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RXP 530 install

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Here is my panel retro using Reality XP's GNS530W, GTX327, GMA340 and Flight1 Pilatus PC12's KX165A NAV/COM2 along with KR87 ADF I also swaped the Autopilot with the Milviz c310's AP and have a popup for that too. Thanks goes out to Bert for your info on the GPS and more.flya150394599851.jpg


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For the eagle eyed... the 530 fits, but a narrow horizontal sliver is missing along the bottom third. Luckily, it is hardly noticeable, butas you play with the dimensions a bit, it can suddenly interfere bycutting out part of the 530 screen image...If you have the RealAir Scout, the BK autopilot fits and looks niceand has the advantage of having a built in altitude selector :(


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<br />Here is my panel retro using Reality XP's GNS530W, GTX327, GMA340 and Flight1 Pilatus PC12's KX165A NAV/COM2 along with KR87 ADF I also swaped the Autopilot with the Milviz c310's AP and have a popup for that too.  Thanks goes out to Bert for your info on the GPS and more.<br /><br />flya150<br /><br /><img src="http://pic50.picturetrail.com/VOL414/2145963/4175891/394599851.jpg" /><br />
<br /><br /><br />Now, that's what I'm talkin' about! Get that sucker in the air!
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Flya150,Can you post the settings you used for your panel mods?Thanks,John
Here is my panel.cfg ....[Window Titles]Window00=GPSWindow01=ManualWindow02=Control WindowsWindow03=INFOWindow04=Autopilot//--------------------------------------------------------[Window00]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=545,475window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0visible=0ident=15531window_size= 0.345, 0.385window_pos= 0.000, 0.000zorder=0gauge00=rxpGNS!GNS530, 0,0,545,475//--------------------------------------------------------[Window01]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=700,700window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0visible=0ident=793window_size= 0.401, 0.535window_pos= 0.590, 0.020zorder=5gauge00=C340Manual!manual, 0,0,700,700//--------------------------------------------------------[Window02]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=351,123window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0visible=0ident=796window_size= 0.231, 0.108window_pos= 0.010, 0.240zorder=5gauge00=C340!Control_windows, 0,0,351,123//--------------------------------------------------------[Window03]file=info.bmp size_mm=345,157window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0visible=1ident=142window_size= 0.290, 0.176window_pos= 0.010, 0.020//--------------------------------------------------------[Window04]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=1169,280window_size_ratio=1.000 position=0visible=0ident=150window_size= 0.220, 0.090window_pos= 0.775, 0.010zorder=0gauge00=C310_XMLGauges!FBS_KAP140, 0,0,1169,280gauge01=SFGPXSX!toggle_ID150, 200,34,580,110//--------------------------------------------------------[Vcockpit01]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512visible=0pixel_size=1024,1024texture=$Panel_c340_1gauge00=C340!Panel_annunciator, 3,114,286,106gauge01=C340!DME_Screen, 3,1,286,111gauge02=C3401!Clock, 367,367,143,143gauge03=C340!Annunciator_Panel, 291,1,218,364gauge04=rxpGNS!GMA340, 7,433,360,72gauge05=C340!Prop Sync, 321,368,20,20gauge06=C340!Annunciator_Test, 344,368,20,20gauge07=C340!Low_thrust_lights, 2,391,362,36gauge08=C340!RPM_Lights_right, 211,223,77,35gauge09=C340!Prop_sync_light, 211,262,36,36gauge10=C340!Fuel_tank_light, 251,261,37,37gauge11=C340!Gear_clr_light, 5,328,104,58gauge12=C340!Gear_transition, 113,329,93,57gauge13=C340!RPM_Lights_left, 211,302,77,35gauge14=C340!elt_light, 299, 368 ,20,20gauge15=C310_XMLGauges!FBS_KAP140, 3,222,206,102gauge16=SFGPXSX!toggle_ID150, 36,234,108,43//--------------------------------------------------------[Vcockpit02]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512visible=0pixel_size=1024,1024texture=$C340_WXRadargauge00=WX_Gauge340!WXGauge, 0,1,510,321gauge01=C340PRESS!C340_PRESS, 3,326,24,25gauge02=C340PRESS2!C340PRESS2, 36,323,28gauge03=C340!Cabin_Altitude_goal, 309,324,200,85gauge04=C340!Auto_taxi_onoff, 124,333,20,20//--------------------------------------------------------[Vcockpit03]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512visible=0pixel_size=1024,1024texture=$Panel_c340_3gauge00=rxpGNS!GNS530, 8,164,314,229gauge01=rxpGNS!GTX327, 8,394,313,108gauge02=F1PC12!KX165A Navcom2, 11,78,312,80gauge03=C340!RadarAltitude, 330,330,178,178gauge04=C3402!FuelFlow, 341,160,168,168gauge05=C340!GEM6, 346,0,161,158gauge06=F1PC12!KR87 ADF, 16,10,279,58 Day=255,255,255Night=223,215,182Luminous=255,255,255[Default View]X=0Y=0SIZE_X=8191SIZE_Y=3743


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did you guys notice when you press the Radar altimeter knob a black square appears on the 430 number 2? without pressing the knob I had no CTD, while using it my sim freezes... For all those having CTD's make a flight without using the radarl alt

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BTW, you may want an altitude pre-selector which I missin this aircraft, since the Century 21 autopilot that comes withthis aircraft does not have one :(
I stand corrected.. the autopilot model is BK KFC200http://www.baron58.com/Downloads/Pilots%20guide%20for%20the%20King%20KAP%20KFC%20200%20Flight%20Control%20Systems.pdf


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  • 1 month later...

In the very fist post am I right i see a grey panel beneath the GPS. How do I make that happen?I dont have the reality XP gauges (budgetry and...er.... lady boss issues shall we say!) but I have managed to install some Friendly Panel gauges I bought years ago. I can also fit in the FSX stock 530 but there are problems with the boundary between the two stock 430 guages.However I dont know how to fill in the blank spaces underneath (or around) guages. Any tips?I have a basic understanding of paintshop etc so I could probably created my own 'plate' but I dont know really where I would put it.Cheers!

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In the very fist post am I right i see a grey panel beneath the GPS. How do I make that happen?I dont have the reality XP gauges (budgetry and...er.... lady boss issues shall we say!) but I have managed to install some Friendly Panel gauges I bought years ago. I can also fit in the FSX stock 530 but there are problems with the boundary between the two stock 430 guages.However I dont know how to fill in the blank spaces underneath (or around) guages. Any tips?I have a basic understanding of paintshop etc so I could probably created my own 'plate' but I dont know really where I would put it.Cheers!
The RXP GNS has a companion "Plate" gauge which is simply a blank cover.So, in the above, where you see "RXPGNS!Plate" that is what it is.I've got a couple of freeware cover plates which I can send you if you email me..As to where they go - well you have to take a look at the panel layout andread the panel.cfg file to see what goes where... a bit of trial and errorgoes a long way! Just use the Notepad editor to make changes. (Back up first).The gauge format is fairly straightforward:gaugeXX = name1!name2, X, Y, Width, HeightX,Y are the coordinates of the upper left corner of the gauge.Be aware that in the VC, the panel sections are not always contiguous,so you'll have to do some interpretation..bpieke at gmail dot com


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  • 2 years later...

Then open the aircraft.cfg file and choose a Variation that you wantthe 530 to show up in, and set panel=530 for that variation. ..



Bert, where does this come from?  Why is it needed to add panel=530 to the wanted variation in aircraft.cfg. By default it is just panel=                 there. Could you please explain.




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Can RXP's GNS430 be added below RXP GNS530 (in VC)? Any ideas on it?




That is if you have a separate "panel.530" folder with your custom panel.cfg in it.


This is new on me. So it should be in SDK.




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Can RXP's GNS430 be added below RXP GNS530 (in VC)? Any ideas on it?





This is new on me. So it should be in SDK.





Re 430.. I do not think there is enough space.. Try it!


Re SDK, yes, it is explained there.


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  • 10 years later...
On 1/13/2011 at 6:37 PM, Bert Pieke said:

Carenado has made the lightmap changesimple also.Go to the texture.common folder and copy the panel_C340_3_night.bmp fileto the texture folder of the Variation you want the 530 to show up in.Open this bmp file with your favorite picture editor and fill in the two big white rectangleswith black.

Bert, every time I have to Google something about the C340, I find you in a post about it.   You seem to be the resident expert on Carenado,  and I appreciate you.   

Anyways,  I changed up the panel with the Meggitt 2100 and the old CDRadio in the space where the top GNS 430 was.  It seemed useless to have two of them when they don't work independently of each other.    My question is about that lightmap you're talking about here.   It's it possible to resize them and move them to the Meggitt and CDRadio screen spaces?  I successfully got rid of the lighting,  but those screens are just too dark without it.

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6 hours ago, mgordon1100 said:

My question is about that lightmap you're talking about here.   It's it possible to resize them and move them to the Meggitt and CDRadio screen spaces?  I successfully got rid of the lighting,  but those screens are just too dark without it.

I have not looked at this in years.. but yes, you can modify the lightmap bmps in Photoshop or Paint.

Just be aware that they are "upside down" compared to what you see in the panel.  Maximum lighting is with a white rectangle, reduced lighting is with a gray or colored rectangle..  Try it!

Edited by Bert Pieke


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