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Guest BeaverDriver
I have no RW experience in the 340 either but I agree totally on the approach and lift off speeds. I'm also touching down in the low 60's and that just can't be right. I also agree that it pops off the ground too quickly. Seems to do great in all other realms, maybe a little FDE tweaking will have it spot on.You're probably right Glenn, problem is if you don't do a full stall landing you'll wind up landing on the nose gear the way it's set up now.-Bob
Oops, you guys are right and I'm wrong (man, don't hear that very often... JK Big%20Grin.gif ). Stall speed on the 340 is 82 kts (should have looked that up before writing my post). Sixty is WAY off the mark and would explain a few things. Thanks Bob - you guys called it. That NEEDS to be fixed - will change the entire behaviour of the aircraft. Good call.Quick Amendment - that speed is when the aircraft is clean. Dirty it's 71. Closer but still a LONG way off from what it should be. All aircraft behave a little differently (Bob already knows this stuff :() but 10 kts is a huge difference (IRL that could kill a pilot). This needs fixing.
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So does Carenado know about this thread? Have they read it?

13900K | MSI RTX 4090 | 64 GB 3600 MHz | 4x SSD + 1x HDD | ASUS 42" 3840x2160 120Hz OLED
VirtualFly TQ6+ | Virpil WarBRD + Constellation Alpha | MFG Crosswind V2 | RealSimGear GNS530/430


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The real 340 has a VSO of 71 kias...a touch down at 60 kias is almost impossible. Redline in the real 340 is 82 kias unless it was fitted with VG's then it was reduced to 71 kias. If you are in the air below redline and lose the critical engine you do a VMC rollover. Carenado's 340 wants to jump into the air around 65 kias which makes it difficult to keep it on the runway until redline (82 kias). I really think its the cruise lift scaler. disregard this post beaverdriver already posted the stall speeds.

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The CDI does not seem to be linked with the GPS. Is it a bug or there is another switch somewhere to alternate. (VLOC or GPS doesn't work) Even though the switch is on GPS position, CDI still works with VLOC and not GPS)

Real Deraps

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Love the aircraft and glad I bought it! Just wanted to say that first before I write the rest. Flights 1 and 2 ended in CTD and so has flights 4 through 6 after about 15 to 20 minutes. Only one went to the end at about 30 minutes. Everything is fine until suddenly there is the circle of death and FSX crashes.No other aircraft does that to this system. I have Active Sky, ORBX, REX, with extreme settings with very good performance.I hope we find out what it is.Kind regards,

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Guest BeaverDriver
The real 340 has a VSO of 71 kias...a touch down at 60 kias is almost impossible. Redline in the real 340 is 82 kias unless it was fitted with VG's then it was reduced to 71 kias. If you are in the air below redline and lose the critical engine you do a VMC rollover. Carenado's 340 wants to jump into the air around 65 kias which makes it difficult to keep it on the runway until redline (82 kias). I really think its the cruise lift scaler. disregard this post beaverdriver already posted the stall speeds.
Well no, don't disregard it. There is some good info in there that I didn't have in mine. You're quite right about being below VMC and still in the air, and the risks associated with that. Usually by the time I got to that speed, I was over the threshold and killing the throttles anyway. With this issue of the stall speed being too low though, you almost have to approach at Vmc or below, and that's deadly. I agree with your assessment about it being the lift scalar. Problem is, if you adjust that for this, what else then goes out the window? Once again, how did this make it past beta?
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did you guys notice when you press the Radar altimeter knob a black square appears on the 430 number 2? without pressing the knob I had no CTD, while using it my sim freezes... For all those having CTD's make a flight without using the radarl alt

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I have been flying the C340 II for two days now. I have had no CTD or OOM errors. The only problem I'm having is that the weather radar doesn't seem to work. Otherwise, it's a lovely airplane that I am really enjoying.

Lose not thine airspeed, lest the ground rise up and smite thee.

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My first flight I noticed it lept off the ground, waaaay below VMC. I calculated a VREF of around of about 93-94 knots, and coming down final at that, the darn thing wants to float and float and float. Never flown a twin IRL, but I have 200 hours in singles, even with those, I wouldn't be pulling the throttles to idle where I have to with this one. I'd think those draggy split flaps would make that a very bad idea. Other than that, though, a great looking and great flying aircraft!

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Hello everyone!First off I LOVE the C340 in all visual and sound aspects, simply stunning, but these two issues have to be corrected pretty fast as this will make this awefull plane a showstopper for me to STAY IN HANGAR. :(

Well no, don't disregard it. There is some good info in there that I didn't have in mine. You're quite right about being below VMC and still in the air, and the risks associated with that. Usually by the time I got to that speed, I was over the threshold and killing the throttles anyway. With this issue of the stall speed being too low though, you almost have to approach at Vmc or below, and that's deadly. I agree with your assessment about it being the lift scalar. Problem is, if you adjust that for this, what else then goes out the window? Once again, how did this make it past beta?
I realy was confused when I made my first landing with the C340. After touchdown I had to go-around and make a second one close after that as I could not believe that this plane has such behaviour to float like a Diamond motorglider and touchdown was for me at about 59 kts with a heavy twin !?! Approach speed was done at save blue line. B) I am a real world private pilot on singles, I say I NEVER flew twins, but this can not be the real deal. Live would be over, if you do this with a "known" B60 or C310. A funkiller, just of the feeling that it can´t be real. -> Showstopper! :( Does anyone know a quick workover for this behaving by changing parameters in aircraft.cfg or air file like some talented guys did with the C208? Or can any realy world C340 driver tell us right if that is the REAL behavior?
did you guys notice when you press the Radar altimeter knob a black square appears on the 430 number 2? without pressing the knob I had no CTD, while using it my sim freezes... For all those having CTD's make a flight without using the radarl alt
I also got a CTD after about 3 hours of flight. But i can remember that I "played" with the radar ALT in the second half of the flight. Maybe you are right with your thought, I do hope so .... having the fear to be not able to end a flight after 3 to 4 hrs of traveling in this beauty is frustrating -> Showstopper! :( (Again!)GiorgioRA, you mean with "not using the radar ALT" to not just play around with it and leave it as booted or do you mean cleaning it out of the panel.cfg ?! Again, I love this wonderfull C340, my dream came true with that plane after all these years without a C421, but this must be quick corrected, I just cannot "live" with that feeling it is not ready right now. At the moment it is grounded and I am virtually walking arround the plane to catch its full beauty in my imagination. In big hope!Andreas KroderEDDN
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