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User-to-User Support Forums

These are user-to-user forums to include forums requested by our membership. Occasionally a developer will visit the forum and answer questions but do not expect any support.  Questions, answers, and discussions will mainly be provided by our membership. 




  1. Photo Scenery Support Forum

    Are you a Photo Scenery enthusiast? This forum is a user-to-user support forum for freeware/commercial photo-real scenery such as the scenery published by MegaSceneryX.

  2. The PMDG User-to-User Forum

    Own any of the PMDG products? Here you will get tips and help from your fellow users. If you have specific issues with your product, trouble tickets can be set up at the following website: www.support.precisionmanuals.com.


  3. The AS16 and ASCA | Active Sky | Active Sky Next | XPAX Support Forum

    Official Support can be obtained at http://support.hifitechinc.com/ . This forum is an unofficial support forum for HiFi's Active Sky products. Any support provided here will be from your fellow flight sim product owners and most likely not from HiFi themselves.
    Website: http://hifisimtech.com/

  4. The VOXATC Support Forum

    This is an unofficial support forum for VoxATC where users of this add-on and those interested in it can seek community support and input.

  5. The MILVIZ Support Forum

    Military Visualization's unofficial support and update forum where owners of the MILVIZ products can get support and feedback from their fellow MILVIZ product owners. Official support can be obtained at MILVIZ. Website: http://www.milviz.com//

  6. The Level D 767 | Wilco PIC 767 Forum

    Do you own the Level D 767 add-on for FS9 or FSX? Do you own the Wilco published 767PIC add-on? This is an UNOFFICIAL forum for both. Please do not expect the publishers to assist you here. This forum is established for owners to share hints and help and for non-owners to ask questions of the owners on performance, techniques and guidance.

  7. 16.7k
  8. FSReborn Series user-to-user Forum

    Unofficial member-to-member support forum for FSReborn products.

  9. The simPlugins Support Forum

    This was the official support forum for simPlugins products like Panel Builder, Phidget Plugins and any other future products by simPlugins.

    It has been redesignated a user-to-user support forum due to abandonment of the forum by the developer.

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