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Could it be that the fuel gauge isn't working? Did a flight from KBUF to KBOS and the gauge was showing 50gal all the time.
Right over the fuel gauge and EGT gauge there is a little switch which has 2 positions. Main and aux tanks. So depending on the switch position and tanks in use (main or aux) the needles won't move if you're using main tanks and the switch position is on the aux tanks or vice versa (i'm not sure) but anyways we don't have much info on that in the POH.Real Deraps

Real Deraps

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Right over the fuel gauge and EGT gauge there is a little switch which has 2 positions. Main and aux tanks. So depending on the switch position and tanks in use (main or aux) the needles won't move if you're using main tanks and the switch position is on the aux tanks or vice versa (i'm not sure) but anyways we don't have much info on that in the POH.Real Deraps
This switch, at least on my bird, is reversed. With Aux showing Main tank quantity and Main showing Aux. Anyone else confirm this?
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I ve had 2 out of 3 CTD's so far. Also, I can not seem to set up EZdok with this aircraft. I can set up inside views just fine. When switching to outside views with EZDOk, I only see the VC model from a distance. MAybe im doing something wrong, but all other planes ive set up work fine. I love the plane otherwise.Rob

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I ve had 2 out of 3 CTD's so far. Also, I can not seem to set up EZdok with this aircraft. I can set up inside views just fine. When switching to outside views with EZDOk, I only see the VC model from a distance. MAybe im doing something wrong, but all other planes ive set up work fine. I love the plane otherwise.Rob
you had them using Reality xp or just defaults GPS
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I've had 3 CTD at this time please anyone confirm this (this was using RXP 430GPS) I will have to try with the default GPS
I frequently have problems with CTD's while using the RXP GNS430. That being said, I've not had a single CTD in the 340 since earlier this afternoon...I think I just had a random OOM. Between the aircraft, REX, ASE, and ORBX, I'm sure there was a lot going on.

13900K | MSI RTX 4090 | 64 GB 3600 MHz | 4x SSD + 1x HDD | ASUS 42" 3840x2160 120Hz OLED
VirtualFly TQ6+ | Virpil WarBRD + Constellation Alpha | MFG Crosswind V2 | RealSimGear GNS530/430


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Guest BeaverDriver

Is anyone having CTD's with the aircraft as delivered, while using REX, ASE or any other add-on (other than gauges that have been replaced in the aircraft)?

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Is anyone having CTD's with the aircraft as delivered, while using REX, ASE or any other add-on (other than gauges that have been replaced in the aircraft)?
Yep, I am. 15 mins was the longest flight I had so far before a CTD. Using default GPS. I use REX and ASE also, but using ASE or not does not make a difference in it crashing.Rob
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I flew from KSCK-KRNO earlier today which is about 1 hour approx. 118NM without any CTD's and just completed the return trip without incident. I recently applied the 3GB switch to my system when I started to get OOM and freezes and since then I've had none. I am using the default radios that came with the 340II. I hope this can help in some way to eliminate any possibilities.Warm regards, Jeff

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Possible memory leak?I flew KERV to KDAL tonight, and I occasionally paused the sim (in full screen mode) and went back to Windows (Win7). After a few times, I lost my ATC sound (aircraft sounds OK) and sim is very sluggish responding to ATC commands, or view switching -takes a few seconds to recognize a keystroke. Have not had this issue operating in the same manner with other Carenado aircraft or any other aircraft.Thanks,Bruce RiggsKADS



Bruce Riggs


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Battery and both alternater off and parking brake on?
Well I had some of those :) When I did them all it worked fine.
Is anyone having CTD's with the aircraft as delivered, while using REX, ASE or any other add-on (other than gauges that have been replaced in the aircraft)?
My OOM situation was probably RAM related. I can't say for sure but I have been robbing Peter to pay Paul here for a couple of weeks. My FS computer has tried to die twice since Christmas. In any case I do not use any of those addons and do not use RXP gauges so they are out of my picture.

Tom Constantine

The Old Hangar


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I just finished 4 test flights with no further CTDs. I believe I had some problem RAM causing me to be out of memory. We'll see what tomorrow brings. One additional problem I had was MASSIVE yaw especially using the autopilot. The aircraft would climb like a banshee until it stalled and then dive until it leveled out at 110 and started to climb again, or hit the ground. With the autopilot on it ignored me completely.

Tom Constantine

The Old Hangar


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