-3 anddeselect the 3d knobs).If you want this setting to be the default for this aircraft, you can add a littlegauge that sets it for you.1. Create a subfolder to your panel folder (or your panel.XX folder if you have createdyour own - I typically create a panel.530 folder as an example). Call this new folder "Controls".2. Create a text file with Notepad and copy the following text

<Gauge Name="Control_init" Version="1.0"><!-- No 3d Knobs -->   <Element>      <Select>       <Value>           (L:Init,bool) 1 != if{             1 (>L:3DKNOBSBOOL,bool)               1 (>L:Init,bool)                             }            </Value>           </Select>    </Element></Gauge>

Save this file as "Control_init.xml" 3. Add this gauge line to a Vcockpit section of your panel.cfg filegaugeXX=Controls!Control_init, 0,0,1,1XX is simply the next numberI usegauge07=Controls!Control_init, 0,0,1,1in the [Vcockpit04] section


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Hello dear Bert,thank you very much for this helpfull tweak here! This is exactly what I was looking for! :( Will definately try that out when I know what´s going on with the C340´s CTD´s and floating behavior. Thank you much! Andreas Kroder EDDN

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Bert,I would like to add my thanks for this little gauge. I have also added to my V35 and soon to be 208B Reality XP panel mods.


Main Sim PC: P3D v5.2 & MSFS 2020, i9-10850k @ 5.0 GHz, ASUS Maximus XII Hero, ASUS TUF-RTX3080-12G, Dell U3011 30" IPS monitor, G.Skill 32GB 3200 Trident Z 14-14-14, Samsung 512GB 960 Pro NVMe (OS), Samsung 2TB 970 EVO NVMe (Sim), Win 10 Pro 64, Yoko Yoke, Saitex Combat Rudder Pedals, Honeycomb Bravo Throttle Quadrant

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Thanks Bert! Do you mind sharing your RXP retrofit panel cfg settings.Heck I even wish you had your own dedicated RXP panel retrofit forum... :(
GNS 430: (you need the RXP Unlimited package for this to work!)[Vcockpit03]....gauge00=rxpgns!GNS430, 2,162,318,158gauge01=rxpgns!GNS430_2, 2,337,318,158...gauge07=Controls!Control_init, 0,0,1,1GNS 530: (add your own favorite autopilot)[Vcockpit03]...gauge00=rxpGNS!GNS530, 4,162,316,229gauge01=FS9_Radios!KFC225 Autopilot, 4,394,316,80...gauge07=Controls!Control_init, 0,0,1,1gauge08=rxpGNS!plate, 4,476,316,30


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Thank you, thank you, thank you!The 3D buttons init is exactly what I was looking for.By the way, on my rxp 530 retrofit... I am not seeing the "rxpGNS.plate". Should I have this "gauge" (I have GNS530 and FLT packages)? There is just a black gap below the King-Air AP. I was expecting a "metal" plate.Thanks,Jason

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!The 3D buttons init is exactly what I was looking for.By the way, on my rxp 530 retrofit... I am not seeing the "rxpGNS.plate". Should I have this "gauge" (I have GNS530 and FLT packages)? There is just a black gap below the King-Air AP. I was expecting a "metal" plate.Thanks,Jason
The newer versions of the RXP GNS units include this gauge. Yes, it is a metal filler plate.


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Yes, thanks indeed Bert!

Best regards,
David Roch

AMD Ryzen 5950X //  Asus ROG CROSSHAIR VIII EXTREME //  32Gb Corsair Vengeance DDR4 4000 MHz CL17 //  ASUS ROG Strix GeForce RTX 4090 24GB OC Edition //  2x SSD 1Tb Corsair MP600 PCI-E4 NVM //  Corsair 1600W PSU & Samsung Odyssey Arc 55" curved monitor
Thrustmaster Controllers: TCA Yoke Pack Boeing Edition + TCA Captain Pack Airbus Edition + Pendular Rudder.


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Ok, got the update from the rxp site ... filler plate is now working.It occurres to me, the xml control init, something like this could be used to initialize just about anything right? Say, for Cold & Dark startup for example, I want to have the main batteries off, the magneto switches off, the key turned to off, all of the left panel switches off, and the emergency oxygen lever pushed in; I could put these into init control xml, yes?I realize that reloading the aircraft "in flight" would be an issue, but just for arguments sake, can it be done this way? How would one figure out the ids?Jason

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I realize that reloading the aircraft "in flight" would be an issue, but just for arguments sake, can it be done this way? How would one figure out the ids?Jason
One could simply add some script to only allow the init routine to execute if the a/c is on the ground when loaded...

Fr. Bill    

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